JUVNL Recruitment 2017 - Apply online for 1082 Assistant, Clerk, Accounts Officer, AE, JE, SBO Grade-II and Jr. Line Man Vacancies
JUVNL Recruitment 2017 - Apply online for 710 AE, JE, SBO Grade-II, Jr. Line Man - Jharkhand Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (JUVNL) has recently released a recruitment notification to fill 710 vacancies of Junior Lineman, SBO (Grade-II), Junior Engineer (Electrical, General, GTO and Civil), Assistant Engineer (General, GTO and Civil) and other posts. Interested eligible candidates who are looking jobs in Jharkhand may apply online from official website of www.juvnl.org.in before 10-01-2017. The employment notification more details like age limit, eligible criteria/ selection process/ how to apply/ application fee and other details given below.
Total Number of posts: 710
Job Location: Jharkhand
Last date: 10 January 2017
Process of apply: Online
Name of the post and other details:
A. Group - Assistant Engineer
01. Asstt. Executive Engineer: 36
02. Assist Executive Engineer (GTO): 36
03. Asstt. Engineer (Civil): 15
B. Group Junior Engineer
04. Junior Electrical Engineer (Gen): 91
05. Junior Electrical Engineer (GTO): 20
06. Junior Engineer (Civil): 19
D. Group - Technical Staff
07. Assistant Operator: 41
08. SBO Grade-II: 228
09. Jr. Lineman: 215
10. Fitter Grade-II: 09
Educational qualification: Applicants should have Fill time Electrical/ Electronic Engineering Degree or Civil Engineering degree for Group A, Full time Diploma in Electrical, Civil engineering for Group B and ITI pass Certificates from Electrician for S.N 09, 08, 10 and Electrician/ wireman course for Jr. Line-man.
Age limit: 35 year maximum age limit as on 01-01-2016 for UR, 37 year for BC-1st/ BC-2nd, 38 year for UR/BC-1/BC-2nd Women candidates and Rs 40 year for ST/SC Candidates.
Selection process:
How to apply: Jharkhand UrjaVikas Nigam Limited for the post of AE, AEE, Junior Lineman, SBO (Grade-II) and other applications invite by online from official website of www.juvnl.org.in/employment.html from 17-12-2016 to 10-01-2016 (23:30 hrs).
Instruction to apply online
01. Before starting candidates should read full official notification to ensure eligible criteria
02. Candidates should have valid email id, Passport size photograph and Signature scanned copies
03. Visit official website wwwjbvnl.co.in or www.jusnl.co.in or www.juunl.co.in
04. Click on "APPLY ONLINE" fill required details and submit before last date
05. Upload canned copies of Mark-Sheet and Certificates, Age proof
JUVNL Recruitment Important dates:
JUVNL - Starting date of apply online: 17-12-2016
JUVNL - Last date of apply online: 10-01-2016
JUVNL - Last date of pay application fee: 10-01-2016 (16:00 hrs)
Details official notification & Apply online - http://juvnl.org.in/employment.html
JUVNL Recruitment 2017 - Apply online for 372 Assistant, Clerk, Accounts Officer - Jharkhand Urjavikas Nigam Limited (JUVNL) has recently published an employment notification to fill 372 vacancies which as Accounts Officer, Junior Accounts Clerk/Bill Clerk and Office Assistant. Candidates who are seeking jobs in Jharkand can apply online before 10 January 2017 other brief information regarding vacancy notification like age limit/ eligible criteria/ selection process/ how to apply/ application fee details given below.
Total Number of posts: 372
Job Location: Jharkhand
Last date: 10 January 2017
Process of apply: Online
Name of the post and other details:
01. Accounts Officer: 22
02. Junior Accounts Clerk/Bill Clerk: 200
03. Office Assistant: 150
Educational qualification: Must passes the qualification of CA/ICWAI or full time MBA in Finance for S.N 01, Graduate in Science (B.SC) or B.Com for S.N 02 and Any discipline Graduation degree for S.N 03
Age limit on 01-01-2017: Minimum 21 years age limit and maximum for UR-35 years, EBC-37 years, BC-37 years, Female (UR)-38 years, SC-40 years, ST-40 years.
Selection Process: Written Test + Experience Preference = Final Merit
How to apply: Jharkhand Urjavikas Nigam Limited (JUVNL) for Assistant, Clerk, Accounts Officer Applications invite online from official website of http://www.juvnl.org.in before 10-01-2017.
JUVNL Recruitment Important dates:
JUVNL - Last date of apply online: 10-01-2017
JUVNL - Last date of Pay Application Fee: 10-01-2017
Employment Notification - http://www.juvnl.org.in/Final%20Notice%20042016.docx
Apply online - http://www.juvnl.org.in/career.php
JUVNL Recruitment 2017 - Apply online for 710 AE, JE, SBO Grade-II, Jr. Line Man - Jharkhand Urja Vikas Nigam Limited (JUVNL) has recently released a recruitment notification to fill 710 vacancies of Junior Lineman, SBO (Grade-II), Junior Engineer (Electrical, General, GTO and Civil), Assistant Engineer (General, GTO and Civil) and other posts. Interested eligible candidates who are looking jobs in Jharkhand may apply online from official website of www.juvnl.org.in before 10-01-2017. The employment notification more details like age limit, eligible criteria/ selection process/ how to apply/ application fee and other details given below.

JUVNL Recruitment 2017 - Assistant Engineer (AE), Junior Engineer (JE) and Technical staff vacancy, www.juvnl.org.in
Advertisement No: 03/2015Total Number of posts: 710
Job Location: Jharkhand
Last date: 10 January 2017
Process of apply: Online
Name of the post and other details:
A. Group - Assistant Engineer
01. Asstt. Executive Engineer: 36
02. Assist Executive Engineer (GTO): 36
03. Asstt. Engineer (Civil): 15
B. Group Junior Engineer
04. Junior Electrical Engineer (Gen): 91
05. Junior Electrical Engineer (GTO): 20
06. Junior Engineer (Civil): 19
D. Group - Technical Staff
07. Assistant Operator: 41
08. SBO Grade-II: 228
09. Jr. Lineman: 215
10. Fitter Grade-II: 09
Educational qualification: Applicants should have Fill time Electrical/ Electronic Engineering Degree or Civil Engineering degree for Group A, Full time Diploma in Electrical, Civil engineering for Group B and ITI pass Certificates from Electrician for S.N 09, 08, 10 and Electrician/ wireman course for Jr. Line-man.
Age limit: 35 year maximum age limit as on 01-01-2016 for UR, 37 year for BC-1st/ BC-2nd, 38 year for UR/BC-1/BC-2nd Women candidates and Rs 40 year for ST/SC Candidates.
Selection process:
- For Group A - Computer Based Test (CBT) shall be computed to scale for 80% marks Weight age, the test will have 2 hours and 30 minutes 125 marks
- For Group B & C - Computer Based Test (CBT) shall be computed to scale for 100% marks Weight age, the test will have 2 hours and 30 minutes 125 marks
How to apply: Jharkhand UrjaVikas Nigam Limited for the post of AE, AEE, Junior Lineman, SBO (Grade-II) and other applications invite by online from official website of www.juvnl.org.in/employment.html from 17-12-2016 to 10-01-2016 (23:30 hrs).
Instruction to apply online
01. Before starting candidates should read full official notification to ensure eligible criteria
02. Candidates should have valid email id, Passport size photograph and Signature scanned copies
03. Visit official website wwwjbvnl.co.in or www.jusnl.co.in or www.juunl.co.in
04. Click on "APPLY ONLINE" fill required details and submit before last date
05. Upload canned copies of Mark-Sheet and Certificates, Age proof
JUVNL Recruitment Important dates:
JUVNL - Starting date of apply online: 17-12-2016
JUVNL - Last date of apply online: 10-01-2016
JUVNL - Last date of pay application fee: 10-01-2016 (16:00 hrs)
Details official notification & Apply online - http://juvnl.org.in/employment.html
JUVNL Recruitment 2017 - Apply online for 372 Assistant, Clerk, Accounts Officer - Jharkhand Urjavikas Nigam Limited (JUVNL) has recently published an employment notification to fill 372 vacancies which as Accounts Officer, Junior Accounts Clerk/Bill Clerk and Office Assistant. Candidates who are seeking jobs in Jharkand can apply online before 10 January 2017 other brief information regarding vacancy notification like age limit/ eligible criteria/ selection process/ how to apply/ application fee details given below.
JUVNL Recruitment 2017 - Assistant, Clerk, Accounts Officer Vacancy, www.juvnl.org.in
Advertisement No: 04/2016Total Number of posts: 372
Job Location: Jharkhand
Last date: 10 January 2017
Process of apply: Online
Name of the post and other details:
01. Accounts Officer: 22
02. Junior Accounts Clerk/Bill Clerk: 200
03. Office Assistant: 150
Educational qualification: Must passes the qualification of CA/ICWAI or full time MBA in Finance for S.N 01, Graduate in Science (B.SC) or B.Com for S.N 02 and Any discipline Graduation degree for S.N 03
Age limit on 01-01-2017: Minimum 21 years age limit and maximum for UR-35 years, EBC-37 years, BC-37 years, Female (UR)-38 years, SC-40 years, ST-40 years.
Selection Process: Written Test + Experience Preference = Final Merit
- Written Exam - 70 Percent marks Weight shall be conducted
- Experience Preference - Applicant who has work experience in any Government undertaking Disco between 01 January 2007 and 01 January 2016 shall be maximum 15 Marks.
- Final Merit List - Summation of Scores of Written test and Experience preference Weight age.
How to apply: Jharkhand Urjavikas Nigam Limited (JUVNL) for Assistant, Clerk, Accounts Officer Applications invite online from official website of http://www.juvnl.org.in before 10-01-2017.
JUVNL Recruitment Important dates:
JUVNL - Last date of apply online: 10-01-2017
JUVNL - Last date of Pay Application Fee: 10-01-2017
Employment Notification - http://www.juvnl.org.in/Final%20Notice%20042016.docx
Apply online - http://www.juvnl.org.in/career.php