Assam rifles recruitment 2017 - Apply for 65 Rifleman (General Duty) posts

Assam Rifles recruitment 2017 - Apply for 65 Rifleman (General Duty) Posts: Assam rifles has recently released a recruitment notification to fill 65 vacancies of Rifleman (General Duty). Interested eligible candidates who are seeking jobs in ARMY may apply before 20-08-2017 and other details of employment notification given below.
Assam rifles recruitment rally 2017,

Assam Rifles recruitment 2017 - Rifleman (General Duty) Vacancies details:
Advertisement No:
Total Number of Posts: 65
Name of The Post: Rifleman (General Duty)
Job Location: All India
Job Type: Special for Sports person

Last date: 20 August 2017
Process of Apply: Offline

Educational qualification: Assam rifles looking candidates who are Minimum 10+2 passed certificate from a recognized board.
  • Sports discipline -  Archery, Boxing, Equestrian, Football, Judo, Karate-DO, Taekwondo
Age Limit: 18 - 23 years

Selection process:
01. Physical Standard Test
02. Written Examination
03. Medical Examination Test
04. Field Test

Application fee: Applicants will have to pay Rs 100 for OBC and General Candidates by challan in favour "Through IPO in favour Recruitment Branch, HQ DGAR, Shillong-793010".

How to apply: Assam rifles for the posts of Rifleman (General Duty) applications invite by prescribed format before along with all required copies of certificate before 20-08-2017.

Important Dates:
Last date of receipt application: 20-08-2017
Recruitment Rally date: 04-09-2017
Click here for recruitment Notification & Application form

C/O 56 APO Recruitment 2017 - 320 Fireman and Tradesman Mate Vacancies

C/O 56 APO Recruitment 2017 - Apply for 320 Fireman and Tradesman Mate - 39 FIELD AMMUNITION DEPOT PIN for C/O 56 APO under Ministry of Defence invite prescribed application format to recruit 320 Group C vacancies of Fireman and Tradesman. Interested eligible applicants may apply up to 06-08-2017.

C/O 56 APO Recruitment 2017 - Fireman and Tradesman Mate Vacancies

Notification No:
Total Number of Vacancies: 320
Job Location: Bharatpur (Rajasthan)

Last date: 06 August 2017
Method of Apply: Offline

Name of The Position:
01. Tradesman Mate: 319
02. Fireman: 04

Age limit: 18 - 25 years for UR, 18 - 30 year for SC for Tradesman and 18 - 27 year for UR, 18 - 32 years for SC for Fireman.

Educational Qualification:
  • Fireman - Candidates must be holding matriculation or equivalent examination passed
  • Tradesman Mate -  10th passed from a recognised school
Physical standards for Fireman:
  • Height - 165 cms
  • Chest - 81.5 - 85 cms 
  • Weight: 54 kg minimum
Selection Process: Physical test/ Written Test/ Practical and Medical test

How to Apply: Fireman and Tradesman Mate Applications are invited in plain prescribed format application which may be download from following given a link and send to "GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF DEFENCE 39 FIELD AMMUNITION DEPOT PIN- 900309 C/O 56 APO, BHARATPUR".

Important dates: 
Last date of receipt Application: 06-08-2017

Detail Employment Notification and Application form

Indian Army Air Defence Records Recruitment 2017 - Apply for 19 LDC Vacancies

Indian Army Air Defence Records Recruitment 2017 - Apply for 19 LDC - Government of India Ministry of Defence has recently published an employment notification to fill 19 Vacancies of Lower Division clerk (LDC). Interested eligible candidates may apply up to 22-07-2017.
Indian Army Air Defence Records Recruitment 2017

Indian Army Air Defence Recruitment 2017 - LDC Vacancies

Advt No:
Total Number of Vacancies: 19
Name of The Post: Lower Division clerk (LDC)
Job Location: All India

Last date: 22 July 2017 (Approximate date)
Method of Apply: Offline

Vacancy details by Categories:
01. Unreserved (General): 07
02. SC: 03
03. ST: 04
04. OBC: 02
05. ESM: 03

Salary details: Rs 19900 (As per recommendation of 7th CPC)

Educational Qualification:
  • LDC - 12th class passed with 35 WPM typing speed in English or 30 WPM in Hindi
Age limit: 18 - 25 years for UR, 18 - 30 years for ST/SC and 18 - 28 years for OBC categories candidates.

Selection Process: Written Test/ Typing test

How to Apply: LDC Applications by Indian Army Air Defence invite in prescribed format along with all required copies of certificates send to "Commanding Officer Army Air Defence Records Gopalpur Military Station Ganjam (Odisha) PIN- 761052".

Important dates:
Advt Publish in Employment news: 01 - 07 July 2017
Last date: 23 Days (Approximate date: 22 July 2017)

Detail official Notification & Application form

Command Hospital Pune Recruitment 2017 - 42 Group D vacancies

Command Hospital Pune Recruitment 2017 - 42 Group D - Command Hospital (SC) Pune has recently released a recruitment notification to fill 42 Group D Vacancies of Barber, Chowkidar, T/ Mate, Ward Sahaylka, Messenger, Mail Safaiwala and Washer man. Interested eligible candidates may apply in prescribed format up to 08-07-2017.
Command Hospital Pune Recruitment 2017

Command Hospital Pune Recruitment 2017 - Group D vacancies

Advt No:
Total Number of Vacancies: 42
Job Location: Pune (Maharastra)

Last date: 08 June 2017
Method of Apply: Offline

Name of The Posts:
01. Chowkidar: 07
02. Barber: 02
03. T/ Mate: 01
04. Ward Sahaylka: 20
05. Washerman: 02
06. Messenger: 02
07. Mail: 03
08. Safaiwala: 05

Age limit: 18 - 25 years as on last date (Relaxation in upper age limit as 05 years for ST/SC and 03 years for OBC also applicable).

Educational Qualification:
  • Group D/ All above-given posts - Matriculation pass or equivalent from a recognised board
Salary Details: Pay Matrix Rs 18000 per month

Selection Process: Written Test/ Trade test basis

How to Apply: Above given Tradesman Group D applications invite in prescribed format along with all required copies of certificates in an envelope along with required copies of certificates and affix passport size photograph send to "The Commandant, Command Hospital (Southern Command) Pune – 40".

Important dates:
Last date of Reciept Application: 08-07-2017

Detail official Notification & Download Application form

HQ Base Workshop Group EME Recruitment 2017 - Apply for 56 Group 'C' Vacancies

HQ Base Workshop Group EME Recruitment 2017 - Apply for 56 Group 'C' Electrician, Vehicle Mechanic, Armament Mechanic, Machinist, LDC, MTS, Washerman, Waiter Mess and other Vacancies
HQ Base Workshop EME Recruitment 2017 - 10 LDC, Safaiwala, Messenger, Tradesman Mate and Painter - HQ Base Workshop Group EME invite prescribed format applications from interested eligible candidates to recruit 10 Painter, Tradesman Mate, Messenger, Safaiwala and LDC Vacancies Vacancies. Interested eligible candidates may apply before 30-06-2017, The Employment notification brief details like age limit/ eligible criteria/ selection process/ how to apply process given below.
HQ Base Workshop Group EME Recruitment 2017

HQ Base Workshop EME Recruitment 2017 - Group C vacancy details:

Advertisement No:
Total Number of Posts: 10
Name of the post: Group C
Job Location: All India

Last date: 30 June 2017
Process of Apply: Offline

Name of the post and other details:
01. LDC: 05
02. Safaiwala: 01
03. Messenger: 01
04. Tradesman Mate: 02
05. Painter: 01
Age limit: 18 - 25 years

Pay Scale: PB-1 INR Rs 5200 - 20200 + GP Rs 2400/ 1800/1900
Educational qualification:
  • Group C - Candidates should have minimum 10th, 12th, ITI or other equivalent passed certificates from a recognised university/ Board.
Selection Process: Written test/ Interview

How to apply: HQ Base Workshop Group EME for above-given Posts application invites in prescribed format with required copies of certificates in an envelope sent to "Commandant COD Mumbai Pin 901173" before 30-06-2017.

Important dates: 
Last Date of Receipt Application: 30-06-2017

Details Official Advertisement and Application form

HQ Base Workshop Group EME Recruitment 2017 - Apply for 46 Group 'C' - HQ Base Workshop Group EME has recently published an employment Notification to fill 46 vacancies of Group 'C' Electrician, Vehicle Mechanic, Armament Mechanic, Machinist, LDC, MTS, Washerman, Waiter Mess and other vacancies. Interested eligible candidates who are looking jobs in Himachal Pradesh may apply up to 16-06-2017.

HQ Base Workshop Group EME Recruitment 2017 - Group 'C' Vacancies

Total Number of Vacancies: 46
Name of The Post: Group C
Job Location: All India

Last date: 16 June 2017
Method of Apply: Offline

Name of The Posts:
01. Electrician (Highly Skilled-ll): 06
02. Vehicle Mechanic (Armoured Fighting Vehicle), Highly Skilled-ll): 06
03. Armament Mechanic (Highly Skilled-II): 01
04. Machinist (Skilled): 05
05. Fitter (Skilled): 02
06. Rubber & Plastic Moulder (Skilled): 04
07. Carpenter & Joiner (Skilled): 01
08. Vehicle Mechanic (Motor Vehicle): 02
09. Lower Division Clerk (LDC): 03
10. Cook/ Cook Special: 02
11. Tradesman Mate: 03
12. Washerman: 02
13. MTS of Army Factory Canteens (Vendor): 03
14. Multi Tasking Staff: 03
15. Waiter Mess: 02
16. Masalchi: 01

Age limit: 18  - 25 years

Salary details: Pay scale Rs 5200 - 20200 + GP Rs 1800/1900/2400

How to Apply: Group 'C' Applications by HQ Base Workshop Group EME invite in prescribed format by download application from official website or following given link along with a self-addressed envelope with postal stamp of Rs 5 properly sealed in an envelope to the Address Mentioned against the post applied for through ordinary post.

Important dates:
HQ Base Workshop Group EME - Last Date of Receipt Application: 16-06-2017

Detail official Notification

UPSC - NDA & NA - II Recruitment 2017 - Apply online for 390 vacancies

UPSC - NDA & NA -II Recruitment 2017 - Apply online for 390 vacancies - National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Exam 2017 through Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) invite online applications to fill 335 NDA and 55 Naval Academy (10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme). Interested eligible candidates may apply online before 30-06-2017. NDA employment notification more details like age limit/ Educational qualification / Selection process/ How to Apply/ Application fee and other details given below.

UPSC Recruitment 2017- NDA & NA -II  vacancy,

Advertisement No: 10/2017.NDA-II
Total Number of Posts: 390
Job Location: All India

Last date: 30 June 2017
Process of apply: Online

Name of the post and other details:
01. National Defence Academy (NDA): 335s (Navy-55 Posts, Army-208 Posts, Air Force: 72 Posts)
02. Naval Academy (10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme): 55

Age Limit and other: Unmarred male candidates who born between 02-07-1998 and 01-07-2001 are eligible.

Educational Qualification:
  • Army Wing of National Defence Academy (NDA): Candidates should have posses 12th Class (10+2) from a recognised board.
  • Air Force and Naval Wing of National Defence Academy: Candidates should have posse’s certificates of 10+2 by Physics and Mathematics from a recognised board.
Scheme of examination:
  • Mathematics: 300 Marks 2 hours and 30 minute
  • General Ability Test: 600 Marks 2 hours and 30 minute
Application fee: NDA & NA (II): Candidates need to pay Rs 100 as Application fee by Challan in SBI bank or Online mode Net banking.

How to apply: National Defence Academy (NDA) & Naval Academy Examination (II) 2017 batch applications invite by UPSC before 30-06-2017 up to 11:59 PM.

Important dates:NDA & NA (II) - Starting date of apply online: 07-06-2017
NDA & NA (
II) - Last date of apply online: 30-06-2017
NDA & NA (
II) - Examination date: 23-04-2017

NDA & NA Detail official Notification

Apply online

Indian Army Admission/Course 2017 - Apply for Health Inspector, Tradesman Mate Vacancies

Indian Army Recruitment 2017 - Apply for Health Inspector, Tradesman Mate and 10+2 Technical Entry Scheme Course-38 Vacancies
Indian Army Recruitment 2017 - Apply for 05 Health Inspector & Tradesman Mate - Government of Indian Ministry of Defence Station Health Organization Ahmadabad Cantonment Shahbaug Ahmadabad has invite prescribed format application to recruit 05 Vacancies of Tradesman Mate and Heath Inspector with in 21 days from date of published advt (Last date: 28-06-2017) from

Indian Army Recruitment 2017 - Health Inspector & Tradesman Mate Vacancies

Total Number of Vacancies: 05
Name of the Post: Health Inspector & Tradesman Mate
Job Location: All India

Last date: 28 June 2017
Method of Apply: Online

Educational Qualification:
  • Health Inspector - Matriculation or equivalent with Sanitary Inspector course certificate
  • Tradesman Mate - Male candidates who have passed in Matriculation or equivalent 
Salary details: Pay scale: Rs 5200 - 2020 + GP Rs 2400 for Health Inspector and Pay scale Rs 5200 - 20200 + GP Rs 1800 for Tradesman mate.

Age Limit: 18 - 27 years for Health Inspector and 18 - 25 years for Tradesman Mate.

Selection Process: Candidates will be Select basis on Written test/ Skill test and Trade test

How to Apply: Health Inspector & Tradesman Mate Applications are inviting in prescribed by download from official website from fill required details, affix passport size photograph and send to "Station Health Organisation Ahmedabad Cantonment Shahibaug Ahmedabad-380004".

Important dates:
Indian Army - Last date to Receipt Application: 29-06-2017

Health Inspector & Tradesman Mate Notification & Application form

Indian Army Recruitment 2017 - Apply online for Education Havildar Vacancies

Indian Army Recruitment 2017 - Apply online for Education Havildar  - Indian Army published an employment notification to fill various vacancies of Havildar (Education) in Science & Arts streams. Interested eligible candidates who are looking jobs in Indian Army may apply online from official website of before 30-05-2017.

Indian Army Recruitment 2017 - Education Havildar vacancy details:

Advertisement No:
Total Number of posts:  N/A
Name of the post: Education Havildar
Job Location: All India

Last date: 30 May 2017
Process of apply: Online

Age limit: 20 to 25 year as on 01-07-2017

Educational qualification:
  • Education Havildar - Candidates should have M.Sc/ b.Sc/ B.Tech/ B.Sc/ BCA with Mathematics/ Chemistry/ Zoology, Electronics, Computer Science.
Selection Process: SSB Interview on Psychological Aptitude Test + Dossier/ Verification + Medical Examination

How to apply: Indian Army for Education Havildar applications invite by online form official website of before 30-05-2017.

Instruction to apply online:
01. Visit
02. Click on "Apply online" on JCO/OR
03. Fill required details
04. Click on preview
05. Re-Login using e-mail Id and Password
06. Print admit card on last date of submission and affix passport size photograph

Important dates:
Indian Army - Starting date of Apply online: 01-05-2017

Indian Army - Last date of apply online: 30-05-2017

 Education Havildar Employment Notification 

Apply online -

18 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment 2017 - Apply for 154 Vacancies

18 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment 2017 - 154 Tradesman Mate, Mtrl Asst and LDC - 18 Field Ammunition Depot, C/O 56 APO under Ministry of Defence has recently released a recruitment notification to fill 154 vacancies of Tradesman Mate, Mtrl Asst and Lower Division clerk (LDC). Interested eligible candidates who are looking jobs in Defense may apply in prescribed format with required copies of certificates before 18-02-2017.

18 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment 2017 - Tradesman Mate, Mtrl Asst and LDC vacancies,

Advertisement No:
Total Number of posts: 154
Job Location: All India

Last date: 18 February 2017
Process of apply: Offline

Name of the post and other details:
01. Mtrl Assistant: 08
02. Tradesman Mate: 137
03. Lower Division clerk (LDC): 09
Pay scale: Rs 19900 + Allowances for LDC, Rs 29200 + Other Allowances for Mtrl Asst and Rs 18000 + Allowances for S.N 03.

Age limit: 18 - 25 years for UR, 18 - 28 years for OBC and Rs. 18 - 30 years for ST/SC candidates.

Educational qualification:
  • Mtrl Assistant - Graduate in any discipline or Diploma in Material management or Diploma in Engineering
  • Tradesman Mate - Matriculation or other relevant for Hindi
  • LDC -  12th passed from a recognized School board.
How to apply: 18 Field Ammunition Depot, C/O 56 APO under Ministry of Defence for the post of Tradesman Mate, Blacksmith and fireman applications invite in prescribed format with required copies of certificates, Affix postal Stamp of Rs 25 superscribed name of the post as "APPLICATION FOR THE POST LOWER DIVISION CLERK/MATERIAL ASSISTANT/ TRADESMEN MATE" on envelope and send to "18 Field Ammunition Depot Hoshiarpur, PUNJAB Pin-909718 C/O 56 APO".

Important dates:
18 Field Ammunition Depot - Last date of Receipt application: 18-02-2017

18 Field Ammunition Depot - Click here for details official Notification

Central AFV Depot Pune Recruitment 2017 - Apply for 75 Vacancies

Central AFV Depot Kirkee Pune Recruitment 2017 - Apply for 75 MTS, Tradesman, LDC, Cook and Meterial Assistant - Central AFV Depot Kirkee Pune under Ministry of defence has recently released a recruitment notification to fill 75 vacancies of MTS (Safaiwala, Gardener and Messenger), Tradesman, Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Cook and Meterial Assistant. Interested eligible candidates who are searching jobs in Defence may send their prescribed format application before 17-02-2017 Central AFV Depot Kirkee employment notification more details like age limit/ educational qualification/ selection process/ exam fee/ salary details and how to apply process given below.
Central AFV Depot Kirkee Pune Recruitment 2017,

Central AFV Depot Kirkee Pune Recruitment 2017 - MTS, Tradesman, LDC, Cook and Meterial Assistant vacancy,

Advertisement No:
Total Number of posts: 75
Job Location: All India

Last date: 17 February 2017
Method of Apply: Offline

Posts name & details:
01. Tradesman Mate: 17 posts
02. MTS (Messenger): 04 
03. MTS (Safaiwala): 01
04. MTS (Gardener): 01  
05. LDC: 08
06. Material Assistant: 42
07. Cook: 01

Age Limit: Central AFV Depot Kirkee Pune invite applications from the candidates who have between 18 - 25 years for UR 18 to 28 years for OBC, 18 to 30 years for ST.

Educational qualification:
  • MTS Messenger & Tradesman mate: 10th (Matriculation) or equivalent from a recognized board with 1 year’s trade experience.
  • LDC - 12th passed with 35 WPM typing speed on Computer in English and 30 WPM in Hindi.
  • Cook - Matriculation passed with Indian cooking and proficiency in trade.
Salary details: Central AFV Depot Kirkee Pune will pay salary as Rs 5200 - 20200 with GP 1800 for all posts

How to apply: Interested eligible candidates who are going to apply for MTS, Tradesman, LDC, Cook and Materiel Assistant should download application form at following address read eligible criteria carefully/ super scribed name of the post and send it to the CENTRAL AFV DEPOT KIRKEE, PUNE 411003 by Registered/ Speed or Ordinary post.

Important dates:
Central AFV Depot - Advertisement Published dates: 27-01-2017
Central AFV Depot - Last date of Receipt application: Within 21 days (17-02-2017)

Central AFV Depot Recruitment advt & Application form -,-23,1008

CISF Recruitment 2017 - Apply for 79 Vacancies

CISF Recruitment 2017 - Apply for 79 Assistant Sub-Inspector - ASI (Steno) - Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) invites online Applications though official website from Indian Male and Female candidates to recruit 79 Vacancies of Assistant Sub-Inspector (Steno) though Director Recruitment. Interested eligible candidates may apply before 28-02-2017.

CISF Recruitment 2017 - ASI (Steno) vacancy,

Advertisement No:
Total Number of posts: 79
Name of the Post: ASI (Steno)
Location: All India

Last date: 28 February 2017
Process of Apply: Offline

Vacancy details by Categories:
01. General (UR): 39
02. OBC: 16
03. SC: 08
04. ST: 16

Pay scale and grade pay: 5200-20200 + 2800

Age Limit as on 28-02-2017: 18 - 25 years

Educational qualification:
  • ASI (Steno) - Intermediate (10+2) passed or equivalent examination from a recognized university with 2 or 3 years Technical education Certificates.
Skill test - 80 WPM shorthand speed at 10 Minutes

Transcription Time - 50 Minute in English and 65 Minute in Hindi on computer

Physical Standard -
  • Height - General: 165 for Male and 155 cms for Female candidates (162.5 cms to 150 cms for reserved candidates)
  • Chest (Only for Male) - General: 77 cms to 82 cms and (76 cms to 81 cms for reserved candidates)
  • Weight (only for Female candidates) - Proportionate to height and age
Medical Examination - Applicant should be medically fit in all respect at the time of recruitment process.

Application/ Exam fee: A sum of Rs.100 (One hundred) for General/OBC candidates though Challan or Net Banking or Debit/ credit card, However no fee for ST/SC/Women candidates.

How to apply: CISF for Assistant Sub-Inspector (Steno) applications invite in prescribed format by download from official website fill required necessary details pay fee and send application before 28-02-2017.

CISF Recruitment Important date
CRPF - Last date of Receipt Application: 28-02-2017
CRPF - Last date of Receipt Application form 07-03-2017 (Only for Remote area's)

Detail official Notification & Application form -

CISF Recruitment 2016 –  441 Constable (Driver) -Directorate General, Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) has released a recruitment notification for the post of 441 vacancies of Constable / Driver through backlog vacancies for ST/SC candidates. Interested Eligible candidates can in prescribed format before 19-11-2016.
CISF Recruitment 2017,

CISF Recruitment 2016 - Constable (Driver) Vacancy details:  
Advertisement No:
Total Number of Vacancies: 441
Name of the post: Constable (Driver)
Job Location: All India
Job Type: Special Drive for ST/SC Candidates

Last date: 19 November 2016
Process of apply: Online

Age Limit: 21 - 27 years

Salary details: Pay scale Rs 5200 - 20200 + GP Rs 2000 (Pre-reserved)

Educational Criteria:
  • Constable (Driver) - Candidates must have Matriculation or equivalent with Heavy Motor Vehicle or Transport vehicle, Light motor Vehicle Motor Cycle with gear license.
Selection Process: Written test and Driving skill test

Physical Efficiency Test:
  • Run - 900 Meters to be completed in 3 minutes and 15 Seconds
  • Long Jump: 11 Feet
  • High Jump: 3 Feet 6 Inches
How to Apply: Constable (Driver) applications by Central Industrial Security Force invite in prescribed format with required copies of certificates, two passport size photographs, experience certificates and original certificates send to relevant address.

Important dates:
CISF Recruitment - Last date of apply online: 19-11-2016

Detail Official Notification -

CISF Recruitment 2016 - 144 Constable Tradesman Posts: Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) released a recruitment notification for filling 144 vacancies of Constable Tradesman. Interested eligible Male Indian candidates may send their application form before 09-05-2016 while other details of CISF Recruitment 2015 employment notification like age limit/ eligible criteria/ selection process/ how to apply/ application fee/ physical slandered details given below.

CISF Recruitment 2016 - 124 Constable Tradesman vacancy details:
Advertisement No:
Total Number of posts: 124
Name of the post: Constable Tradesman
Job Location: All India

Last date: 09 May 2016
Process of apply: Offline

Name of the Posts:
01. Barber: 20
02. Boot Maker: 23
03. Cook: 44
04. Mali: 02
05. Painter: 01
06. Sweeper: 28
07. Washer Man: 28

Age limit as on 01-08-2016: 18 - 23 years

Salary details: PB - 5200 - 20200 with GP Rs 2000

Education criteria: 10th Stander passed from a recognized State/Central board with subject and ITI in relevant trade.

Physical criteria:
  • Height: 167 cms with min 80-85 chest for GEN, OBC, Normal areas candidates but Relaxation will apply as govt. rule for special area's GEN, OBC persons full details are given in official notification.
Eye vision: 6/6 and 6/9 and should posses high colour vision.

Application fee: Rs.50 IPO for General/OBC and No fee for ST/SC/EXS candidates.

How to apply: CISF invite offline application means you need to download application form, fill required details and send with required documents and Application fee (POSTAL ORDER OF RS. 50 FOR General/OBC) before last date.

Instructions to apply online:
01. Candidates should read full ASI (Steno) advertisement before starting apply
02. Scan your recently passport size photograph and signature
03. Visit official website and fill required details
04. Make payment and submit

Important dates
CISF - Last date of Receipt application form: 09-05-2016
CISF - Last date of Receipt application from remote areas person: 16-05-2016

Employment Notification -

Application form -

Official Website -

Armed forces Medical Service Recruitment 2017 - Apply online for 400 Vacancies

Armed forces Medical Service Recruitment 2017 - Apply online for 400 Short Service Commission - Indian Army Medical Service  recently released a recruitment notification for filling 400 posts of Short Service Commissioned Officer applications are invite form male and female Indian citizens who have posses MBBS. Applicants who have taken more than two chances in final MBBS examination are not eligible for this vacancy. Eligible Interested candidates can apply online form official website of between 20-01-2017 and 16-02-2017.
Armed forces Medical Service Recruitment 2017,

Armed forces Medical Service Recruitment 2016-17 - Short Service Commission vacancy,

Advertisement No: 
Total posts: 400
Name of the Post : Short Service Commission (SSC) Officer
Location : All India

Last date: 16 February 2017
Process of apply: Online

Educational qualification: MBBS in first or Second schedule or with Completed internship. The applicants must have registered form any State medical council. candidates who have post graduate such as MD/MS or other also eligible to apply.

Age Limit: Maximum 45 yrs as on 29-12-2016.

Application fee: 200 rupee by online mode no other mode will be accept.

How to apply: Indian Army Medical Service for the posts of Short Service Commission applications invite by online mode from official website before 06-01-2016.

Instruction to apply online
01. Scan passport size photograph (Size upto 100 kb) and copy of 10th class mark-sheet (Up to 200 kb Maximum size)
02. Open the website of and fill all require details
03. pay fee, upload application fee and take printout.
04. Send application with required certificate of (10th, Medical registration certificate, Internship certificate, MBBS and PG certificate, NOC, Final MBBS Attempt certificate)
05. Send filled application form within 10 days to given address (Click on following notification or address and other details)

Important dates:
Starting date of apply online: 20-01-2017
Last date of apply online: 16-02-2017

Detail official Notification -

Apply online -

Army Public School Recruitment 2017 - Apply for PGT, TGT/PRT and LDC Vacancies

Army Public School Jalandhar Recruitment 2017 - Apply for PGT, TGT/PRT and LDC - Army Public School Jalandhar Cantt invite prescribed format application at interview time to recruit various vacancies of PGTs/ TGTs and PRTs. Interested eligible candidates who are looking Teacher jobs in APS may apply before 20-01-2017.
Army Public School Jalandhar Recruitment 2017,

Army Public School Jalandhar Recruitment 2017 - PGT, TGT/PRT Vacancies,

Advt No:
Total Number of Vacancies: N/A
Job Location: Jalandhar (Punjab)
Last date: 20 January 2017

Last date: 20 January 2017
Method of Apply: Offline

Name of the Posts:
01. PGT
02. TGT
03. TGT Misc
04. PRT
05. PRT Misc
06. LDC

Educational Qualification: Army Public School Jalandhar looking candidates who have relevant subject Graduation with CTET/TET qualify for Teacher and Graduate in any discipline with Typing speed 40 WPM in English for LDC.

Age limit: 40 years for Fresh candidates and 57 years for experience candidates

Application fee: Rs 100 by Demand Draft

How to Apply: PGT, TGT/PRT and LDC Applications are inviting in prescribed format along with fee DD and other required relevant self attested documents Xerox copies in an envelope send by post/hand or courier to Army Public School Jalandhar near Military Hospital Jalandhar Cantt.

Important dates:
APS Jalandhar - Last date of Receipt Application: 20-01-2017
APS Jalandhar - Interview Schedule: Jan/Feb 2017

Details official Notification -

Army Public School Udhampur Recruitment 2016 - 06 PGT - Army Public school PO: PTC Udhampur (J&K) has recently released a recruitment notification to recruit 06 vacancies of Post Graduate Teacher (PGT). Interested eligible candidates may apply in prescribed format ( before 30-06-2016.

Army Public School Udhampur Recruitment 2016 - Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) Vacancy details:
Advertisement NO:
Total Number of Posts: 06
Name of the Post: Post Graduate Teacher (PGT)
Job Location: Udhampur (Jammu & Kashmir)

Last date: 30 May 2016
Method of Apply: Offline

Name of the Post:
01. PGT (Physics): 02
02. PGT (Chemistry): 02
03. PGT (Math): 02

Educational Qualification:
  • Post Graduate Teacher - Candidate's should have Master's degree in concerned subject with B.Ed with minimum 50% marks in relevant subject.
Age limit as on 01-06-2016: Maximum 40

Salary details: Rs 29005 per month

Selection Process: Interview

How to Apply: Post Graduate Teacher Applications are inviting in prescribed format which may be collect though APS Udhampur by pay Rs 200 each or download from official website and submit before 30-05-2016.

Important dates:
APS Udhampur - Last date of Receipt Application: 30-05-2016

Employment Notification -

Application form -

5121 ASC BN (MT) Recruitment 2017 - 12 Vacancies

5121 ASC BN (MT) Recruitment 2017 - 12 Civilian Motor Driver and Safaiwala - Ministry of Defence (Government of India) 5121 ASC BN (MT) CIV (GT) has recently released a recruitment notification to fill 12 vacancies of Civilian Motor Driver and Safaiwala. Interested eligible candidates who are looking defence jobs may apply in prescribed format before 13-01-2017.

5121 ASC BN (MT) CIV (GT) Recruitment 2017 - Civilian Motor Driver and Safaiwala  vacancy details:

Advertisement No:
Total Number of posts: 12
Job Location: All India

Last date: 13 January 2017
Process of apply: Offline

Name of the post and other details:
01. Civilian Motor Driver (Ordinary Grade): 11
02. Safaiwala: 01

Age limit: 18 - 27 year for S.N 01 and 18 - 25 years for S.N 02

Pay scale: Rs 5200 - 20200 with GP Rs 1900 for S.N 01 and Grade pay Rs 1800 for S.N 02

Educational qualification:
  • Cleaner - Candidates must have minimum 10th class passed from a recognized board. 
  • Civilian Motor Driver - 10th (Matriculation) with Heavy Motor vehicles license with 2 year experience.
Selection process: Written test and Interview

How to apply: Ministry of Defense for Civilian Motor driver and Vehicle Cleaner applications invite by prescribed format with required copies of certificates by affixing Rs 25 Stamp on envelope them send it to "COMMANDING OFFICER, 5121 ASC BN (MT). PIN: 905121 C/O 56 APO".

Important dates:
5121 ASC BN (MT) CIV (GT) - Last date of Receipt application: 13-01-2017

Details official Notification -

Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment 2017 - Apply for 115 Vacancies

17 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment 2017 - 115 Tradesman Mate, LDC, Material Assistant and fireman - Ministry of Defence 17 Field Ammunition Depot C/O 56 APO invite prescribed format applications for 115 vacancies which as Fireman - 01 and Tradesman mate - 97 and LDC-10. Interested eligible candidates who are looking jobs in Indian Army may apply in prescribed format before 13-01-2017.

17 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment - Tradesman Mate and fireman vacancy details:
Advertisement Notice No:
Total Number of posts:115
Job Location: All India

Last date: 13 January 2017
Method of Apply: offline

Name of the Post:
01. Fireman: 01
02. Tradesman Mate (Erstwhile Mazdoor trade): 97
03. Material Assistant: 07
04. Lower Division Clerk (LDC): 10
Pay scale Rs 5200 - 20200 with Grade pay Rs 1900 for S.N 01 and Grade pay Rs 1800 for S.N 02

Educational Qualification: 79 Field Ammunition Depot, Ministry of Defence looking candidates who have Matriculation with duties of the respective trade with 1 years experience for S.N 01 and 10th passed with physical fit.

Physical Endurance:
  • Tradesman - 1.5 kms rune in 6 minutes with Carrying 50 kb weight to 200 Mtr in 100 Seconds
  • Fireman - Carrying a man lift 63.5 kgs to distance 183 meters within 96 seconds, Climbing 3 mts vertical rope using hand and feet, 1.6 km run in 6 minutes.
Age limit: 18 - 25 years for General (UR), 18 - 30 years for ST, 18 - 28 years for OBC

How to apply: Tradesman Mate and fireman Applications by 17 Field Ammunition Depot invite in prescribed format filled applications form in a sealed envelope by ordinary or speed post to "Recruitment Cell 17 FAD PIN-909717 C/O 56 APO" with super scribed name of the post.

Important dates:
17 Field Ammunition Depot - Last date of Receipt Application: 13-01-2017

Employment Notification -

23 FAD Recruitment 2017 - 20 LDC and Material Assistant Vacancies

23 FAD Recruitment 2017 - 20 LDC and Material Assistant - 23 Field Ammunition Depot - FAD Sureness Jalandhar has recently published an employment notification to fill 23 Group C Vacancies of Lower Division Clerk (LDC) and Material Assistant. Interested eligible candidates can up to 06-01-2017.

23 FAD Recruitment 2017 - LDC and Material Assistant Vacancy Details

Advertisement No:
Total Number of Vacancies: 20
Job Location: Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh)

Last date: 06 January 2017
Method of Apply: Offline

Name of the Posts:
01. Lower Division Clerk (LDC): 09
02. Material Assistant: 11

Salary details: Rs 5200 - 20200 + GP Rs 1900 for S.N 01 and Pay scale Rs 5200 - 20200 + GP Rs 2800 for S.N 02

How to Apply: LDC and Material Assistant Applications by Indian Army invite prescribed format along with copies of certificates in an envelope send up to 06-01-2017 and remote area's may send up to 13-01-2017.

23 FAD Recruitment Important dates:
23 FAD - Last date of Receipt Application: 06-01-2017

Details official Notification -

Official Website -
33 FAD Recruitment 2016 - 444 Tradesman Mate, Fireman Painter and MTS - Indian Army has recently published an employment notification to recruit 444 vacancies of Tradesman Mate, Fireman, Painter and Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) at 33 Field Ammunition Depot (FAD). Interested eligible candidates who are looking jobs in Indian Army may apply in prescribed format before 18-06-2016.

33 FAD Recruitment 2016 - Tradesman Mate, Fireman Painter and MTS vacancy details:
Advertisement No:
Total Number of Posts: 444
Job Location: All India

Last date: 18 June 2016
Method of Apply: Offline

Name of the Posts:
01. Fireman: 20 [UR-12, SC-05, OBC-03]
02. Tradesman Mate: 420 [UR-235, SC-88, OBC-97]
03. Painter: 02 (UR)
04. Multi Tasking Staff: 02 [UR-01, OBC-01]

Educational Qualification: Applicant must possess minimum 10th/ Matriculation passed for all above given posts

Salary details: Pay Scale Rs 5200 - 20200 + GP Rs 1900/1800

Application/Exam fee: There is no fee for all candidates

How to Apply: Tradesman Mate, Fireman Painter and MTS above given applications are invite in prescribed format along with copies of certificates (10th Mark sheet self attested copy, Date or birth, Cast Certificates in an envelope with superscribed name of the post and send by Ordinary/ Registered/ Speed post to given address in advertisement Notification before 18-06-2016.

Important dates:
Tradesman Advertisement Released: 26-05-2016
Tradesman Application receipt Last date: 18-06-2016

Employment Notification -,10,861

Armed Forces Tribunal Recruitment 2016 - 12 LDC, UDC, DEO, MTS, Stenographer, Section Officer and other posts

Armed Forces Tribunal has recently released a recruitment notification to fill 12 vacancies of Lower Division Clerk, Upper Division Clerk, Stenographer, Multi Tasking Staff, and Tribunal/Section Officer. Interested eligible candidates who are looking jobs in Armed Forces can apply in prescribed format before 12-01-2016.

Armed Forces Tribunal Recruitment 2016 - LDC, UDC, DEO, MTS, Stenographer, Section Officer and other vacancy details:
Advertisement No:
Total Number of posts: 12
Job Location: Kolkata (West Bengal)

Last date: 12-01-2016
Process of apply: Offline

Name of the post and other details:
01. Tribunal/Section Officer: 01
02. Stenographer Grade-l: 01
03. Stenographer Grade-ll: 02
04. Upper Division Clerk: 02
05. Lower Division Clerk-cum-Hindi Typist: 03
06. Data Entry Operators: 02
07. Multi Tasking Staff: 01

Age limit: Maximum 56 years age limit for deputation and 64 years for contractual basis.

Educational qualification:
  • Lower Division Clerk - Senior secondary or equivalent qualifications with 30 WPM in English and 25 WPM in Hindi Typing speed.
  • Upper Division Clerk - Degree from a recognized university with computer operation knowledge.
  • Stenographer Grade - Matriculation or equivalent degree with 10 WPM in English shorthand with essential Computer knowledge.
How to apply: Armed Forces Tribunal for the post of LDC, UDC, DEO, MTS, Stenographer, Section Officer applications invite in prescribed format with required copies of certificates like age limit, Cast Certificates, Address proof etc Xerox copies send to "Armed forces tribunal, Regional bench, Kolkata, 0-6, clyde row, hastings, Kolkata-700022".

Important dates:
Armed Forces Tribunal - Last date of Receipt application: 12-01-2016

Detail Official Notification -

Indian Army JCO Recruitment 2015 - Apply online for 85 Religious Teacher vacancies

Indian Army as Junior Commissioned Officer has recently released a recruitment notification to fill 85 vacancies of Religious. Interested eligible candidates who are looking jobs in Indian Army can apply online from 01-12-2015 to 31-12-2015. Indian Army JCO employment notification more details like age limit/ eligible criteria/ Selection process given below.

Indian Army JCO Recruitment 2015 - Religious Teacher vacancy details:
Advertisement No:
Total Number of posts: 85
Name of the post: Religious Teacher
Job Location: All India

Last date: 31 December 2015
Process of apply: Offline

Name of the post and other details:
01. Pandit: 74
02. Granthi: 04
03. Padre: 02
04. Pandit (Gorkha) for Gorkha Regiments: 01
05. Maulvi (Shia) for Ladakh Scouts: 01
06. Bodh Monk (Mahayana): 03

Age limit: 25 - 34 years as on 01-01-2016

Educational qualification:
  • Religious Teacher - Candidates should have Degree of graduate in any Discipline from recognized university.
Salary details: Rs.9300 - 34800

Exam pattern:
  • Paper-I: General Awareness objective type questions of 100 Marks (Minimum pass marks: 40%)
  • Paper-II: Paper will contain Objective questions to check specific with 100 marks which 40 marks minimum pass marks.
How to apply: Religious Teacher application invite by Indian Army JCO in prescribed format application form which may be download from official website before 31 December 2015.

Important dates:
Indian Army JCO - Starting date of apply online: 01-12-2015
Indian Army JCO - Last date of Apply online: 31-12-2015
Indian Army JCO - Date of Examination: 28-02-2015

Detail Official Notification -

Apply online -

HQ MIRC Ahmednagar Recruitment 2015 - 13 LDC, Cook, Safaiwala, MTS, and other posts

HQ MIRC Ahmednagar (Ministry of Defense) has recently released a recruitment notification to fill 13 vacancies of LDC, Cook, MTS, Tailor and other vacancies. Interested eligible candidates who are looking jobs in AHMEDNAGAR can apply in prescribed format before 04 December 2015. HQ MIRC Ahmednagar employment notification more details like age limit/ eligible criteria/ selection process/ how to apply/ application fee and other details given below.

HQ MIRC Ahmednagar Recruitment 2015 - LDC, Cook, Safaiwala, MTS, and other vacancy details:
Advertisement No: 01/2015
Total Number of posts: 13
Job Location: Ahmednagar (Maharashtra)

Last date: 04 December 2015
Process of apply: Offline

Name of The post and other details:
01. Cook: 01
02. Lower Division Clerk (LDC): 03
03. EBR: 01
04. Safaiwala (MTS): 01
05. Carpenter: 01
06. Painter: 01
07. Washerman: 01
08. Compositor: 01
09. Lascar (MTS): 01
10. Tailor: 01
11. Sand Model Marker: 01

Age limit: 18 - 25 years as on 04-12-2015

Educational qualification:
  • Cook - Matriculation passed from a recognized Board/ Knowledge of Indian cooking
  • LDC - 12th passed with 35/30 WPM typing Speed in English/ Hindi
  • ESR - Matriculation with Proficiently in EBR/Trade with 1 year’s experience.
  • Carpenter - Matriculation with ITI in Carpenter trade.
Selection process: Written test/ Oral Exam

How to apply: HQ MIRC Ahmednagar for the pot of LDC, Cook, Safaiwala, MTS, and other above given posts application invite in prescribed format with required copies of certificates send to "ADM BRANCH (CIVIL SECTION), HQs MRC DARAWEDLL, SOLAPUR ROAD, AHMEDNAGAR - 414110".

Important dates:
Last date of Receipt application: 04-12-2015

Detail Official Paper Notification

Station Health Organisation (Army) Meerut Cant Recruitment 2015 - 01 Health Inspector Group "C" posts

Station Health Organisation (Army) Meerut Cant Recruitment 2015 - 01 Health Inspector Group "C" posts: Station Health Organisation (Army) Meerut Cant has recently released a recruitment notification to fill 01 vacancy of the post of Inspector Group "C", Interested eligible candidates who are searching jobs in Army may send their prescribed format application before 13 June 2015. Army Meerut Cant employment notification more details like age limit/ educational qualification/ selection process/ given below. 

Station Health Organisation (Army) Meerut Cant - Health Inspector Group "C" vacancy details:
Advertisement No:
Name of the post: Health Inspector Group "C"
Total Number of posts: 01
Job Location: Meerut cant (Uttar Pradesh)

Last date: 13-06-2015

Salary details:
Army will finally selected candidates pay as Rs 5200 - 20200 with GP 2400.

Educational qualification: 10th (Matriculation) with sanitary inspector course certificates with one year’s experience candidates may apply.

Age Limit: Minimum 18 years and Maximum 27 years age limit as on 13-06-2015.

Selection process: Army will conduct written exam/ medical/ physical process as army norm.

How to apply: Station Health Organisation (Army) Meerut Cant for the post of Health Inspector Group "C" Applications invite by prescribed format duly filled application along with all required copies of certificates before 13-06-2015 in a self address envelope with affixed Rs 40 stamp.

Important dates:
ARMY - Last date of receipt application: 13-06-2015

ARMY - Click here for recruitment advt & Application form
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