IGMC Shimla Recruitment 2017 - 12 Social Work/ Field worker, DEO and Lab Technician - Indira Gandhi Medical College (IGMC) Shimla invite prescribed format application to fill up 12 Vacancies of Social Worker/ field Worker, Data Entry Operator (DEO) and Lab Technician. Interested eligible candidates who are looking jobs in Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) may apply online from www.igmcshimla.org up to 29 December 2016.
Total Number of Vacancies: 12
Job Location: Shimla (Himachal Pradesh)
Last date: 29 December 2016
Method of Apply: Offline
Name of the Posts:
01. Social Worker/ Field Worker: 07
02. Data Entry Operator: 01
03. Lab Technician: 04
Salary Per month: Rs 21223 for S.N 01, 03 and Rs 18696 for S.N 02.
Educational Qualification: IGMC Shimla selection board looking candidates who have Master's degree in Rural Development/ sociology for S.N 01, MCA or BCA from a recognized University with 2 years work experience for S.N 02 and 12th pass by Science subject with two years diploma in the required discipline (DMLT).
Selection Process: Candidates will be select on merit list basis
How to Apply: Social Work/ Field worker, DEO and Lab Technician Applications by IGMC Shimla invite prescribed format along with copies of certificates in an envelope send to "The Office of the Professor & Head Department of Community Medicine IGMC Shimla-1".
IGMC Shimla Recruitment Important dates:
IGMC Shimla - Last date of Receipt Application: 29-12-2016
Details official Notification - http://www.igmcshimla.org/PDF/PRE_ICMR.pdf
IGMC Shimla Recruitment 2016 - Walk in for 07 Sr Resident/ Demonstrator - Indira Gandhi Medical College (IGMC) Shimla has recently published an employment notification to recruit 07 vacancies of Senior Resident/ Demonstrator posts for Clinical and Non clinical on Six Month tenure basis. Interested eligible candidates may present in interview on 29-06-2016.
IGMC Shimla Recruitment 2016 - Sr Resident/ Demonstrator vacancy details:
Advertisement No:
Total Number of Posts: 07
Name of the Post: Sr Resident/ Demonstrator
Job Location: Shimal (Himachal Pradesh)
Job Type: 6 Month Contract bases
Interview Schedule: 29 June 2016
Method of apply: Appear in Interview
Vacancy details by Department
01. Anatomy: 02
02. Biochemistry: 01
03. Microbiology: 02
04. Physiology: 02
Age limit: Maximum 45 years
Educational Qualification:
Sr Resident/ Demonstrator - Candidates must have PG degree or Diploma in relevant department or DNB with above given specialist and registered in MCI
Selection method: The Selection board of IGMC will conduct Interview
How to Apply: Sr Resident/ Demonstrator Applications are inviting in prescribed format along with copies of certificates Walk for interview at "Committee Room of IGMC, Shimla".
Important dates:
IGMC Shimla - Interview Schedule: 29-06-2016
Employment Notification & Application form - http://www.igmcshimla.org/Recruitment.htm

IGMC Shimla Recruitment 2017 - Social Work/ Field worker, DEO and Lab Technician Vacancies, www.igmcshimla.org
Advertisement No:Total Number of Vacancies: 12
Job Location: Shimla (Himachal Pradesh)
Last date: 29 December 2016
Method of Apply: Offline
Name of the Posts:
01. Social Worker/ Field Worker: 07
02. Data Entry Operator: 01
03. Lab Technician: 04
Salary Per month: Rs 21223 for S.N 01, 03 and Rs 18696 for S.N 02.
Educational Qualification: IGMC Shimla selection board looking candidates who have Master's degree in Rural Development/ sociology for S.N 01, MCA or BCA from a recognized University with 2 years work experience for S.N 02 and 12th pass by Science subject with two years diploma in the required discipline (DMLT).
Selection Process: Candidates will be select on merit list basis
How to Apply: Social Work/ Field worker, DEO and Lab Technician Applications by IGMC Shimla invite prescribed format along with copies of certificates in an envelope send to "The Office of the Professor & Head Department of Community Medicine IGMC Shimla-1".
IGMC Shimla Recruitment Important dates:
IGMC Shimla - Last date of Receipt Application: 29-12-2016
Details official Notification - http://www.igmcshimla.org/PDF/PRE_ICMR.pdf
IGMC Shimla Recruitment 2016 - Walk in for 07 Sr Resident/ Demonstrator - Indira Gandhi Medical College (IGMC) Shimla has recently published an employment notification to recruit 07 vacancies of Senior Resident/ Demonstrator posts for Clinical and Non clinical on Six Month tenure basis. Interested eligible candidates may present in interview on 29-06-2016.
IGMC Shimla Recruitment 2016 - Sr Resident/ Demonstrator vacancy details:
Advertisement No:
Total Number of Posts: 07
Name of the Post: Sr Resident/ Demonstrator
Job Location: Shimal (Himachal Pradesh)
Job Type: 6 Month Contract bases
Interview Schedule: 29 June 2016
Method of apply: Appear in Interview
Vacancy details by Department
01. Anatomy: 02
02. Biochemistry: 01
03. Microbiology: 02
04. Physiology: 02
Age limit: Maximum 45 years
Educational Qualification:
Sr Resident/ Demonstrator - Candidates must have PG degree or Diploma in relevant department or DNB with above given specialist and registered in MCI
Selection method: The Selection board of IGMC will conduct Interview
How to Apply: Sr Resident/ Demonstrator Applications are inviting in prescribed format along with copies of certificates Walk for interview at "Committee Room of IGMC, Shimla".
Important dates:
IGMC Shimla - Interview Schedule: 29-06-2016
Employment Notification & Application form - http://www.igmcshimla.org/Recruitment.htm