JNTBGRI Recruitment 2017 - 46 JPF, Project Assistant, Computer Assistant and System Administrator Vacancies
JNTBGRI Recruitment - JPF, Project Assistant, Computer Assistant and System Administrator Vacancies, www.jntbgri.res.in
Advertisement No:
Total Number of Vacancies: 46
Name of the Position: JRF/ JPF
Job Location: Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala)
Last date: 22 to 24 August 2017
Method of Apply: Walk in interview
Name of The Posts:
01. JPF: 30
02. Project Assistant: 13
03. Computer Assistant: 02
04. System Administrator: 01
Educational Qualification: Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden & Research Institute looking candidates who have degree in Zoology/ Ecology/ Forestry/ Wildlife with NET Qualification.
Selection Process: basis on Interview
How to Apply: JPF and other posts Applications are invite in prescribed format along with copies of certificates, date of birth, experience certificates along with original documents walk in interview at "Karmiancode P.O. Pacha Palode, Thiruvananthapuram 695562, Kerala India".
JNTBGRI Recruitment Important dates:
Interview date: 22 to 24-08-2017
Details official Notification