DGAQA Recruitment 2016 - 196 Tradesman Skilled and Tradesman Mate - Aeronautical Quality Assurance under ministry of Defence Applications is invited format Indian citizens to filling up 196 Group C Vacancies of Tradesman skilled and Tradesman mate. Interested eligible candidates who are looking Army jobs can apply in prescribed format before 18-09-2016.
DGAQA Recruitment 2016 - 196 Tradesman Skilled and Tradesman Mate Vacancy details:
Advertisement No:
Total Number of Vacancies: 196
Job Region: DGAQA Located in All India
Closing date: 18 September 2016
Method of Apply: Offline
Name of The Positions and other details:
01. Tradesman Skilled Grade: 171
a. AQAW (A) Khamaria, Jabalpur: 83
b. AQAW (A), Ambajhari: 10
c. AQAW (A), Bhandara: 09
d. AQAW (A), Chanda: 07
e. AQAW (A), Cossipore: 18
f. AQAW (A), GCF Jabalpur: 03
g. AQAW (A), Itarsi: 02
h. AQAW (A), Muradnagar: 11
i. AQAW (A), Kirkee Pune: 28
02. Tradesman Mate: 25
a. AQAW (A) Khamaria, Jabalpur: 12
b. AQAW (A) Ambajahari: 01
c. AQAW (A) Bhandara: 03
d. AQAW (A) Chanda: 01
e. AQAW (A) Cossipore: 01
f. AQAW (A) GCF Jabalpur: 01
g. AQAW (A) ITarsi: 01
h. AQAW (A) Kanpur: 01
i. AQAW (A) Muradanagar: 01
j. AQAW (A) Kirkee: 02
k. AQAW (A) Dehradun: 01
Age limit: 18 - 27 years
Pay Scale Rs 5200 - 20200 with Grade pay 1900 for S.N 01 and 1800 GP for S.N 02
Educational Qualification:
01. Candidates should have Matriculation passed
02. Certificates in the Specified trade or Defence services trade course
03. One years experience in specific trade
How to apply: The Applications should be as prescribed format which given in notification. Candidates are required full details, affix passport size photo and one staple with application form, signed, super scribed name of the post on envelope and send along with relevant certificates/ Testimonials/ Mark sheets to "Commanding Officer, Aeronautical Quality Assurance Wing(armament), DGAQA, Ministry of Defense, Khamaria, Jabalpur – 482005 (MP)".
Important dates:
DGAQA Recruitment - Last date of Receipt Application: 18-09-2016
Employment Notification - http://www.davp.nic.in/WriteReadData/ADS/eng_10204_1_1617b.pdf
DGAQA Recruitment 2016 - 78 LDC, CMTD, MTS and Stenographer Grade-II - Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance (DGAQA) has recently released a recruitment Notification to fill 78 vacancies of Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Stenographer Grade II, Civilian Transport Driver and Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) (Peon/ Watchman/ Safaiwala). Interested eligible candidates who are looking jobs in Defense can apply in prescribed format before 15 January 2016. DGAQA employment notification more details like age limit/ eligible criteria/ selection process/ how to apply/ application fee and other details given below.
DGAQA Recruitment 2016 - LDC, Driver, MTS and Stenographer Grade-II vacancy details:
Advertisement No:
Total Number of posts: 78
Job Location: All India
Last date: 15-01-2016
Process of apply: Offline
Name of the post and other details by Zone
A. Lucknow Zone:
01. Stenographer Grade-II: 04
02. LDC: 03
03. CMTD: 01
04. MTS: 04
B. Kolkata Zone
01. Steno Grapher-II: 02
02. LDC: 03
03. MTS: 02
C. Bangalore zone:
01. Steno Grade-II: 02
02. LDC: 09
03. MTS: 09
D. Hyderabad Zone:
01. Stenographer-II: 01
02. LDC: 09
03. CMTD: 01
E. Nasik zone
01. Stenographer -II: 01
02. LDC: 06
03. CMTD: 04
04. MTS: 06
Salary details: Pay scale Rs.5200 - 20200 with Grade pay Rs.2400 for Stenographer Grade-II, Pay scale Rs.5200 - 20200 Pay scale Rs.1900 for LDC, Pay scale Rs.5200 - 20200 with Grade pay Rs.1900 for Civil Motor Transport Driver and Grade pay Rs.1800 for MTS.
Age limit: 18 - 25 years for CMTD and MTS and 18 - 27 years for Stenographer Grade-II and LDC.
Educational qualification:
How to apply: LDC, CMTD, MTS and Stenographer Grade-II applications by Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance applications invite in prescribed format with required copies of certificates send to given address on notification which zone you wants to apply.
Important dates:
DGAQA - Last date of Receipt application: 15 January 2016
Detail official Notification - http://www.davp.nic.in/WriteReadData/ADS/eng_10204_1_1516b.pdf
DGAQA Recruitment 2016 - 196 Tradesman Skilled and Tradesman Mate Vacancy details:
Advertisement No:
Total Number of Vacancies: 196
Job Region: DGAQA Located in All India
Closing date: 18 September 2016
Method of Apply: Offline
Name of The Positions and other details:
01. Tradesman Skilled Grade: 171
a. AQAW (A) Khamaria, Jabalpur: 83
b. AQAW (A), Ambajhari: 10
c. AQAW (A), Bhandara: 09
d. AQAW (A), Chanda: 07
e. AQAW (A), Cossipore: 18
f. AQAW (A), GCF Jabalpur: 03
g. AQAW (A), Itarsi: 02
h. AQAW (A), Muradnagar: 11
i. AQAW (A), Kirkee Pune: 28
02. Tradesman Mate: 25
a. AQAW (A) Khamaria, Jabalpur: 12
b. AQAW (A) Ambajahari: 01
c. AQAW (A) Bhandara: 03
d. AQAW (A) Chanda: 01
e. AQAW (A) Cossipore: 01
f. AQAW (A) GCF Jabalpur: 01
g. AQAW (A) ITarsi: 01
h. AQAW (A) Kanpur: 01
i. AQAW (A) Muradanagar: 01
j. AQAW (A) Kirkee: 02
k. AQAW (A) Dehradun: 01
Age limit: 18 - 27 years
Pay Scale Rs 5200 - 20200 with Grade pay 1900 for S.N 01 and 1800 GP for S.N 02
Educational Qualification:
01. Candidates should have Matriculation passed
02. Certificates in the Specified trade or Defence services trade course
03. One years experience in specific trade
How to apply: The Applications should be as prescribed format which given in notification. Candidates are required full details, affix passport size photo and one staple with application form, signed, super scribed name of the post on envelope and send along with relevant certificates/ Testimonials/ Mark sheets to "Commanding Officer, Aeronautical Quality Assurance Wing(armament), DGAQA, Ministry of Defense, Khamaria, Jabalpur – 482005 (MP)".
Important dates:
DGAQA Recruitment - Last date of Receipt Application: 18-09-2016
Employment Notification - http://www.davp.nic.in/WriteReadData/ADS/eng_10204_1_1617b.pdf
DGAQA Recruitment 2016 - 78 LDC, CMTD, MTS and Stenographer Grade-II - Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance (DGAQA) has recently released a recruitment Notification to fill 78 vacancies of Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Stenographer Grade II, Civilian Transport Driver and Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) (Peon/ Watchman/ Safaiwala). Interested eligible candidates who are looking jobs in Defense can apply in prescribed format before 15 January 2016. DGAQA employment notification more details like age limit/ eligible criteria/ selection process/ how to apply/ application fee and other details given below.

DGAQA Recruitment 2016 - LDC, Driver, MTS and Stenographer Grade-II vacancy details:
Advertisement No:
Total Number of posts: 78
Job Location: All India
Last date: 15-01-2016
Process of apply: Offline
Name of the post and other details by Zone
A. Lucknow Zone:
01. Stenographer Grade-II: 04
02. LDC: 03
03. CMTD: 01
04. MTS: 04
B. Kolkata Zone
01. Steno Grapher-II: 02
02. LDC: 03
03. MTS: 02
C. Bangalore zone:
01. Steno Grade-II: 02
02. LDC: 09
03. MTS: 09
D. Hyderabad Zone:
01. Stenographer-II: 01
02. LDC: 09
03. CMTD: 01
E. Nasik zone
01. Stenographer -II: 01
02. LDC: 06
03. CMTD: 04
04. MTS: 06
Salary details: Pay scale Rs.5200 - 20200 with Grade pay Rs.2400 for Stenographer Grade-II, Pay scale Rs.5200 - 20200 Pay scale Rs.1900 for LDC, Pay scale Rs.5200 - 20200 with Grade pay Rs.1900 for Civil Motor Transport Driver and Grade pay Rs.1800 for MTS.
Age limit: 18 - 25 years for CMTD and MTS and 18 - 27 years for Stenographer Grade-II and LDC.
Educational qualification:
- Stenographer Grade-II: 12th passed from a recognized board with 80 WPM typing speed
- LDC - 12th passed with typing speed 35 WPM in English and 30 WPM in Hindi on computer
- CMTD & MTS - 10th (Matriculation) from a recognized board.
How to apply: LDC, CMTD, MTS and Stenographer Grade-II applications by Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance applications invite in prescribed format with required copies of certificates send to given address on notification which zone you wants to apply.
Important dates:
DGAQA - Last date of Receipt application: 15 January 2016
Detail official Notification - http://www.davp.nic.in/WriteReadData/ADS/eng_10204_1_1516b.pdf