VTU Recruitment 2017 - 02 Chief Technical Officer - Visveswaraya Technological University (VTU) has recently published an employment Notification to fill 02 vacancies of Chief Technical Officer under DST-SERB Research Project. Interested eligible candidates may apply in prescribed format before 10-01-2017.
Total Number of Posts: 02
Name of the Designation: Chief Technical Officer
Job Location: Balagavi (Karnataka)
Last date: 10 January 2017
Method of Apply: Offline
Educational Qualification:
How to Apply: Candidates are required sent Chief Technical Officer to Prof. Naryana Swamy. G Department of Computer Aided Engineering, "The Registrar Visvesvaraya Technological University Jnana Sangama Campus Belagavi-590018 (Karnataka)" or email to "naryanaswamyg[at]vtu.ac.in".
VTU Recruitment Important dates:
VTU - Last date of Receipt Application: 10-01-2017
Employment Notification - http://vtu.ac.in/pdf/nasd/chieftec.pdf
VTU Recruitment 2016 - 60 Teaching Faculty - Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Belagavi, Karnataka has recently released a recruitment notification to fill 60 vacancies of teaching faculty (Professor-09, Associate Professor-19 and Assistant professor-12). Interested eligible candidates who are looking teaching jobs in Karnataka may apply in prescribed format application before 30-01-2016. VTU Employment notification more details like age limit/ Educational qualification/ Selection process/ How to apply/ Application fee and other details given below.
VTU Recruitment 2016 - Teaching Faculty vacancy details:
Advertisement No: VTU/DPAR/PGT-15/2015-16/660
Total Number of posts: 60
Name of the posts: Faculty posts
Job Location: Belagavi (Karnataka)
Last date: 30 January 2016
Process of Apply: Offline
Name of The post and other details:
01. Professor: 09 (Salary details: Pay Scale: Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs. 10000)
02. Associate Professor: 19 (Salary details: Pay Scale: Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs.9000)
03. Assistant Professor: 32 (Salary details: Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100 AGP Rs.6000)
Note - Educational qualification and Age limit details refer to official Notification
Application fee: Rs.1000 for General OBC and Rs.500 for ST/SC/Category -I though DD in favour Finance officer, visvesvaraya Technological University Belgagavi.
How to Apply: Visvesvaraya Technological University for the post of Teaching Faculty applications invite in prescribed format with required copies of certificates send to The Registrar, Visvesvaraya Technological University, “Jnana Sangama” Campus, Belagavi - 590018 (Karnataka) with superscribed name of the Post as "APPLICATION (NT) FOR THE POST OF _______".
VTU Recruitment Important dates:
VTU - Last date of Receipt application: 30-01-2016
Detail official Notification - http://vtu.ac.in/pdf/dpar/recrnoti2016.pdf
Application form - http://vtu.ac.in/pdf/dpar/recappli2016.pdf

VTU Recruitment 2017 - Chief Technical Officer Vacancy, www.vtu.ac.in
Advertisement No: VTU/DPAR/NASD/2016-17/6919Total Number of Posts: 02
Name of the Designation: Chief Technical Officer
Job Location: Balagavi (Karnataka)
Last date: 10 January 2017
Method of Apply: Offline
Educational Qualification:
- Chief Technical Officer - BE/B.Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent with 60% Marks
How to Apply: Candidates are required sent Chief Technical Officer to Prof. Naryana Swamy. G Department of Computer Aided Engineering, "The Registrar Visvesvaraya Technological University Jnana Sangama Campus Belagavi-590018 (Karnataka)" or email to "naryanaswamyg[at]vtu.ac.in".
VTU Recruitment Important dates:
VTU - Last date of Receipt Application: 10-01-2017
Employment Notification - http://vtu.ac.in/pdf/nasd/chieftec.pdf
VTU Recruitment 2016 - 60 Teaching Faculty - Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Belagavi, Karnataka has recently released a recruitment notification to fill 60 vacancies of teaching faculty (Professor-09, Associate Professor-19 and Assistant professor-12). Interested eligible candidates who are looking teaching jobs in Karnataka may apply in prescribed format application before 30-01-2016. VTU Employment notification more details like age limit/ Educational qualification/ Selection process/ How to apply/ Application fee and other details given below.
VTU Recruitment 2016 - Teaching Faculty vacancy details:
Advertisement No: VTU/DPAR/PGT-15/2015-16/660
Total Number of posts: 60
Name of the posts: Faculty posts
Job Location: Belagavi (Karnataka)
Last date: 30 January 2016
Process of Apply: Offline
Name of The post and other details:
01. Professor: 09 (Salary details: Pay Scale: Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs. 10000)
02. Associate Professor: 19 (Salary details: Pay Scale: Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs.9000)
03. Assistant Professor: 32 (Salary details: Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100 AGP Rs.6000)
Note - Educational qualification and Age limit details refer to official Notification
Application fee: Rs.1000 for General OBC and Rs.500 for ST/SC/Category -I though DD in favour Finance officer, visvesvaraya Technological University Belgagavi.
How to Apply: Visvesvaraya Technological University for the post of Teaching Faculty applications invite in prescribed format with required copies of certificates send to The Registrar, Visvesvaraya Technological University, “Jnana Sangama” Campus, Belagavi - 590018 (Karnataka) with superscribed name of the Post as "APPLICATION (NT) FOR THE POST OF _______".
VTU Recruitment Important dates:
VTU - Last date of Receipt application: 30-01-2016
Detail official Notification - http://vtu.ac.in/pdf/dpar/recrnoti2016.pdf
Application form - http://vtu.ac.in/pdf/dpar/recappli2016.pdf