VBU Recruitment 2017 - Apply Online for 232 Assistant Lecturer Vacancies - Vinoba Bhave University Hazaribag invite online application from eligible candidates to appointment 232 Assistant Lecturer on per lecturer basis in different subjects. Interested eligible candidates who are looking jobs in Hazaribag may apply online before 22-04-2017.
Total Number of Vacancies: 232
Name of the post: Assistant Lecturer
Job Location: HazariBag (Jharkhand)
Job Type: Contract basis
Last date: 22 April 2017
Method of Apply: Online
Remuneration: Maximum Rs 36000 per month (Rs 600 per lecturer per subject)
Application fee: Pay fee through DD in favour "Registrar Vinoba Bhave University payable at Hazaribag" which Rs 1000 for General/OBC and Rs 700 for ST/SC/PH candidates.
How to Apply: Assistant Lecturer Applications by Vinoba Bhave University Applications invite online from official website of www.vbu.ac.in before 22-04-2017 up to 17:00 hrs
Important dates:
VBU - Last date of Receipt Application: 22-04-2017
VBU Lecturer Vacancy official Notification
VBU Lecturer Apply online
Vinoba Bhave University Recruitment 2017 - 02 Medical Laboratory Technician - Vinoba Bhave University Hazaribag has recently released a recruitment notification to fill 02 Vacancies of Medical Laboratory Technician (Pathology) on contract basis. Interested eligible candidates who are looking jobs in Jharkhand may apply in prescribed format (www.vbu.ac.in) before 30-01-2017.
Total Number of Vacancies: 02
Name of the Position: Medical Laboratory Technician
Job Location: Hazaribagh (Jharkhand)
Last date: 30 January 2017
Method of Apply: Offline
Educational Qualification: Vinoba Bhave University selection board looking candidates who have laboratory Technology course.
Selection Process: Interview
Application fee: Rs 250 for ST/SC/DA and Rs 500 for General/OBC through DD in favour "Registrar Vinoba Bhave University Hazaribag payable at Hazaribag".
How to Apply: Medical Laboratory Technician Applications by Vinoba Bhave University invite in prescribed format, fill required details, affix passport size photograph superscribed name of the post on envelope and send to "DSW Office Samrat Ashok Bhawan".
VBU Recruitment Important dates:
VBU - Interview date: 30-01-2017
Details official Notification - http://vbu.ac.in/2017/01/18/contractual-appointment-of-two-medical-laboratory-technicians-pathology/
VBU Recruitment 2017 - Contract Faculty Vacancies, www.vbu.ac.in
Advertisement No: VBU/R/1650/17Total Number of Vacancies: 232
Name of the post: Assistant Lecturer
Job Location: HazariBag (Jharkhand)
Job Type: Contract basis
Last date: 22 April 2017
Method of Apply: Online
Remuneration: Maximum Rs 36000 per month (Rs 600 per lecturer per subject)
Application fee: Pay fee through DD in favour "Registrar Vinoba Bhave University payable at Hazaribag" which Rs 1000 for General/OBC and Rs 700 for ST/SC/PH candidates.
How to Apply: Assistant Lecturer Applications by Vinoba Bhave University Applications invite online from official website of www.vbu.ac.in before 22-04-2017 up to 17:00 hrs
Important dates:
VBU - Last date of Receipt Application: 22-04-2017
VBU Lecturer Vacancy official Notification
VBU Lecturer Apply online
Vinoba Bhave University Recruitment 2017 - 02 Medical Laboratory Technician - Vinoba Bhave University Hazaribag has recently released a recruitment notification to fill 02 Vacancies of Medical Laboratory Technician (Pathology) on contract basis. Interested eligible candidates who are looking jobs in Jharkhand may apply in prescribed format (www.vbu.ac.in) before 30-01-2017.

Vinoba Bhave University Recruitment 2017 - Laboratory Technician vacancies, wwwvbu.ac.in
Advertisement No:Total Number of Vacancies: 02
Name of the Position: Medical Laboratory Technician
Job Location: Hazaribagh (Jharkhand)
Last date: 30 January 2017
Method of Apply: Offline
Educational Qualification: Vinoba Bhave University selection board looking candidates who have laboratory Technology course.
Selection Process: Interview
Application fee: Rs 250 for ST/SC/DA and Rs 500 for General/OBC through DD in favour "Registrar Vinoba Bhave University Hazaribag payable at Hazaribag".
How to Apply: Medical Laboratory Technician Applications by Vinoba Bhave University invite in prescribed format, fill required details, affix passport size photograph superscribed name of the post on envelope and send to "DSW Office Samrat Ashok Bhawan".
VBU Recruitment Important dates:
VBU - Interview date: 30-01-2017
Details official Notification - http://vbu.ac.in/2017/01/18/contractual-appointment-of-two-medical-laboratory-technicians-pathology/