Last update on 18-07-2015 [Check Result/Shortlisted for Interview and Cut- off marks of all Exam]
AIIMS Announced Result
22-06-2015: AIIMS, Bhubaneswar : Senior Resident 2015 (Interview List)
15-06-2015: SSC NER : CGL Exam-2014 Data Entry Speed Test (DEST)
15-06-2015: SSC NER : CGL Exam-2014 Computer Proficiency Test(CPT)
15-06-2015: AIIMS, Rishikesh : Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO)
15-06-2015: AIIMS, Rishikesh : Store Keeper-cum-Clerk
27-02-2015: AIIMS, Bhubaneswar : Sister Grade-II (Interview List)
Banks & Financial Sector Announced Result
17-07-2015: Punjab National Bank - Office Assistant (Multipurpose) Final Result
17-07-2015: Punjab National Bank - Officer Junior Management Scale-I Final Result
16-07-2015: Chhattisgarh Gramin Bank : Officer Scale I (Interview List)
16-07-2015: Punjab Gramin Bank : Junior Management Scale-I
16-07-2015: Punjab Gramin Bank : Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
16-06-2015: Andhra Bank - Joining Schedule
15-07-2015: Bangiya Gramin Vikash Bank (BGVB) - Officer / Office Assistant Final Results
14-07-2015: Indian Bank - Manager & Asst Manager Results Out
13-07-2015: State Bank of India -
13-07-2015: RBI : Junior Engineer (Civil/ Electrical)
13-07-2015: Indian Bank : Manager (Treasury/ Financial Products/ Financial Services)
13-07-2015:Indian Bank : Manager (Marketing, Risk, Credit, HR)
13-07-2015: Indian Bank : Manager (Cost Accountant)
13-07-2015: Indian Bank : Assistant Manager (Industry)
11-07-2015: Reserve Bank of India (RBI) - Result of Junior Engineer
10-07-2015: Pandyan Grama Bank : Office Assistant (Multipurpose) (Interview List)
09-07-2015: SBI : Probationary Officers (Preliminary Examination -Phase-I)
08-07-2015: Allahabad Bank - Specialist Officer in JMG Scale-I Wait List
06-07-2015: Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank - Candidates list of interview for Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
06-07-2015: Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank (APGB) - Final Result of Officers (Scale I)
04-07-2015: Purvanchal Bank : Officer Scale – I (Interview List)
04-07-2015: Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank : Office Assistant (Second Interview List)
03-07-2015: SBI : Deputy Manager (Fire/ Security) (Interview List)
03-07-2015: Canara Bank - PO JMG Scale-I Final Results Out
03-07-2015: Canara Bank - Probationary Clerk 1st Provisional List Out
03-07-2015: NICL (National Insurance Company Limited) - Administrative Officer (Scale-I) Marks
03-07-2015: KGSG (Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank) - Office Assistant (Multipurpose) Final Result
02-07-2015: Purvanchal Bank : Final Result of Office Assistant (2014-15)
30-06-2015: Narmada Jhabua Gramin Bank - Final Result of Office Assistant
29-06-2015: Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank : Final result of Officer Scale-II
29-06-2015: Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank : Final Result of Officer Scale-I
25-06-2015: Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank : Officer Scale-I, Officer Scale-II, Officer Scale-III (Interview Result)
24-06-2015: Chhattisgarh Rajya Gramin Bank : Officer Scale – I (Interview List)
24-06-2015: Chhattisgarh Rajya Gramin Bank : Office Assistants (Interview List)
23-06-2015: Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) - Result of AAO (Jammu & Kashmir Region)
23-06-2015: Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) - Result of AAO (North East Region)
23-06-2015: Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) - Result Chartered Accountant (CA)
20-06-2015: PNB - Probationary Officer Joining list
20-06-2015: PNB - Clerk Joining list
19-06-2015: Maharashtra Gramin Bank : Final Result Office Assistant 2014 -15
17-06-2015: Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank : Office Assistant (Interview List)
17-06-2015: Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank : Officer Scale I (Interview List)
17-06-2015: Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank : Officer Scale II (Interview List)
16-06-2015: Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank - Officer Scale III
16-06-2015: Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank - Officer Scale II
16-06-2015: Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank - Officer Scale 1
16-06-2015: Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank - Officer Assistant
16-06-2015: Punjab National Bank - Specialist Officers
16-06-2015: Union Bank of India - Forex Officer, JMGS-I (Interview List)
16-06-2015: Union Bank of India - Forex Officer, MMGS-II (Interview List)
16-06-2015: Union Bank of India - Economist, JMGS-I (Interview List)
13-06-2015: RBI - Cutoff marks AM(RAJBHASHA) IN GRADE ‘A’
12-06-2015: AP Mahesh Cooperative Urban Bank Ltd : Probationary Officers (Interview List)
12-06-2015: SBI : Chief Medical Officer (Interview List)
12-06-2015: Indian Overseas Bank - Clerk CWE-IV First Allotment List
12-06-2015: New India Assurance Co. Limited - Final Result Assistant Exam 2014
12-06-2015: South Indian Bank - Final Result of Probationary Clerk 2015 of Hyderabad Region
12-06-2015: South Indian Bank - Final Result of Probationary Clerk 2015 of Puducherry UT Region
10-06-2015: Indian Overseas Bank : Credit Officers (MMG Scale III) (Interview List)
08-06-2015: Pallavan Grama Bank (PGB) - Officer Scale-I Interview Results
06-06-2015: Narmada Jhabua Gramin Bank : Office Assistant (General) (Interview List)
06-06-2015: Narmada Jhabua Gramin Bank : Office Assistant (SC) (Interview List)
06-06-2015: The Oriental Insurance Company Limited : Administrative Officers (Scale-I) 2015
29-05-2015: RBI - Mark sheet of the candidates of Assistant Manager (Security) in Grade A Panel Years 2014
29-05-2015: RBI - Result of the post of Manager (Technical – Civil) in Grade ‘B'
29-05-2015: Himachal Pradesh Gramin Bank (HPGB) - Result of Officer Middle Management Scale -I, II, III
28-05-2015: Maharashtra Gramin Bank (MGB) - Shortlist for interview and cutoff of Officer Scale -I & Office Assistants (Multipurpose)
28-05-2015: National Insurance Company Limited (NICL) - Result of Assistants (Class III)
28-05-2015: LIC HLF - Shortlisted for interview for Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
28-05-2015: LIC HLF - Shortlisted for interview for Assistant Manager
27-05-2015: Bank Of India - Wait List of IBPS SPL 2014-15
26-05-2015: United India Insurance Company Limited (UIIC) - Marks of Administrative Officer (Scale -I) -2014
23-05-2015: RBI - Shortlisted candidates for interview for the post of Manager (Technical – Electrical) in Grade ‘B’
22-05-2015: Maharashtra Gramin Bank - Shortlisted candidates list for Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
21-05-2015: Madhya bihar Gramin bank (MBGB) - Interview result of the post of officer scale-2nd
21-05-2015: Federal Bank - Final result of Clerk 2015
20-05-2015: Canara Bank - Specialist Officers Provisionally Selected list
19-05-2015: Gramin Bank of Aryavart (GBA) - Interview Final Result of Aryavart Officer (Scale-I)
16-05-2015: Telangana Grameena Bank - Shortlisted candidates list for the post of Officer JMGS- I
16-05-2015: Telangana Grameena Bank - Shortlisted candidates list for the post of Office Assistant
16-05-2015: KGSGB - Cut off marks of MMGS-I, II, III & OFFICE ASSISTANT
16-05-2015: Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC) - Interview shortlisted for Peons
16-05-2015: Allahabad Bank - IBPS Clerk -IV Joining list of SWO-A Project 2015-16
15-06-2015: Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC) - Final Result of the post of specialist officers (JMG Scale - 1st)
15-05-2015: Uttarakhand Gramin Bank (UGB) - Result of Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
13-05-2015: Bank of Maharashtra - Provisional selection for the post of Specialist officer
13-05-2015: Tripura Gramin Bank - Result of Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
13-05-2015: Allahabad bank - IBPS CWE-IV P.O List of candidates identified for joining
13-05-2015: Allahabad bank - IBPS CWE-IV Specialist Officers List of candidates identified for joining
13-05-2015: Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank (KGSMB) - List of the candidates selected for summer Internship 2015-16
13-05-2015: Bank Of India - Wait List of IBPS PO/MT - III 2014-15
13-05-2015: Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank (MBGB) - Joinign date of Office Assistant (MP)
13-05-2015: Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank (MBGB) - Officer Scale-I Result -2015 & Joining date
12-05-2015: Syndicate Bank - Selected list of Probationary Officer -IV & Clerk-IV
12-05-2015: Vijay Bank - Result of Probationary specialist officer 2015
12-05-2015: Dena Bank - Provisionally Selected list for the post of Specialist Officer/ Law Officer /Officer (IT)/ Rajbasha Adhikari/ HR-Personal Officer
10-05-2015: SBI - Marks Secured by Candidates of Probationary officers in Associate Banks of SBI
09-05-2015: Narmada Jhabua Gramin Bank (NJGB) - Cut off Marks 2015-16
08-05-2015: Bank of India - List of candidates selected for the post of Clerk (IBPS CWE IV)
08-05-2015: IOB - IBPS CWE SPL III - Specialist Officers for various Specialist Officers positions - Second Allotment Details
08-05-2015: IOB - CWE PO/MT III - Recruitment of Probationary Officers in JMGS I
07-05-2015: Indian Bank - List of candidates provisionally called for interview for CSO
06-05-2015: Himachal Pradesh Gramin Bank (HPGB) - Cutoff List for Recruitment
06-05-2015: Himachal Pradesh Gramin Bank (HPGB) - Result/Interview schedule for recruitment
06-05-2015: Union Bank - Allotted candidates list for Marketing officers IBPS for CWE SPL-IV
02-05-2015: OBC - Result Of Armed Guard R/O BATHINDA
UPSC Announced Result
15-07-2015: Union Public Service Commission - IES/ ISS Exam 2015
10-07-2015: UPSC : Final Result Assistant Architect
04-07-2015: UPSC : Final Result – Civil Services Examination, 2014
03-07-2015: UPSC : Aeronautical Officer (Interview List)
03-07-2015: UPSC : Doctor (GDO) Gr.II in DJB
26-06-2015: UPSC : Asst Legal Adviser (Interview List)
20-06-2015: UPSC : Senior Administrative Officer Grade - II
20-06-2015: UPSC : Senior Administrative Officer Grade - I
17-06-2015: UPSC : General Duty Medical Officer (Interview List)
10-06-2015: UPSC : Medical Officer Gr.II (Interview List)
10-06-2015: UPSC : Principal Grade- II Advt No. 12/2014 (Interview List)
10-06-2015: UPSC - Master in Computer Science Advt No. 17/2014
10-06-2015: UPSC - Assistant Labour Commissioners (Central)/Assistant Welfare Commissioners (Central)/Assistant Labour Welfare Commissioners (Central)/Assistant Directors
06-06-2015: UPSC - SCRA Exam 2015
14-05-2015: AIR India - Candidates found suitable & Empaneled for Sr. Trainee pilot (With A-320 Ends)
10-05-2015: UPSC - Result for the posts of Deputy Government Advocate (Advt No: 15/2014)
10-05-2015: UPSC - Result for the posts of Assistant Law Officer (Advt No: 19/2014)
10-05-2015: UPSC - Shortlisted for candidates for the post of Assistant Director Grade II (Advt No: 06/2014) Vacancy number: 14040603612
SSC Announced Result
17-07-2015: SSC (Staff Selection Commission) - 10+2 Examination -2014 Descriptive Paper Result
16-07-2015: SSC ER : Senior Scientific Assistant Advt No. 03/2014 (Interview List)
07-07-2015: SSC ER : Statistical Assistant, Group ‘C’ Advt No. 01/2015 (Interview List)
04-07-2015: SSC CR : Scientific Asst Advt No. 01/2014 (Interview List)
04-07-2015: SSC CR : Stockman Advt No. 01/2014 (Interview List)
29-06-2015: SSC WR : Senior Library & Information Assistant Advt. No. 1-2014 (Interview List)
24-06-2015: SSC KKR : Research Assistant (Environment) (Interview List)
20-06-2015: SSC CR : Accounts Clerk Advt No: CR-1/2014 (Interview List)
17-06-2015L SSC WR : CGL 2014, (CPT List)
17-06-2015: SSC WR : CGL 2014, (DEST List)
17-06-2015: SSC ER : CGL 2014, (DEST List)
10-06-2015: SSC WR : Constable (GD) 2011 (Revised Result)
06-06-2015: SSC MPR : Senior Technical Asst Advt No. 02/2014 (Interview List)
03-06-2015: SSC - Result of Constable (GD) in BSF/ CISF/ and SSB Exam 2011 [Cutoff marks]
27-05-2015: SSCWR - Result of the post of Senior Radio Technician
22-05-2015: SSC - Final result of Junior Engineers Examination 2014
22-05-2015: SSC CR - Result of Senior Technical Assistant (Hyderogeology) (Advt No: CR-1/2014)
19-05-2015: SSCWR (Mumbai): CGL 2014 DECLARATION Cut off
10-05-2015: SSC NR - CGL 2013 (final) Allocation of Department for the candidates selected for the post of Preference "H" and "X" [ Cutoff Marks]
02-05-2015: SSC NR - Result of Draughtsmen Grade-1st/ Scientific Assistant/ Economics Investigator/ Senior Technical and Horticulture
Railways - RRB/RRC/Metro All Board Result
16-07-2015: RRC, Bilaspur : Various Posts carrying pay band -1 Advt No. SECR/04/2013
14-07-2015: DMRCL : Assistant Manager/HR (E03)
14-07-2015: DMRCL : Assistant Manager/Operations (E06)
14-07-2015: DMRCL : Asstt.Manager/Fire (E07)
14-07-2015: DMRCL : Asstt.Company Secretary (E08)
14-07-2015: DMRCL : Asstt. Manager/Corporate Communication (E09)
06-07-2015: RRB Jammu : Assistant Loco Pilot, Technician Gr.III Advt No. 01/2014
06-07-2015: RRB Jammu : Stenographer (Hindi & English) Advt No. 03/2014
03-07-2015: RRB Ajmer : Assistant Loco Pilot Advt No. 01/2014
02-07-2015: RRB, Secunderabad : Jr.Translator (Hindi) Advt No. 03/2014
30-06-2015: RRB Jammu : Staff Nurse, Lab Assistant (Documents Verification and Interview List)
30-06-2015: RRB, Secunderabad : Junior Stenographer (English) Advt No. 03/2014
23-06-2015: RRB, Bangalore : Sr.Section Engineer Advt No. 02/2015
20-06-2015: RRB, Bangalore : Sr.Section Engineer Advt No. 02/2015
20-06-2015: RRB Mumbai : Asst Station Master, Enquiry cum Reservation Clerk Advt No. 03/2012
20-06-2015: RRB, Secunderabad : Staff Nurse Advt No: 04/2014
20-06-2015: RRB, Secunderabad : Junior Engineers and Depot Material Superintendant Advt No. 02/2014
19-06-2015: RRC CR : Track Man, Helper, Safaiwala, Sales Man and Other Posts Advt No. 03/2013
17-06-2015: RRCCR (Mumbai) - Group "D" Merit after PET
16-06-2015: RRC ECR : Goods Guard 2013
11-06-2015: North Eastern Railway (RRB Gorakhpur) : Group ‘C’ Posts
08-06-2015: RRC ECR : Group D Grade Pay Rs.1800/- Employment Notice No. RRC/ECR/GP1800/1/2013
06-06-2015: DMRC : Asstt. Manager/Electrical (E01)
06-06-2015: DMRC : Asstt. Manager/S&T (E02)
06-06-2015: DMRC : Asstt. Manager/IT (E05)
06-06-2015: DMRC : Legal Asstt. (NE06)
01-06-2015: RRB Kolkata - Result of the post of ALP Technician of CEN No 01/2014
29-05-2015: RRB Secundarabad - Carrigendum final Result (Supplementary- 3rd) CEN No 03/2012
28-05-2015: RRB Ajmer - Aptitude Test Result of Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) (Cat -01, CEN 01/2014)
28-05-2015: RRB Triruvananthapuram - Result of Teacher GR -IV (Malayalam) (CEN No 03/2014)
27-05-2015: RRB Ranchi - Result of the post of ALP & Technicians of (CEN 01/2014)
26-05-2015: RRB Secundarabad - Final Result of (Supplementary- 3rd) of the post of Assistant station master (ASM) Cat 07 (CEN 03/2012)
26-05-2015: RRB Mahendraghat (Patna) - Result of the post of Clerk Gr -2nd, Ticket collector, Ttrains clerk & commercial clerk Cat No 04, 05, 06, 07 (Advt No: RRB/PAT/01/2005-06)
25-05-2015: RRC Secunderabad - Result of the post of Group D RRC/SCR/Group-D/1/2013
21-05-2015: RRB Secundrabad - Final Results (Supplementary-II) and (Replacement-I) for the post of Graduate Categories of CEN No: 03/2012
20-05-2015: RRC WR - Result for Document Verification (For Non-PH Candidates Only)
19-05-2015: RRB Bilaspur - Result of Chief Law Asst/ Law Asst/ Staff & Welfare Inspector/ Librarian/ Catering Inspector (CEN 03/2014)
15-05-2015: RRB Thiruvanathapuram - Written exam result of the post of Section Engineer / Junior Engineer (CEN No.02/2014)
14-05-2015: RRC Western Mumbai - Result of Group D (02/2013)
14-05-2015: RRB Bhubaneswar - Final Result of JE Group (CEN NO. 02/2014)
14-05-2015: RRB Secundarabad - Final Result of the post of Staff & walfare Inspector Cat No.05 of CEN No.03/2014
13-05-2015: RRB Bilaspur - Result Notice for Document Verification of CEN 04/2014
12-05-2015: RRB Ajmer - Result of Accounts Clerk of CEN 04/2010 CAT No. 02
12-05-2015: RRB Ajmer - Result of Junior Clerk of CEN 04/2010 CAT No. 02
12-05-2015: RRB Bilaspur - Result Notice for Document Verification of CEN 02/2014
07-05-2015: RRB Bilashpur - Final Result of ALP, Technician signal, Lineman & Elec Fitter (CEN 01/2014)
07-05-2015: RRC Chennai - Group D document verification dates (CEN 02/2013)
06-05-2015: RRB Muzaffarpur - Supplementary Result for the Post of ALP (Cat No: 01) of (CEN No. 01/2014)
06-05-2015: RRB Muzaffarpur - Result for the Post of Senior Section Engineers of CEN No: 02/2014
06-05-2015: RRB Ahmadabad - Result of Commercial Clerk (NTPC-Under Graduate category) of CEN No: 04/2010
02-05-2015: RRB Secunderabad - Final Results (Supplementary-I) of Graduate Categories against CEN No: 03/2012
01-05-2015: RRB Ahmedabad - Final result of Goods Guard (NTPC Graduate Category) of C.E.N. No. 03/2012
Public sector unite (PSU) of India Result/Shortlisted for interview
13-07-2015: PGCIL : Field Engineer(Electrical/ Civil), Field Supervisor(Electrical/ Civil)
13-07-2015: National Insurance Company Limited (NICL) : Assistants (Class III) – 2015 – State wise Interview Schedule
09-07-2015: RailTel Corporation of India Ltd : Stenographers Gr.I
09-07-2015: Coal India Ltd : Sr. Medical Specialists (E4 grade) and Medical Specialists (E3 grade) (Bhopal) (Interview List)
09-07-2015: Airports Authority of India : Junior Assistant (FS) in Eastern Region
09-07-2015: Hindustan Paper Corporation Ltd : Graduate Engineer Apprentice (Interview List)
07-07-2015: HESCOM : Asst Lineman, Station Attendant Gr.II
07-07-2015: NIRM : Scientist – I (Mining)
07-07-2015: BSNL : DGMs (Telecom Operator/ Telecom Finance)
06-07-2015: Coal India Ltd : Sr. Medical Specialists (E4 grade) and Medical Specialists (E3 grade) (Interview List)
04-07-2015: Central Railside Warehouse Company Ltd. (CRWC) : Executive-Logistics/Operations/Marketing (Interview List)
04-07-2015: Central Railside Warehouse Company Ltd. (CRWC) : Deputy General Manager (Finance &Accounts) (Interview List)
04-07-2015: IOCL : Assistant Officer (Hindi)
03-07-2015: SCCL : Management Trainee (E&M) (External)
03-07-2015: DFCCIL : Legal Consultant (Interview List)
30-06-2015: Coal India Ltd : Sr.Medical Specialists (E4 Grade) and Medical Specialists (E3 Grade) (Interview List)
30-06-2015: HAL, Koraput Division : Medical Office (Interview List)
30-06-2015: HAL, Koraput Division : Sr. Medical Office (Interview List)
29-06-2015:NMDC Ltd : Executive Trainee
25-06-2015: IRCON : Executive Trainee/Mechanical – Advt No. 05/2014 – (Interview List)
25-06-2015: IRCON : Executive Trainee/S&T – Advt No. 05/2014 – (Interview List)
25-06-2015: IRCON : Executive Trainees (Electrical) Advt. No. 05/2014 (Interview List)
25-06-2015: IRCON : Executive Trainees (Civil) Advt. No. 05/2014 (Interview List)
24-06-2015: Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Ltd : Assistant Law Officer
24-06-2015: SCCL : Assistant Foreman Trainee(Mechanical)(External)
23-06-2015: UGVCL : Electrical Assistant (V.S)
22-06-2015: MMTC : Assistant Company Secretary
22-06-2015: NALCO : Finance Discipline (EO3 Grade) (Interview List)
22-06-2015: DFCCIL : Executives Advt No. 05/2014
20-06-2015: UGVCL : Electrical Assistant (V.S)
18-06-2015: SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant : Technician-Laboratory (Trainee)
18-06-2015: SAIL, ISP, Burnpur : Operator-Cum-Technician (Trainee) Advt No. 05/2014
17-06-2015: Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) : Assistant Foreman Trainee(Electrical)(External)
12-06-2015: Scooters India Ltd : Technician (Voc) Apprentice (Interview List)
10-06-2015: Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML) : Deputy General Manager, Assistant General Manager Advt No. 01/2015 (Interview List)
10-06-2015: Dredging Corporation of India Ltd : Dy.Manager (Marketing) (Interview List)
10-06-2015: IOCL : Jr.Engineering Assistant IV
06-06-2015: ONGC - Interview Result of Kolkata (Refer Advt No.MBA/HR-R&P/02/2014)
06-06-2015: SAIL - Final Result of Technician Laboratory (Trainee) (Advt 03/2014)
04-06-2015: IRCON - Final Result of Junior Engineer/ Electrical onregular basis (Advt No: 01/2015)
02-06-2015: HAL - Short-listed candidates for interview for the post of Dy Manager (Safety) (Gr-III)
29-05-2015: AAI - Result of the post of Jr. Executive (Tech/Architecture) Advt 01/2014
29-05-2015: HAL - Shortlisted for interview for Medical officer
27-05-2015: SAIL - Result of the post of Technician Radiology (Trainee)
27-05-2015: SAIL - Result of the post of Medical officer (ME-1) of (Advt 03/2014)
25-05-2015: Aircraft Manufacturing Division, Nasik - Eligible Candidates List of Graduate Apprentices
23-05-2015: Oil India - Interview call letter of GT recruitment in Engineering & Geo-Sciences on GATE-2015 score.
22-05-2015: IRCON - Interview Result of the posts of Junior engineer/ Electrical (Advt No: 01/2015)
22-05-2015: NEYVELI LIGNITE CORPORATION LIMITED - Result of Deputy Chief Manager (Human Resource) Advt No: 09/2014)
21-05-2015: SAIL - Deputy Manager (Law) - Shortlisted candidates for written test
20-05-2015: MCL - Revised result of Dumper Operator (Tr.)
18-05-2015: IRCON - Shortlisted for interview for the post of Work Engineer/ Electrical
18-05-2015: HAL - 2nd List of Short Listed Candidates For 1 Year Apprenticeship Training of Engineering Graduates and Diploma Technicians
16-05-2015: NMDC - Interview shortlisted for General Manager (Commercial) (E8) (Advt No: 13/2014)
15-06-2015: SAIL (IISCO) - Result of Pre-employment medical examination of the post of Jr. Manager (Safety)
14-05-2015: Solar Energy Corporation of India - Result of Senior Engineer Advt No: 1/2015
13-05-2015: Indian OIL - Barauni Refinery Result of Non- Officer posts in Mechanical disciplines
12-05-2015: Steel Authority of India (SAIL) - Shortlisted candidates for the post of ACT/OCT/Senior Manager/Medical Officer
12-05-2015: NMDC Limited - Shortlisted candidates for interview for Dy Manager (Mechanical) (E2) (Advt No: 11/2013)
11-05-2015: Bank Note Paper mill India Private Limited (BNPMINDIA) - Shortlisted candidates for Interview for Officer (IT)
09-05-2015: Indian Oil - Final Result of Non-executive at NRPL
09-05-2015: Manglore Refineray & Petrochemical Limited (MRPL) - Interview Result of Engineers/ Ececutive
07-05-2015: NMDC - Shortlisted for Interview for the post of Assistant Company Secretary(E1) (Advt No: 11/2014)
06-05-2015: Railtel - Result of Office Assistant (NOFN) on contract basis) Advt No; RCIL/2014/P&A/44/24
06-05-2015: Western coalfields limited - Selected candidates for Surveyor Mining (T&S) Grade B
06-05-2015: Western coalfields limited - Selected candidates for Mining Sirdar (T&S) Grade C
06-05-2015: Airport Authority of India (AAI) - Final Result of Recruitment to the post of Senior Assistant (OL) in Eastern Region.
05-05-2015: Gail India - Result of OFFICER (LABORATORY)
03-05-2015: NMDC Limited - Result of Written test Maintenance assistant (Trainee)
02-05-2015: DFCCI - Result of Consultants
Other All India Exams Announced Result
16-07-2015: CEWACOR : Manager (Genl.)
16-07-2015: CEWACOR : Hindi Translator
16-07-2015: CGCRI : Scientist , Sr.Scientist Advt No. 01/2014 (Interview List)
16-07-2015: Sports Authority of India : Contract Coach (Interview List)
16-07-2015: Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) - Assistant Final Results out for Bangalore Zone
15-07-25015: Institute of Life Sciences : Lab Technician Advt No. 12/2015 (Interview List)
15-07-2015: AIIA, New Delhi : Yoga Instructor
15-07-2015: AIIA, New Delhi : Radiographer
15-07-2015: AIIA, New Delhi : Operation Theatre Assistant
15-07-2015: AIIA, New Delhi : Assistant Nursing Superintendant
13-07-2015: Indian Institute of Soil Science : Young Professional-I / Young Professional-II (Interview List)
08-07-2015: National Institute of Virology : Research Associate Advt No. 03/2015-16 (Interview List)
08-07-2015: Ordnance Factory Ambajhari : Durwan
08-07-2015: Ordnance Factory Ambajhari : Fireman
08-07-2015: Ordnance Factory Ambajhari : Ward Sahayak
08-07-2015: Ordnance Factory Ambajhari : BTA
08-07-2015: Ordnance Factory Ambajhari : Teacher (Primary)
08-07-2015: Ordnance Factory Ambajhari : Store Keeper
08-07-2015: ITBP : Constable (Animal Transport) 2014 -15
06-07-2015: Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) : Driver Advt No. 02/2014 (Interview List)
04-07-2015: ALIMCO : Officer (P&O)
03-07-2015: ISRO : Scientist Engineer ‘SC’ (Electrical)
01-07-2015: CDAC, Noida : Project Engineer – I (Post Code: NOIDA-PE-I-DC)
01-07-2015: CDAC, Noida : Project Engineer – I (Post Code: NOIDA-PE-I)
01-07-2015: CDAC, Noida : Project Associate (Post Code: NOIDA-PA-LA)
01-07-2015: CDAC, Noida : Project Associate (Post Code: NOIDA-PA-DC)
01-07-2015: CDAC, Noida : Project Associate (Post Code: NOIDA-PA)
29-06-2015: Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research : JRF Advt No. 01/2015
29-06-2015: Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research : Junior Research Fellows (Science Discipline) (Interview List)
29-06-2015: Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research : Junior Research Fellows (Engineering Discipline) (Interview List)
26-06-2015: Intelligence Bureau : Senior Mechanic examination
26-06-2015: THSTI : Finance & Accounts Officer Advt No.THS/RN/12/2015 (Interview List)
26-06-2015: THSTI : JRF, Research Assistant Advt No.THS/RN/01/2015 (Interview List)
25-06-2015: NIOH : Research Project “Prevalence of Disabilities among Tribes and their Rehabilitation in West Bengal” (Interview List)
22-06-2015: Institute of Life Sciences : SRF Advt No. 11/2015 (Interview List)
20-06-2015: BSF : Constable (Storeman)in BSF Air Wing 2014- 15
19-06-2015: NABARD - Officers Grade -A & B Main Exam Results (Exam was 11th & 12th April 2015)
19-06-2015: CRPF - Constable Final Results Out (Medical exam was 21st to 30th May 2015)
16-06-2015: CDAC, Noida - Interview of Project Manager-I/ Project Manager-I- DC against the Advt No. 02/April/2015
16-06-2015: CDAC, Noida : Interview of Project Engineer-III against the Advt. No. 02/April/2015
16-06-2015: CDAC, Noida : Interview of Project Engineer-III-DC against the Advt. No. 02/April/2015
16-06-2015: CDAC, Noida : Interview of Project Engineer-III against the Advt. No. 02/April/2015
13-06-2015: Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) : Stenographer Grade – II (Hindi) (Interview List)
13-06-2015: National Museum, New Delhi : Young Museum Professional (Interview List)
13-06-2015: Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy (IGNFA) : CRA
12-06-2015: Central Warehousing Corporation (CEWACOR) : Dy.General Manager (Interview List)
12-06-2015: Central Warehousing Corporation (CEWACOR) : DGM (G) (Interview List)
09-06-2015: Central Coal Fields Ltd : Junior Overman
09-06-2015: Central Coal Fields Ltd : Mining Sirdar
09-06-2015: Central Coal Fields Ltd : Deputy Surveyor (Mining)
09-06-2015: Central Coal Fields Ltd : Assistant Foreman (Electrical)
09-06-2015: Central Coal Fields Ltd : E.P Electrician (Excavation)
09-06-2015: Central Coal Fields Ltd : Electrician (Non-Excv.)
09-06-2015: Central Coal Fields Ltd : Assistant Revenue Inspector
06-06-2015: Indian Army - Merit list of Education Corpes
06-06-2015: Indian Army - Merit list of Technical Graduate Course (TGC) - 121
06-06-2015: Recruitment & Assessment Centre - Shortlisted Candidates for Interview
02-06-2015: CSIR - Result of JRF(P) & PA-III (Advt PS-05/2015)
01-06-2015: Ministry of Health & Family welfare (Govt of India) - Result of Combined ANM Entrance Exam 2015
29-05-2015: BSF - Result of written exam of the post of Assistant aircraft Mechanic (ASI) (Mechanical & Avionics Trades)
23-05-2015: BSF - Final Result of Constable (Tradesman) in BSF -2014 Ftr HQ BSF Guwahati Centre
22-05-2015: CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute - Result of Assistant(G) & Jr. Stenographer (Advt No. 01/2015)
21-05-2015: National Bank for Agriculture And Rural (NABARD) - Final Results of Assistant Manage [Bio-data cum Attestation Form]
21-05-2015: ICAR - Result of AIEEA-UG/PG/AICE-SRF (PGS)-2015 (Log-in to see result)
15-05-2015: BSF - List of selected candidates for written examination for the post of Constable (Storemen) in BSF Air Wing -2014
15-05-2015: BSF - List of Selected Male and Female Candidates for the Post of Constable (GD) in BSF and Individual report at Ftr HQ BSF Rajasthan on 03 June 2015
15-05-2015: National Judicial Academy India (NJA) - Interview shortlisted for Electrician
15-05-2015: NJA - Interview shortlisted for Assistant Maintenance Engineer/Estate officer
15-05-2015: NJA - Interview shortlisted for Maintenance Supervision cum Technical Assistant
14-05-2015: BSF - Final Result of Group C posts in Engineering (Civil) & NDRF BN's 2014-15
12-05-2015: 12-05-2015: Ordinance Factory Ambarnath - Result of Durwan, Fireman, Telephone operator, Teacher (Primary), LDC & other
10-05-2015: DRDO - INMAS Research Fellows interview Result
10-05-2015: Border Security Force (BSF) - List of Selected Male and Female Candidates for the Post of Constable (GD) in BSF -2011 -12 belong to Uttarpradesh state through SSC.
09-05-2015: BSF - Result of written examination of Assistant Commandant (Logistics) Post in BSF Air Wing -2014-15.
09-05-2015: DRDO - INMAS DRDO JRF (Dental) Interview Result
09-05-2015: DRDO - INMAS DRDO RA Interview Result
09-05-2015: Recruitment & Assessment Centre (DRDO) - Advertisement Number - 115 Interview Result
08-05-2015: Central Warehousing Corporation - Result - For the post of General Manager (F&A)
08-05-2015: Central Warehousing Corporation - Result - For the post of General Manager (G)
07-05-2015: Sport Authority of India (SAI) - Shortlisted candidates for Physiotherapist
07-05-2015: Central Institute of Mining & fuel Research (CIMFR) - Result of Hindi Officer
06-05-2015: National Judicial Academy India (NJA) - Shortlisted candidates for Interview for the post of Deputy Librarian
06-05-2015: Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) - Result of the post of Management trainee (Accounts)
02-05-2015: BVFC - List of Shortlisted Candidates for Screening (written test) for the post of Sr. Law Officer/ Law Officer
01-05-2015: Institute of Life Science - Shortlisted candidates for the position of RA
Andhra Pradesh State level Announced Result
19-06-2015: Andhra Pradesh Postal Circle : MTS
10-06-2015: Tobacco Board, Guntur - Field Assistant (Interview List)
10-06-2015: Tobacco Board, Guntur - Statistical Assistant (Interview List)
Arunachal Pradesh State level Announced Result
09-05-2015: The Gauhati High court - Result of Skill and Interview schedule for DRIVER for the subordinate courts of Arunachal Pradesh.
Assam State level Announced Result
09-07-2015: Assam PSC : Asstt. Eng (Mechanical) under Irrigation Deptt.
09-07-2015: Assam PSC : Asstt. Eng (Mechanical) under Irrigation Deptt.
09-07-2015: Assam PSC : Agricultural Development Officer
23-06-2015: NRHM Assam : Nutrition Counselors
22-05-2015: Assam PSC - Result of Assistant Professor of Urology under H&FW(B) Department
12-05-2015: Assam PSC - Result of Combined Competitive Examination 2013
06-05-2015: Assam PSC - Results-Assistant Professors in Cotton College
Bihar State level Announced Result
15-07-2015: State Health Society Bihar : DEO, LDC Typist, Engineer, Consultant, Manager and Technical Posts (Interview List)
02-06-2015: Bihar PSC - Result of Principal in Govt Polytechnics and Govt Women Polytechnics (Advt No: 02/2015)
28-05-2015: Bihar PSC - Final Result of 28th Bihar Judicial Service competitive exam (advt 01/2012)
Chhattisgarh State level Announced Results
23-05-2015: Chhattisgarh PSC - Selection list of the post of Assistant Director (Planing) Exam 2013
23-05-2015: Chhattisgarh PSC - Selection list of the post of Assistant Director (Research) Exam 2013
23-05-2015: Chhattisgarh PSC - Selection list of the post of Assistant Director (Survay) Exam 2013
23-05-2015: Chhattisgarh PSC - Selection list of the post of ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, INDUSTRIAL HEALTH & SAFETY
20-05-2015: Chhattisgarh PSC - Marks in final Selection,
20-05-2015: Chhattisgarh PSC - Marks in Written exam (Qualified)
20-05-2015: Chhattisgarh PSC - Marks in Written exam (Non - Qualified)
15-05-2015: Chhattisgarh PSC - Result of the post of Selection List Granthpal Exam 2013
12-05-2015: Chhattisgarh Postal Circle - Result of MTS examination held on 12-04-2015
Goa State level Announced Results
03-06-2015: GOA PSC - Result of the post of Assistant Lecturer in Bums Unit in Goa Medical College
22-05-2015: Goa PSC - Result of Assistant Professor of commerce Accounting
22-05-2015: Goa PSC - Candidates shortlisted to Mamlatdar Assistant Director
14-05-2015: NIT Goa - Shortlisted candidates for the faculty Interviews
10-05-2015: GOA PSC - Result for the post of Assistant Lecturer in Anesthesiology ICU in Goa Medical College
Gujarat State level Announced Result
23-06-2015: UGVCL : Electrical Assistant (V.S)
20-06-2015: UGVCL : Electrical Assistant (V.S)
06-06-2015: Gujarat PSC : Asst Public Prosecutor Advt No. 119/2013-14
06-06-2015: Gujarat PSC - Eligible for Personal interview for the post of Assistant public Prosecutor Class-2nd (Advt. No 119/2013-14)
04-06-2015: Gujarat PSC -Assistant Professor Commerce (Advt No: 130/2011-12)
21-05-2015: Gujarat PSC - Result of Assistant Inspector of Motor Vehicle, Class II, Advt No: 118/2013-14
01-05-2015: GPSC - Result of Interview for the Post of Assistant Charity Commissioner Class I Advt No: 111/2013-14
Haryana State lavel Announced Result
07-07-2015: High Court of Punjab and Haryana : Junior Scale Stenographer (Interview List)
20-05-2015: Haryana PSC - Re-revised result of HCS (Jud.Br.) Main Examination
09-06-2015: Haryana PSC - Re-revised result of HCS (Judge Branch) Main Examination - 2014 (Exam was 10-01-2015)
26-03-2015: District Court Gurgaon : Peon (Interview List)
Himachal Pradesh State level Announced Result
10-07-2015: Himachal Pradesh Postal Circle : MTS
08-07-2015: HPPSC : Naib Tehsildar Class-II (Main Exam) Advt. No 10/2013
03-07-2015: Himachal Pradesh High Court : Drivers
25-06-2015: HP High Court : Driver (Interview List)
25-06-2015: HPSSSB : TGT (Arts) (Post Code: 417)
25-06-2015: HPSSSB : Ski Inspector (Post Code: 450)
25-06-2015: HPSSSB : Computer Assistant (Post Code: 446)
19-06-2015: Himachal Pradesh PSC : SAS (OB) Part-II
18-06-2015: Himachal Pradesh High Court : District Judges / Additional District Judges by limited Competitive Exam
18-06-2015: Himachal Pradesh High Court : District Judges / Additional District Judges
15-06-2015: Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) : TSP 2014
13-06-2015: HPSSSB : Clerk (Post Code: 404)
13-04-2015: HPSSSB : Clerk (Post Code: 411)
13-06-2015: HPSSSB : J. E. Mechanical (Post Code: 402)
13-06-2015: HPSSSB : J. E. Civil (Post Code: 401)
13-06-2015: HPSSSB : Clerk (LDR)
13-06-2015: HPSSSB : Clerk (Post Code: 412)
08-06-2015: Himachal Pradesh SSSB : Clerk (Post Code: 404)
04-06-2015: HPPSC - Result for the Post of Clerk (Post Code: 412)
04-06-2015: HPPSC - Result for the Post of Clerk (LDR)
04-06-2015: HPPSC - Result for the Post of JE Civil (Post Code: 401)
04-06-2015: HPPSC - Result for the Post of JE Mechanical (Post Code: 402)
04-06-2015: HPPSC - Merit list of HP Judicial Service Exam 2015
04-06-2015: HPPSC - Interview Result of the post of Assistant Professor Hindi & History
04-05-2015: HP SSSB - Result of Clerk (Post Code: 411)
04-05-2015: HP SSSB - Result of JE Electrical (Post Code: 400)
04-05-2015: HP SSSB - Result of Lineman (Post code: 397)
04-05-2015: HP SSSB - Result ofSub Station Attendant (Post Code: 398)
04-05-2015: HP SSSB - Result of Electrician (Post Code: 396)
20-05-2015 : HPSSC - Interview result of Judicial Service Examination 2015
20-05-2015: HPSSSB - Result of SAS (OB) Entrance examination -2014
16-05-2015: HPPSC - Screening Test Result of the posts of Assistant Professor(College Cadre) Sociology & Assistant Engineer (Mechanical)
06-05-2015: HPSSSB - Final Result of the post of Ayurvedic Pharmacist (Post code: 405)
02-05-2015: HPSSSB - Result for the Post of Senior Draughtsman (Post Code: 410)
02-05-2015: HPSSSB - Result for the Post of Junior Draughtsman (Electrical) (Post Code: 399)
02-05-2015: HPSSSB - Result for the Post of Senior Assistant Accounts (Post Code: 414)
01-05-2015: HP SSSB - List of Rejected Candidates for the Post of LDR (Clerk)
28-04-2015: HP PSC - Result of Judicial Service Main Exam 2015
22-04-2015: HPSSSB - Result of Field Investigator
10-04-2015: HPPSC - Interview result of Deputy Director. Sainik Welfare
07-04-2015: NIT Hammirpur - Shortlisted for Personal Interview for the Post of Assistant Professor against Advertisement No. 02/2014
02-04-2015: HPSSSB - Result for the Post of Steno typist (Post Code: 403)
Jammu & Kashmir State level Announced Result
10-07-2015: Jammu & Kashmir SSB : Jr. Legal Assistant (Law Department) (Kashmir) Advt No. 10/2013 (Interview List)
Jharkhand State level Announced Result
16-07-2015: Jharkhand Police : Sweeper
16-07-2015: Jharkhand Police : Sweeper
16-07-2015: Jharkhand Police : Sweeper
16-07-2015: Jharkhand Police : Sweeper
13-05-2015: HEC LTD (Jharkhand) - Result of General Nursing & Midwifery Course-2015
Karnataka State level Announced Result
16-07-2015: Karnataka PSC : Receptionist cum Librarian (Interview List)
16-07-2015: Karnataka PSC : Female Staff Nurse (Interview List)
18-06-2015: Karnataka PSC : Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ Gazetted Probationers- 2014 (Prelims)
24-05-2015: Kanataka PSC - Departmental examination Written exam result of Kannada
01-05-2015: Karnatka PSC - Result of Sr.Asst.Dir of Information in the Dept. of Information
09-04-2015: Karnataka State Police Results 2015 – Constable (Civil) Final Results
Kerala State level Announced Result
09-06-2015: Kerala Medical Services Corporation (KMSCL) : Assistant Manager (Essential Drugs)
09-06-2015: Kerala Medical Services Corporation (KMSCL) : Assistant Manager (Electrical)
09-06-2015: Kerala Medical Services Corporation (KMSCL) : Assistant Manager (Equipment Procurement)
09-06-2015: Kerala Medical Services Corporation (KMSCL) : Assistant Manager (Finance)
09-06-2015: Kerala Medical Services Corporation (KMSCL) : Assistant Manager (Logistics & Supply chain Management)
06-06-2015: Kerala Medical Services Corporation (KMSCL) - Written exam Result of the post of Assistant Manager
04-06-2015: KMSCL - Interview Result of Driver AT DDWH IDUKKI (Interview was held on 07-05-2015)
24-05-2015: KMSCL - Interview result of the post of Driver on daily wage basis
21-05-2015: Kerala Medical Service Corporation Ltd (KMSCL) - Interview Result of Pharmacist Grade II
15-05-2015: Keltron - Result of Technical Assistant, Executive (Marketing) Sr. Engineer, Commercial Operator
14-05-2015: ICAR - CTCRI - Interview Shortlisted for the post of Technical Assistant
05-05-2015: Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (Kerala) - Result of Technical Assistant held on 19/04/2015
21-04-2015: High court of Kerala - Merit list District Judge Exam 2014 NCA Vacancies (Rec NO: 9/2014)
20-04-2015: KELTRON - Shortlisted Candidates for interview for Technical Assistant/Engineer/ Commercial operator/Technician
16-05-2015: Malabar Cancer Centre (MCC) - RANK LIST: Senior Residency Program
09-04-2015: Indian Post, Kerala Circle - Result of MTS (Exam dated 08.02.2015)
Mizoram state level Announced Result
03-06-2015: Mizoram PSC - Steno Grade 3rd (CB) Under DP&AR (SSW) 2015 Result
03-06-2015: Mizoram PSC - Final Result of the post of Fisheries Extension officer
22-05-2015: Mizoram PSC - Final Result of AE (Civil) Contract under DM&R 2015
15-05-2015: NIT Mizoram - Interview Result of Non - Faculty posts
06-05-2015: Mizoram PSC - Final Result of computer programmer (Contract) interview was 05-05-2015
29-04-2015: Mizoram PSC - Speed Test Result of Stenographer Grade II (Contract) Under DP&AR(SSW)
29-04-2015: Mizoram PSC - Final result of Assistant Engineer (Civil) (Contract) under Disaster management & Rehabliation Dept.
28-04-2015: Mizoram PSC - Final result of Inspector (M) LDE under home department (Police)
04-03-2015: Mizoram PSC : Computer Operator
04-03-2015: Mizoram PSC : Receptionist
Madhya Pradesh State level Announced Result
13-07-2015: Madhya Pradesh PSC : State Service Preliminary Exam 2014
23-06-2015: High Court of Madhya Pradesh : Civil Judge (Class – II) (Entry Level) Main Exams – 2014
08-06-2015: Madhya Pradesh PSC : Ayurved Medical Officer 2013
08-04-2015: Vehicle Factory Results 2015 – LDC, Durwan & Other Posts Written Test
Maharashtra State level Announced Result
08-07-2015: Maharashtra Postal Circle : LGO 2014
08-07-2015: Maharashtra Postal Circle : LGO Master 2014
08-07-2015: Maharashtra Postal Circle : LGS Master 2014
07-07-2015: PWD, Maharashtra : Junior Clerk Cum Typist (Amravati)
06-07-2015: Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC) : Driver(Jr) (Sindhudurg) (Interview List)
01-07-2015: MAHATRANSCO : 92nd Lower Accounts Exam
23-06-2015: MSRTC : Driver (Raigarh)(Interview List)
23-06-2015: MSRTC : Driver (Thane) (Interview List)
19-06-2015: MSRTC : Driver (Raigarh)(Interview List)
19-06-2015: MSRTC : Driver (Thane) (Interview List)
18-06-2015: Maharashtra PSC : Maharashtra Engineering Services (Civil) Gr.A Mian Exam 2013
15-06-2015: Dept of Fisheries, Maharsahtra : Driver (Interview List)
11-06-2015: Bombay High Court : Personal Assistant (Interview List)
06-06-2015: Tata Memorial Centre - Result of Scientist Assistant B (Pathology) Reserved for OBC)
06-06-2015: Tata Memorial Centre - Result of Scientist Assistant B (Helth Pathology) Reserved for SC)
06-06-2015: Tata Memorial Centre - Result of Scientist Assistant B (CYTO-Pathology)
03-06-2015: Department of Fisheries - Senior Clerk post: Selection & Waiting list and Time table of Document verification
03-06-2015: Department of Fisheries - Peon Post: Cut off list for interview and document verification
27-05-2015: Mahadiscom - Result of 119th Lower GAD Examination held on 08-02-2015
24-05-2015: Mahadiscom - Result of 86th Professional Examination held on 31-01-2015 to 01-02-2015
21-05-2015: Maharastra PSC - Final Result of Police sub Inspector main Examination 2014
11-05-2015: TaTa Memorial Hospital - Result of the post of Graduates diploma in Fusion Imaging Technology (PGDFIT)
10-05-2015: MAHADISCOM - Select list for the various posts under direct recruitment advertised vide (Advt No: 4/2014)
10-05-2015: MAHADISCOM - Zone Allocation for Wait-listed Candidates for post of Upkendra Sahayyak vide Advt No: 1/2014
07-05-2015: Maharashtra PSC - Announcement of Cut off Line for Preliminary Examinations
30-04-2015: Maharashtra PSC - Revised list of recommended candidates for State Service main Exam 2014
24-04-2015: MAHAGENCO - Select & wait list of the post of Executive Engineers (Advt NO: 06(Aug)2014
22-04-2015: Maharastra PSC - Merit List of Sale tax inspector (Main) exam 2013
22-04-2015: Maharashtra PSC - Merit List of Police Sub Inspector (Main) examination 2013
20-04-2015: MAHAGENCO - Selection list of chief General Manager (Security) Advt No: 05(Aug)2014
20-04-2015: Department fisheries (Govt of Maharashtra) - Selection list for Assistant fisheries Development officer (AFDO)
16-04-2015: MAHAGENCO- Result of Chief General Manager (Security) Ref. Advt No: 05(Aug)/2014
16-04-2015: Maharastra PSC - Assistant Limited Departmental Competitive Exam-2014 - Final Result
08-04-2015: Marastra PSC - Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Main Examination-2013
05-04-2015: Mahagenco - Chief Engineer Final Results (Advt 03/2014)
05-04-2015: Marastra PSC - Result of State service main exam 2014
04-04-2015: MPSC - Civil judges (Junior Division) Judicial magistrate (First Class) competitive main exam 2014.
Manipur State level Announced Result
11-06-2015: Board of Secondary Education, Manipur : Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)
Meghalaya State level Announced Result
04-05-2015: Meghalaya PSC - Interview Result of Enforcement Inspector
04-05-2015: Meghalaya PSC - Interview Result of LDC in Meghalay PSC
28-02-2015: Meghalaya PSC : Lower Division Assistant (Interview List) 2014 -15
Nagaland State level Announced Result
Odisha State level Announced Result
06-07-2015: Odisha SSC : Junior Assistant (Main) Exam
03-07-2015: Odisha PSC : Scientific Officer (Division of Biology) Advt No. 21/ 2013 – 14 (Interview List)
03-07-2015: Odisha PSC : Junior Assistant Advt No. 02/ 2014 – 15
06-06-2015: NHRM Odisha - Interview Result (Advt No/ 17-15) (Interview on 26-03-2015)
06-06-2015: NHRM Odisha - Interview Result (Advt No/ 18-15) (Interview on 26-03-2015)
23-05-2015: Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar - Shortlisted candidates for the position of RA
22-05-2015: Odisha PSC - Result of the Post of Junior Lecturer in History (Advt No. 09 of 2011-12)
15-05-2015: NHM (Odisha) - Result of Management Consultant M and E, Logistic Manager, Conusultant RMNCH Mgt, Advt No- 18-15
14-05-2015: NHM Odisha - Result of the post of Assistant Manager GKS (Advt No. 39-14)
14-05-2015: NHM Odisha - Result of the post of APN Urban Health (Advt No. 39-14)
13-05-2015: Institute of Life sciences - Shortlisted candidates for the position of RA
09-05-2015: National Health Mission (Odisha) - Shortlisted candidates for Interview and Tally Test - Accounts Officer Junior-PTC, Adv No- 39-14
06-05-2015: NHRM - Odisha - Result of the post of Programme Assistant, Advt No- 26-14 dt 12-07-2014
04-05-2015: Odisha PSC - Final Result of Post of Veterinary Asst. Surgeons(Advt No: 03 of 2013-14)
30-04-2015: Odisha PSC - Written exam result of Junior Lecturer in History (Advt No: 09 of 2011-12) Exam was 08 & 09-02-2013
25-03-2015: District Judge, Cuttack : Stenographer Gr.III (Interview List)
19-03-2015: Orissa High Court : District Judge Advt No.01/2014
19-03-2015: Orissa High Court : Judicial Indexer
14-03-2015: SSA Balasore : Part Time Teacher, Asst Cook, Peon, Watchman cum Sweeper
28-02-2015: Odisha PSC : Assistant Agriculture Officer Gr.B (Interview List)
Rajasthan State level Announced Result
14-06-2015: RPSC - PTI Preamble & Cutoff
14-06-2015: RPSC - List of Candidates PTI Grade II
14-06-2015: RPSC - List of Candidates PTI Grade III
10-06-2015: RPSC - Merit-wise lists (Reshuffled Result) of II Grade Teacher Exam 2013
10-06-2015: RPSC - Merit wise List (Reshuffled Result) of Programmer Exam 2013
25-05-2015: BSTC - Result 2015
03-04-2015: Rajasthan police - Final Result of Constable GD/Driver (Chittorgarh)
03-04-2015: Rajasthan Police - Final Result of constable GD/Driver (Hanumangarh)
02-04-2015: Rajasthan police - Final Result of Constable Operator/Police Telecommunications, Rajasthan,Jaipur
Punjab State level Announced Result
14-07-2015: Punjab PSC : District Welfare Officer (Interview List)
07-07-2015: High Court of Punjab and Haryana : Junior Scale Stenographer (Interview List)
07-05-2015: Indian Postal Circle Punjab - Final result of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant (PA/SA) 2013-14
Sikkim State level Announced Result
13-06-2015: Sikkim PSC : Gendrung
20-03-2015: Sikkim PSC : Post Graduate Teachers for HR Dept.
Tamil Nadu State level Announced Result
02-07-2015: Tamil Nadu PSC : Combined Civil Services Exam II (Group II) 2013 -14
01-07-2015: Tamil Nadu PSC : Executive Officer Gr.IV 2013 -14
18-06-2015: Tamil Nadu PSC : Junior Assistant, Typist, Steno Typist Gr III (Verification List)
15-06-2015: Tamil Nadu PSC : Statistical Inspector
15-06-2015: Tamil Nadu PSC : Executive Officer Gr.III
03-06-2015: TNPSC - Final Result of the post of Civil Judge in the Tamil Nadu State Judicial Service Exam 2013- 14
24-05-2015: TNPSC - Written exam marks of GROUP-IV Services 2013–14 & 2014–15
22-05-2015: Teacher Recruitment Board (TRB) - Provisional selection of Urdu Language and urdu medium subjects
14-05-2015: TNPSC - Disst. educational officer preliminary exam result (Exam was held on 08-06-2015)
25-04-2015: TNPSC - List of candidates eligible group-1 main written exam
22-04-2015: TRB - Senior Lecturers in DTERT/DIET 2010-11 Provisional List after Certificate varification
16-04-2015: TRB - Assistant Professor in Govt.Arts Science Colleges 2012 - Selection List of Candidates after Oral Interview
16-04-2015: TRB - Graduate Assistants for the year 2013 - 14 and 2014 - 15 - Marks and Eligibility
11-04-2015: Tamil Nadu Postal Circle - Results of Postman/Mail Guard (Exam held on 28/12/2014)
02-04-2015: TNPSC - Civil judge in tamil nadu state judicial service written exam result 2013/14.
25-03-2015: Teachers Recruitment Board Chennai : Computer Instructor 2014
Telangana State level Announced Result
06-06-2015: Dist and Sessions Court, Mahabubnagar, Telangana : Typist (Interview List)
06-06-2015: Dist and Sessions Court, Mahabubnagar, Telangana : Assistant (Interview List)
23-05-2015: Adilabad District court - List of Provisionally Selected for the post of office subordinates
08-04-2015 TRB - Final selection list of ASSISTANT PROFESSORS (No.04/2013)
Tripura State level Announced Result
20-05-2015: Tripura PSC - Result of Personal Assistant/ Grade-II under GA(P&T) Deptt/ and LDACT under TPSC Secretariat
26-04-2015: Tripura PSC - List of Eligible Candidates for Assistant Professor
14-04-2015: Tripura PSC - Result of Inspector, Motor Vehicles under Transport Department
01-04-2015: Tripura PSC -Assistant Professor, IASE/College of Teachers Education(CTE) (Interview result)
Uttarakhand State level Announced Result
02-07-2015: Uttarakhand PSC : Work Shop Superintendent and Lecturer Advt No. 02/ 2011-12
02-07-2015: Uttarakhand PSC : Assistant Director, Sr.Analyst Advt No. 02/ 2012 -13 (Interview List)
15-06-2015: Uttarakhand PSC : Lecturer 2014
20-05-2015: UKPSC - Result of Group 'B' Screening exam 2012 [Cut off Marks] [Marks of candidates]
15-05-2015: Govind Ballabh Pant University (Uttrakhand) - Roll No wise Marks Obtained by all Present Candidates in S.I. Exam-2014
30-04-2015: Uttarakhand PSC - Result/ Cut off Marks & Interview Marks of Assistant Prof (Physics) Govt Degree College
12-04-2015: UKPSC - Result & Cut off Marks and Total Marks of CJ-JD Pre Exam-2014
UTTAR PRADESH State level Announced Result
18-07-2015: High Court Allahabad : Final result of ARO-2014
18-07-2015: High Court Allahabad : Final Result for the post of Category C Clerical Cadre
18-07-2015: High Court Allahabad : Final Result for the post of Stenographer Grade III (Category C)
18-07-2015: UPSSSC : Junior Assistant Examination 2015
10-07-2015: UPSSSC : Supervisor and Accountant
02-07-2015: UPSSSC : Assistant Statistical Officer Interview Result
11-06-2015: UPPSC : Combined State/Upper Subordinate Service Examination (Main) 2014 (PCS)
06-06-2015: U.P. Public Service Commission (UPPSC) : Combined State/Upper Subordinate Service Examination 2015 (PCS)
10-06-2015: UPPCL : Technician Gr. 2 (Trainee) – Electrical Advt No. 04/ vsa/2014
08-06-2015: NIPER : Lecturer Advt No. 01/2015 (Interview List)
15-05-2015: Banaras Hindu University (BHU) - Shortlisted for Junior Engineer, Sanitary Inspector, Medical Record Keeper
07-05-2015: Banaras Hindu University - Result of Laboratory Attendant
01-05-2015: ESICMH D(M) Noida - Result of Walk-In-Interview held on 15.04.2015 for the post of Senior Resident.
25-04-2015: Banaras Hindu University - Result of various posts of trauma center & IMS BHU
20-03-2015: Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited – UPPCL : Managing Director (Interview List)
03-03-2015: High Court of Judicature at Allahabad : Personal Assistant 2014
27-02-2015: High Court of Judicature at Allahabad : U.P. Higher Judicial Service (Main Written) Exam, 2014
West Bengal State level Announced Result
10-07-2015: WBPSC : Asst Professor (Microbiology) Advt No.3(T)/ 2015 (Interview List)
10-07-2015: WBPSC : Asst Professor (History) Advt No.3(A)/ 2015 (Interview List)
10-07-2015: WBPSC : Superintending Architect Advt No.2(A)/ 2015 (Interview List)
10-07-2015: WBPSC : Architect Advt No.2(B)/ 2015 (Interview List)
04-07-2015: West Bengal PSC : Miscellaneous Services Recruitment Examination (Final), 2012 (Interview List)
29-06-2015: West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) : Office Executive
29-06-2015: West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) : Assistant Manager(Legal)
29-06-2015: West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) : Assistant Manager(PS)-(Mechanical)
29-06-2015: West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) : Assistant Manager(PS)-(Instrumentation)
29-06-2015: West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) : Assistant Manager(PS)-(Electrical)
22-06-2015: West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) : Training Operator / Technician (Electrical)
22-06-2015: West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) : Training Operator / Technician (Fitter)
11-06-2015: West Bengal PSC : Scientific Officer (Foot Print Section) Advt No. 10(4)/2014 (Interview List)
10-06-2015: West Bengal PSC - Asst Superintendent of Live Stock (Management) Advt No.10(2)/2014 (Interview List)
10-06-2015: West Bengal PSC - Veterinary Officer Advt. no. 11[3(D)]/2014 (Interview List)
08-06-2015: West Bengal PSC - Geological Asst/ Geo Hydrological Asst Advt No.12(2)/2014 (Interview List)
08-06-2015: West Bengal PSC - Kindergarden Mistress Advt No. 10(10)/2014 (Interview List)
08-06-2015: West Bengal PSC - Domestic Science Mistress Advt No. 10 (9)/2014 (Interview List)
06-06-2015: Kolkata Port Trust - Laboratory Assistant
06-06-2015: Kolkata Port Trust - Pharmacist
05-06-2015: Dist Court Dakshin Dinajpur, West Bengal - Group D
02-06-2015: Kolkata Port Trust - Result-General Duty Medical Officer
29-05-2015: Bose Institute - Candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of Research Associate
09-05-2015: WBPSC - Final Result of Judicial Service Examination 2014
24-04-2015: Bose Institute - List of the candidates selected for short term training
17-04-2015: WBPSC - Result of West Bengal Civil Service (Exe.) etc (Main) Exam. 2013 Group -C Services and Posts & Group-D
17-04-2015: Web Bengal PSC - Final result of WB Audit & Accounts Service (SR) Exam2013
08-04-2015: PSCWB - Result of WB Civil Service (Executive) etc Exam 2012 - Group D posts
Union Territory
Andaman & Nicobar Islands UT level Announced Result
04-05-2015: Andman & Nicobar - List of shortlisted candidates for interview for various posts under ANIMERS
20-04-2015: Andman & Nicobar: Merit list for interview for various post under ANIMERS
13-04-2015: Andman & Nicobar PSC - Assistant Store Keeper (reserved for OBC)
02-04-2015: Andman & Nicobar - List of shortlisted eligible candidates for the Sub-Editor(Hindi) & Sub-Editor
20-03-2015: Eligible & Non-Eligible Candidate for the Post of Gram Rozgar Sevak under MGNREGA, SA
Chandigarh UT level Announced Result
13-07-2015: High Court of Punjab and Haryana : Senior Scale Stenographer (Interview List)
07-07-2015: High Court of Punjab and Haryana : Junior Scale Stenographer (Interview List)
19-06-2015: PGIMER, Chandigarh : Pharmacist Grade II, Occupational Therapist, Clinical Psychologist and Dental Mechanic Grade II
26-05-2015: Educational department Chandigarh - Revised Result of Nursery Teacher (NTT) (Exam 31-01-2015)
07-05-2015: GMCH - Result for the post of Staff Nurse (Interview was held on 15 to 17-04-2015)
01-05-2015: High court of Chandigarh - Final Merit wise result of the tests held for the posts of Judgment Writers on the establishment of Punjab & Haryana High Court
24-04-2015: Education department Chandigarh - Result for the post of TGT
11-04-2015: The High court of Chandigarh - Final Result of of Clerk in the Subordinate Courts (Advt. No. 11C/CRA/CHD/2014)
09-04-2015: NIELIT CHANDIGARH - Data Entry Operators on contract basis
09-04-2015: NIELIT CHANDIGARH - Accountants on contract basis
07-04-2015: CDAC Chandigarh - Result for the post of Junior Basic Teachers (JBT)
07-04-2015: CDAC Chandigarh - Result for the post of Nursery Teachers (NTT)20-03-2015: PGIMER : Physiotherapist, Asstt Administration Officer, StoreKeeper and Medical Record Officer
12-03-2015: Punjab and Haryana High Court : Clerks 2014 (Interview List)
02-03-2015: NIELIT, Chandigarh : Junior/Senior faculty (Interview List) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DELHI STATE & UT level Announced Result
15-07-2015: DSSSB : Head Constable (Post Code – 43/13)
15-07-2015: Delhi Police : Constable (Executive) Male 2013 Additional List
15-07-2015: Delhi Police : Constable (Executive) Male 2013
09-07-2015: DSSSB : Assistant Teacher (Primary) (Post Code – 57/2006)
09-06-2015: Safdarjang Hospital : Physiotherapist (Interview List)
05-06-2015: DSSSB : PGT – English (Post Code – 132/12, 133/12, 167/14 & 168/14)
04-06-2015: DSSSB - Result of the post of PGT (Hindi)
04-06-2015: DSSSB - Result of the post of History
04-06-2015: DSSSB - Result of the post of Lecturer- 2nd
04-06-2015: ESIC New Delhi - Interview Result of Senior Resident (Interview was held on 28-05-2015)
04-06-2015: ESIC New Delhi - Interview Result of the post of Tutor (Interview was held on 22-05-2015)
28-05-2015: DSSSB - Result of PGT Home Science (Post code 140/12 & 188/14)
28-05-2015: DSSSB - Result of PGT Sanskrit Post code (151/12, 152/12, 177/14 & 178/14)
27-05-2015: DSSSB - Result of the post of PGT Math Post code (141/12, 142/12, 181/14 and 182/14) Exm was held on 30-11-2014
23-05-2015: Kalindi College - Screening test Result of the post of Assistant Professor in Political Science
23-05-2015: DSSSB - Result of Junior engineer (Civil) (Post code 18/80)
23-05-2015: DSSSB - Shortlisted candidates for skill test for the post of LDC
21-05-2015: DSSSB - Marks list of Motor Vehicle Inspector of TIER-II EXAM (POST CODE 21/12 & 42/13)
21-05-2015: Delhi police - Written exam result of the post of Constable(Bandsman) and Constable (Bugler) Exam 2013
20-05-2015: Kalindi college - Screened List of Candidates for the Post of Assistant Professor in Political Sci. Department
20-05-2015: Postal Circle Delhi: PA/SA Exam Results
14-05-2015: Kalindi College - Result of the post of Assistant Professor in Commerce Department
14-05-2015: ESICH, Rohini, New Delhi - Interview shortlisted for the post fo Tutor
14-05-2015: DSSSB - Result of LDC, MCD FOR THE POST CODE 23/08
13-05-2015: Kalindi College - Candidate List for Non-Teaching Recruitment-2015
10-05-2015: DSSSB - Result of TGT (Maths) Post code 55/10 & 56/10
09-05-2015: DSSSB - Admit card for Skill test/Interview of LDC
06-05-2015: Delhi police - Written exam result of Sub Inspector (Computer) in Delhi police exam 2013
01-05-2015: DSSSB - Written exam result of the post of LDC (48/12, 52/12 & 6812)
30-04-2015: Delhi police - Written exam result of the post of Inspector (Computer) in Delhi police exam 2013
22-04-2015:DSSSB - Result of Photographer of posts code 77/14 D.T 16/04/2015
22-04-2015:DSSSB - Result of Radio Technician of post code 66/07 D.T 16/04/2015
22-04-2015:DSSSB - Result of Teacher Primary MCD 70/09 D.t 16-04-2015
13-04-2015: ESICH, Okhla, New Delhi - Interview result of Senior resident
10-04-2015: DELHI POLICE - Head Constable (Store Clerk) in Delhi Police Exam 2013
07-04-2015: Delhi police - Written exam Result of Constable (Mounted) in Delhi Police Exam 2013
01-04-2015: Delhi police - Asstt. Sub-Inspector(Radio-Technician)
Dadra & Nagar Haveli Announced Result
Daman & Diu level Announced Result
27-03-2015: Administration of Daman & Diu : Junior Stenographer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lakshdweep UT level Announced ResultAnnounced Result
Pudecherry UT level Announced Result
01-06-2015" Government of Puducherry Director of school education: Selection for the post of Direct Recruitment in Maha region
27-03-2015: Directorate of School Education - Selected candidates for posts of TGT under Direct Recruitment
Note - Hi, Dear you can check your result till 30 day after published date. we published all india level competition exams result at this page.
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Above given dates are published/Announced date of result Click on above given any link and get directly result on official website result page without loss your important time. team update all jobs result as soon as update on official website.
AIIMS Announced Result
22-06-2015: AIIMS, Bhubaneswar : Senior Resident 2015 (Interview List)
15-06-2015: SSC NER : CGL Exam-2014 Data Entry Speed Test (DEST)
15-06-2015: SSC NER : CGL Exam-2014 Computer Proficiency Test(CPT)
15-06-2015: AIIMS, Rishikesh : Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO)
15-06-2015: AIIMS, Rishikesh : Store Keeper-cum-Clerk
27-02-2015: AIIMS, Bhubaneswar : Sister Grade-II (Interview List)
Banks & Financial Sector Announced Result
17-07-2015: Punjab National Bank - Office Assistant (Multipurpose) Final Result
17-07-2015: Punjab National Bank - Officer Junior Management Scale-I Final Result
16-07-2015: Chhattisgarh Gramin Bank : Officer Scale I (Interview List)
16-07-2015: Punjab Gramin Bank : Junior Management Scale-I
16-07-2015: Punjab Gramin Bank : Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
16-06-2015: Andhra Bank - Joining Schedule
15-07-2015: Bangiya Gramin Vikash Bank (BGVB) - Officer / Office Assistant Final Results
14-07-2015: Indian Bank - Manager & Asst Manager Results Out
13-07-2015: State Bank of India -
13-07-2015: RBI : Junior Engineer (Civil/ Electrical)
13-07-2015: Indian Bank : Manager (Treasury/ Financial Products/ Financial Services)
13-07-2015:Indian Bank : Manager (Marketing, Risk, Credit, HR)
13-07-2015: Indian Bank : Manager (Cost Accountant)
13-07-2015: Indian Bank : Assistant Manager (Industry)
11-07-2015: Reserve Bank of India (RBI) - Result of Junior Engineer
10-07-2015: Pandyan Grama Bank : Office Assistant (Multipurpose) (Interview List)
09-07-2015: SBI : Probationary Officers (Preliminary Examination -Phase-I)
08-07-2015: Allahabad Bank - Specialist Officer in JMG Scale-I Wait List
06-07-2015: Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank - Candidates list of interview for Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
06-07-2015: Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank (APGB) - Final Result of Officers (Scale I)
04-07-2015: Purvanchal Bank : Officer Scale – I (Interview List)
04-07-2015: Sarva Haryana Gramin Bank : Office Assistant (Second Interview List)
03-07-2015: SBI : Deputy Manager (Fire/ Security) (Interview List)
03-07-2015: Canara Bank - PO JMG Scale-I Final Results Out
03-07-2015: Canara Bank - Probationary Clerk 1st Provisional List Out
03-07-2015: NICL (National Insurance Company Limited) - Administrative Officer (Scale-I) Marks
03-07-2015: KGSG (Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank) - Office Assistant (Multipurpose) Final Result
02-07-2015: Purvanchal Bank : Final Result of Office Assistant (2014-15)
30-06-2015: Narmada Jhabua Gramin Bank - Final Result of Office Assistant
29-06-2015: Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank : Final result of Officer Scale-II
29-06-2015: Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank : Final Result of Officer Scale-I
25-06-2015: Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank : Officer Scale-I, Officer Scale-II, Officer Scale-III (Interview Result)
24-06-2015: Chhattisgarh Rajya Gramin Bank : Officer Scale – I (Interview List)
24-06-2015: Chhattisgarh Rajya Gramin Bank : Office Assistants (Interview List)
23-06-2015: Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) - Result of AAO (Jammu & Kashmir Region)
23-06-2015: Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) - Result of AAO (North East Region)
23-06-2015: Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) - Result Chartered Accountant (CA)
20-06-2015: PNB - Probationary Officer Joining list
20-06-2015: PNB - Clerk Joining list
19-06-2015: Maharashtra Gramin Bank : Final Result Office Assistant 2014 -15
17-06-2015: Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank : Office Assistant (Interview List)
17-06-2015: Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank : Officer Scale I (Interview List)
17-06-2015: Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank : Officer Scale II (Interview List)
16-06-2015: Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank - Officer Scale III
16-06-2015: Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank - Officer Scale II
16-06-2015: Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank - Officer Scale 1
16-06-2015: Rajasthan Marudhara Gramin Bank - Officer Assistant
16-06-2015: Punjab National Bank - Specialist Officers
16-06-2015: Union Bank of India - Forex Officer, JMGS-I (Interview List)
16-06-2015: Union Bank of India - Forex Officer, MMGS-II (Interview List)
16-06-2015: Union Bank of India - Economist, JMGS-I (Interview List)
13-06-2015: RBI - Cutoff marks AM(RAJBHASHA) IN GRADE ‘A’
12-06-2015: AP Mahesh Cooperative Urban Bank Ltd : Probationary Officers (Interview List)
12-06-2015: SBI : Chief Medical Officer (Interview List)
12-06-2015: Indian Overseas Bank - Clerk CWE-IV First Allotment List
12-06-2015: New India Assurance Co. Limited - Final Result Assistant Exam 2014
12-06-2015: South Indian Bank - Final Result of Probationary Clerk 2015 of Hyderabad Region
12-06-2015: South Indian Bank - Final Result of Probationary Clerk 2015 of Puducherry UT Region
10-06-2015: Indian Overseas Bank : Credit Officers (MMG Scale III) (Interview List)
08-06-2015: Pallavan Grama Bank (PGB) - Officer Scale-I Interview Results
06-06-2015: Narmada Jhabua Gramin Bank : Office Assistant (General) (Interview List)
06-06-2015: Narmada Jhabua Gramin Bank : Office Assistant (SC) (Interview List)
06-06-2015: The Oriental Insurance Company Limited : Administrative Officers (Scale-I) 2015
29-05-2015: RBI - Mark sheet of the candidates of Assistant Manager (Security) in Grade A Panel Years 2014
29-05-2015: RBI - Result of the post of Manager (Technical – Civil) in Grade ‘B'
29-05-2015: Himachal Pradesh Gramin Bank (HPGB) - Result of Officer Middle Management Scale -I, II, III
28-05-2015: Maharashtra Gramin Bank (MGB) - Shortlist for interview and cutoff of Officer Scale -I & Office Assistants (Multipurpose)
28-05-2015: National Insurance Company Limited (NICL) - Result of Assistants (Class III)
28-05-2015: LIC HLF - Shortlisted for interview for Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
28-05-2015: LIC HLF - Shortlisted for interview for Assistant Manager
27-05-2015: Bank Of India - Wait List of IBPS SPL 2014-15
26-05-2015: United India Insurance Company Limited (UIIC) - Marks of Administrative Officer (Scale -I) -2014
23-05-2015: RBI - Shortlisted candidates for interview for the post of Manager (Technical – Electrical) in Grade ‘B’
22-05-2015: Maharashtra Gramin Bank - Shortlisted candidates list for Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
21-05-2015: Madhya bihar Gramin bank (MBGB) - Interview result of the post of officer scale-2nd
21-05-2015: Federal Bank - Final result of Clerk 2015
20-05-2015: Canara Bank - Specialist Officers Provisionally Selected list
19-05-2015: Gramin Bank of Aryavart (GBA) - Interview Final Result of Aryavart Officer (Scale-I)
16-05-2015: Telangana Grameena Bank - Shortlisted candidates list for the post of Officer JMGS- I
16-05-2015: Telangana Grameena Bank - Shortlisted candidates list for the post of Office Assistant
16-05-2015: KGSGB - Cut off marks of MMGS-I, II, III & OFFICE ASSISTANT
16-05-2015: Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC) - Interview shortlisted for Peons
16-05-2015: Allahabad Bank - IBPS Clerk -IV Joining list of SWO-A Project 2015-16
15-06-2015: Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC) - Final Result of the post of specialist officers (JMG Scale - 1st)
15-05-2015: Uttarakhand Gramin Bank (UGB) - Result of Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
13-05-2015: Bank of Maharashtra - Provisional selection for the post of Specialist officer
13-05-2015: Tripura Gramin Bank - Result of Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
13-05-2015: Allahabad bank - IBPS CWE-IV P.O List of candidates identified for joining
13-05-2015: Allahabad bank - IBPS CWE-IV Specialist Officers List of candidates identified for joining
13-05-2015: Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank (KGSMB) - List of the candidates selected for summer Internship 2015-16
13-05-2015: Bank Of India - Wait List of IBPS PO/MT - III 2014-15
13-05-2015: Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank (MBGB) - Joinign date of Office Assistant (MP)
13-05-2015: Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank (MBGB) - Officer Scale-I Result -2015 & Joining date
12-05-2015: Syndicate Bank - Selected list of Probationary Officer -IV & Clerk-IV
12-05-2015: Vijay Bank - Result of Probationary specialist officer 2015
12-05-2015: Dena Bank - Provisionally Selected list for the post of Specialist Officer/ Law Officer /Officer (IT)/ Rajbasha Adhikari/ HR-Personal Officer
10-05-2015: SBI - Marks Secured by Candidates of Probationary officers in Associate Banks of SBI
09-05-2015: Narmada Jhabua Gramin Bank (NJGB) - Cut off Marks 2015-16
08-05-2015: Bank of India - List of candidates selected for the post of Clerk (IBPS CWE IV)
08-05-2015: IOB - IBPS CWE SPL III - Specialist Officers for various Specialist Officers positions - Second Allotment Details
08-05-2015: IOB - CWE PO/MT III - Recruitment of Probationary Officers in JMGS I
07-05-2015: Indian Bank - List of candidates provisionally called for interview for CSO
06-05-2015: Himachal Pradesh Gramin Bank (HPGB) - Cutoff List for Recruitment
06-05-2015: Himachal Pradesh Gramin Bank (HPGB) - Result/Interview schedule for recruitment
06-05-2015: Union Bank - Allotted candidates list for Marketing officers IBPS for CWE SPL-IV
02-05-2015: OBC - Result Of Armed Guard R/O BATHINDA
UPSC Announced Result
15-07-2015: Union Public Service Commission - IES/ ISS Exam 2015
10-07-2015: UPSC : Final Result Assistant Architect
04-07-2015: UPSC : Final Result – Civil Services Examination, 2014
03-07-2015: UPSC : Aeronautical Officer (Interview List)
03-07-2015: UPSC : Doctor (GDO) Gr.II in DJB
26-06-2015: UPSC : Asst Legal Adviser (Interview List)
20-06-2015: UPSC : Senior Administrative Officer Grade - II
20-06-2015: UPSC : Senior Administrative Officer Grade - I
17-06-2015: UPSC : General Duty Medical Officer (Interview List)
10-06-2015: UPSC : Medical Officer Gr.II (Interview List)
10-06-2015: UPSC : Principal Grade- II Advt No. 12/2014 (Interview List)
10-06-2015: UPSC - Master in Computer Science Advt No. 17/2014
10-06-2015: UPSC - Assistant Labour Commissioners (Central)/Assistant Welfare Commissioners (Central)/Assistant Labour Welfare Commissioners (Central)/Assistant Directors
06-06-2015: UPSC - SCRA Exam 2015
14-05-2015: AIR India - Candidates found suitable & Empaneled for Sr. Trainee pilot (With A-320 Ends)
10-05-2015: UPSC - Result for the posts of Deputy Government Advocate (Advt No: 15/2014)
10-05-2015: UPSC - Result for the posts of Assistant Law Officer (Advt No: 19/2014)
10-05-2015: UPSC - Shortlisted for candidates for the post of Assistant Director Grade II (Advt No: 06/2014) Vacancy number: 14040603612
SSC Announced Result
17-07-2015: SSC (Staff Selection Commission) - 10+2 Examination -2014 Descriptive Paper Result
16-07-2015: SSC ER : Senior Scientific Assistant Advt No. 03/2014 (Interview List)
07-07-2015: SSC ER : Statistical Assistant, Group ‘C’ Advt No. 01/2015 (Interview List)
04-07-2015: SSC CR : Scientific Asst Advt No. 01/2014 (Interview List)
04-07-2015: SSC CR : Stockman Advt No. 01/2014 (Interview List)
29-06-2015: SSC WR : Senior Library & Information Assistant Advt. No. 1-2014 (Interview List)
24-06-2015: SSC KKR : Research Assistant (Environment) (Interview List)
20-06-2015: SSC CR : Accounts Clerk Advt No: CR-1/2014 (Interview List)
17-06-2015L SSC WR : CGL 2014, (CPT List)
17-06-2015: SSC WR : CGL 2014, (DEST List)
17-06-2015: SSC ER : CGL 2014, (DEST List)
10-06-2015: SSC WR : Constable (GD) 2011 (Revised Result)
06-06-2015: SSC MPR : Senior Technical Asst Advt No. 02/2014 (Interview List)
03-06-2015: SSC - Result of Constable (GD) in BSF/ CISF/ and SSB Exam 2011 [Cutoff marks]
27-05-2015: SSCWR - Result of the post of Senior Radio Technician
22-05-2015: SSC - Final result of Junior Engineers Examination 2014
22-05-2015: SSC CR - Result of Senior Technical Assistant (Hyderogeology) (Advt No: CR-1/2014)
19-05-2015: SSCWR (Mumbai): CGL 2014 DECLARATION Cut off
10-05-2015: SSC NR - CGL 2013 (final) Allocation of Department for the candidates selected for the post of Preference "H" and "X" [ Cutoff Marks]
02-05-2015: SSC NR - Result of Draughtsmen Grade-1st/ Scientific Assistant/ Economics Investigator/ Senior Technical and Horticulture
Railways - RRB/RRC/Metro All Board Result
16-07-2015: RRC, Bilaspur : Various Posts carrying pay band -1 Advt No. SECR/04/2013
14-07-2015: DMRCL : Assistant Manager/HR (E03)
14-07-2015: DMRCL : Assistant Manager/Operations (E06)
14-07-2015: DMRCL : Asstt.Manager/Fire (E07)
14-07-2015: DMRCL : Asstt.Company Secretary (E08)
14-07-2015: DMRCL : Asstt. Manager/Corporate Communication (E09)
06-07-2015: RRB Jammu : Assistant Loco Pilot, Technician Gr.III Advt No. 01/2014
06-07-2015: RRB Jammu : Stenographer (Hindi & English) Advt No. 03/2014
03-07-2015: RRB Ajmer : Assistant Loco Pilot Advt No. 01/2014
02-07-2015: RRB, Secunderabad : Jr.Translator (Hindi) Advt No. 03/2014
30-06-2015: RRB Jammu : Staff Nurse, Lab Assistant (Documents Verification and Interview List)
30-06-2015: RRB, Secunderabad : Junior Stenographer (English) Advt No. 03/2014
23-06-2015: RRB, Bangalore : Sr.Section Engineer Advt No. 02/2015
20-06-2015: RRB, Bangalore : Sr.Section Engineer Advt No. 02/2015
20-06-2015: RRB Mumbai : Asst Station Master, Enquiry cum Reservation Clerk Advt No. 03/2012
20-06-2015: RRB, Secunderabad : Staff Nurse Advt No: 04/2014
20-06-2015: RRB, Secunderabad : Junior Engineers and Depot Material Superintendant Advt No. 02/2014
19-06-2015: RRC CR : Track Man, Helper, Safaiwala, Sales Man and Other Posts Advt No. 03/2013
17-06-2015: RRCCR (Mumbai) - Group "D" Merit after PET
16-06-2015: RRC ECR : Goods Guard 2013
11-06-2015: North Eastern Railway (RRB Gorakhpur) : Group ‘C’ Posts
08-06-2015: RRC ECR : Group D Grade Pay Rs.1800/- Employment Notice No. RRC/ECR/GP1800/1/2013
06-06-2015: DMRC : Asstt. Manager/Electrical (E01)
06-06-2015: DMRC : Asstt. Manager/S&T (E02)
06-06-2015: DMRC : Asstt. Manager/IT (E05)
06-06-2015: DMRC : Legal Asstt. (NE06)
01-06-2015: RRB Kolkata - Result of the post of ALP Technician of CEN No 01/2014
29-05-2015: RRB Secundarabad - Carrigendum final Result (Supplementary- 3rd) CEN No 03/2012
28-05-2015: RRB Ajmer - Aptitude Test Result of Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) (Cat -01, CEN 01/2014)
28-05-2015: RRB Triruvananthapuram - Result of Teacher GR -IV (Malayalam) (CEN No 03/2014)
27-05-2015: RRB Ranchi - Result of the post of ALP & Technicians of (CEN 01/2014)
26-05-2015: RRB Secundarabad - Final Result of (Supplementary- 3rd) of the post of Assistant station master (ASM) Cat 07 (CEN 03/2012)
26-05-2015: RRB Mahendraghat (Patna) - Result of the post of Clerk Gr -2nd, Ticket collector, Ttrains clerk & commercial clerk Cat No 04, 05, 06, 07 (Advt No: RRB/PAT/01/2005-06)
25-05-2015: RRC Secunderabad - Result of the post of Group D RRC/SCR/Group-D/1/2013
21-05-2015: RRB Secundrabad - Final Results (Supplementary-II) and (Replacement-I) for the post of Graduate Categories of CEN No: 03/2012
20-05-2015: RRC WR - Result for Document Verification (For Non-PH Candidates Only)
19-05-2015: RRB Bilaspur - Result of Chief Law Asst/ Law Asst/ Staff & Welfare Inspector/ Librarian/ Catering Inspector (CEN 03/2014)
15-05-2015: RRB Thiruvanathapuram - Written exam result of the post of Section Engineer / Junior Engineer (CEN No.02/2014)
14-05-2015: RRC Western Mumbai - Result of Group D (02/2013)
14-05-2015: RRB Bhubaneswar - Final Result of JE Group (CEN NO. 02/2014)
14-05-2015: RRB Secundarabad - Final Result of the post of Staff & walfare Inspector Cat No.05 of CEN No.03/2014
13-05-2015: RRB Bilaspur - Result Notice for Document Verification of CEN 04/2014
12-05-2015: RRB Ajmer - Result of Accounts Clerk of CEN 04/2010 CAT No. 02
12-05-2015: RRB Ajmer - Result of Junior Clerk of CEN 04/2010 CAT No. 02
12-05-2015: RRB Bilaspur - Result Notice for Document Verification of CEN 02/2014
07-05-2015: RRB Bilashpur - Final Result of ALP, Technician signal, Lineman & Elec Fitter (CEN 01/2014)
07-05-2015: RRC Chennai - Group D document verification dates (CEN 02/2013)
06-05-2015: RRB Muzaffarpur - Supplementary Result for the Post of ALP (Cat No: 01) of (CEN No. 01/2014)
06-05-2015: RRB Muzaffarpur - Result for the Post of Senior Section Engineers of CEN No: 02/2014
06-05-2015: RRB Ahmadabad - Result of Commercial Clerk (NTPC-Under Graduate category) of CEN No: 04/2010
02-05-2015: RRB Secunderabad - Final Results (Supplementary-I) of Graduate Categories against CEN No: 03/2012
01-05-2015: RRB Ahmedabad - Final result of Goods Guard (NTPC Graduate Category) of C.E.N. No. 03/2012
Public sector unite (PSU) of India Result/Shortlisted for interview
13-07-2015: PGCIL : Field Engineer(Electrical/ Civil), Field Supervisor(Electrical/ Civil)
13-07-2015: National Insurance Company Limited (NICL) : Assistants (Class III) – 2015 – State wise Interview Schedule
09-07-2015: RailTel Corporation of India Ltd : Stenographers Gr.I
09-07-2015: Coal India Ltd : Sr. Medical Specialists (E4 grade) and Medical Specialists (E3 grade) (Bhopal) (Interview List)
09-07-2015: Airports Authority of India : Junior Assistant (FS) in Eastern Region
09-07-2015: Hindustan Paper Corporation Ltd : Graduate Engineer Apprentice (Interview List)
07-07-2015: HESCOM : Asst Lineman, Station Attendant Gr.II
07-07-2015: NIRM : Scientist – I (Mining)
07-07-2015: BSNL : DGMs (Telecom Operator/ Telecom Finance)
06-07-2015: Coal India Ltd : Sr. Medical Specialists (E4 grade) and Medical Specialists (E3 grade) (Interview List)
04-07-2015: Central Railside Warehouse Company Ltd. (CRWC) : Executive-Logistics/Operations/Marketing (Interview List)
04-07-2015: Central Railside Warehouse Company Ltd. (CRWC) : Deputy General Manager (Finance &Accounts) (Interview List)
04-07-2015: IOCL : Assistant Officer (Hindi)
03-07-2015: SCCL : Management Trainee (E&M) (External)
03-07-2015: DFCCIL : Legal Consultant (Interview List)
30-06-2015: Coal India Ltd : Sr.Medical Specialists (E4 Grade) and Medical Specialists (E3 Grade) (Interview List)
30-06-2015: HAL, Koraput Division : Medical Office (Interview List)
30-06-2015: HAL, Koraput Division : Sr. Medical Office (Interview List)
29-06-2015:NMDC Ltd : Executive Trainee
25-06-2015: IRCON : Executive Trainee/Mechanical – Advt No. 05/2014 – (Interview List)
25-06-2015: IRCON : Executive Trainee/S&T – Advt No. 05/2014 – (Interview List)
25-06-2015: IRCON : Executive Trainees (Electrical) Advt. No. 05/2014 (Interview List)
25-06-2015: IRCON : Executive Trainees (Civil) Advt. No. 05/2014 (Interview List)
24-06-2015: Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Ltd : Assistant Law Officer
24-06-2015: SCCL : Assistant Foreman Trainee(Mechanical)(External)
23-06-2015: UGVCL : Electrical Assistant (V.S)
22-06-2015: MMTC : Assistant Company Secretary
22-06-2015: NALCO : Finance Discipline (EO3 Grade) (Interview List)
22-06-2015: DFCCIL : Executives Advt No. 05/2014
20-06-2015: UGVCL : Electrical Assistant (V.S)
18-06-2015: SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant : Technician-Laboratory (Trainee)
18-06-2015: SAIL, ISP, Burnpur : Operator-Cum-Technician (Trainee) Advt No. 05/2014
17-06-2015: Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) : Assistant Foreman Trainee(Electrical)(External)
12-06-2015: Scooters India Ltd : Technician (Voc) Apprentice (Interview List)
10-06-2015: Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML) : Deputy General Manager, Assistant General Manager Advt No. 01/2015 (Interview List)
10-06-2015: Dredging Corporation of India Ltd : Dy.Manager (Marketing) (Interview List)
10-06-2015: IOCL : Jr.Engineering Assistant IV
06-06-2015: ONGC - Interview Result of Kolkata (Refer Advt No.MBA/HR-R&P/02/2014)
06-06-2015: SAIL - Final Result of Technician Laboratory (Trainee) (Advt 03/2014)
04-06-2015: IRCON - Final Result of Junior Engineer/ Electrical onregular basis (Advt No: 01/2015)
02-06-2015: HAL - Short-listed candidates for interview for the post of Dy Manager (Safety) (Gr-III)
29-05-2015: AAI - Result of the post of Jr. Executive (Tech/Architecture) Advt 01/2014
29-05-2015: HAL - Shortlisted for interview for Medical officer
27-05-2015: SAIL - Result of the post of Technician Radiology (Trainee)
27-05-2015: SAIL - Result of the post of Medical officer (ME-1) of (Advt 03/2014)
25-05-2015: Aircraft Manufacturing Division, Nasik - Eligible Candidates List of Graduate Apprentices
23-05-2015: Oil India - Interview call letter of GT recruitment in Engineering & Geo-Sciences on GATE-2015 score.
22-05-2015: IRCON - Interview Result of the posts of Junior engineer/ Electrical (Advt No: 01/2015)
22-05-2015: NEYVELI LIGNITE CORPORATION LIMITED - Result of Deputy Chief Manager (Human Resource) Advt No: 09/2014)
21-05-2015: SAIL - Deputy Manager (Law) - Shortlisted candidates for written test
20-05-2015: MCL - Revised result of Dumper Operator (Tr.)
18-05-2015: IRCON - Shortlisted for interview for the post of Work Engineer/ Electrical
18-05-2015: HAL - 2nd List of Short Listed Candidates For 1 Year Apprenticeship Training of Engineering Graduates and Diploma Technicians
16-05-2015: NMDC - Interview shortlisted for General Manager (Commercial) (E8) (Advt No: 13/2014)
15-06-2015: SAIL (IISCO) - Result of Pre-employment medical examination of the post of Jr. Manager (Safety)
14-05-2015: Solar Energy Corporation of India - Result of Senior Engineer Advt No: 1/2015
13-05-2015: Indian OIL - Barauni Refinery Result of Non- Officer posts in Mechanical disciplines
12-05-2015: Steel Authority of India (SAIL) - Shortlisted candidates for the post of ACT/OCT/Senior Manager/Medical Officer
12-05-2015: NMDC Limited - Shortlisted candidates for interview for Dy Manager (Mechanical) (E2) (Advt No: 11/2013)
11-05-2015: Bank Note Paper mill India Private Limited (BNPMINDIA) - Shortlisted candidates for Interview for Officer (IT)
09-05-2015: Indian Oil - Final Result of Non-executive at NRPL
09-05-2015: Manglore Refineray & Petrochemical Limited (MRPL) - Interview Result of Engineers/ Ececutive
07-05-2015: NMDC - Shortlisted for Interview for the post of Assistant Company Secretary(E1) (Advt No: 11/2014)
06-05-2015: Railtel - Result of Office Assistant (NOFN) on contract basis) Advt No; RCIL/2014/P&A/44/24
06-05-2015: Western coalfields limited - Selected candidates for Surveyor Mining (T&S) Grade B
06-05-2015: Western coalfields limited - Selected candidates for Mining Sirdar (T&S) Grade C
06-05-2015: Airport Authority of India (AAI) - Final Result of Recruitment to the post of Senior Assistant (OL) in Eastern Region.
05-05-2015: Gail India - Result of OFFICER (LABORATORY)
03-05-2015: NMDC Limited - Result of Written test Maintenance assistant (Trainee)
02-05-2015: DFCCI - Result of Consultants
Other All India Exams Announced Result
16-07-2015: CEWACOR : Manager (Genl.)
16-07-2015: CEWACOR : Hindi Translator
16-07-2015: CGCRI : Scientist , Sr.Scientist Advt No. 01/2014 (Interview List)
16-07-2015: Sports Authority of India : Contract Coach (Interview List)
16-07-2015: Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) - Assistant Final Results out for Bangalore Zone
15-07-25015: Institute of Life Sciences : Lab Technician Advt No. 12/2015 (Interview List)
15-07-2015: AIIA, New Delhi : Yoga Instructor
15-07-2015: AIIA, New Delhi : Radiographer
15-07-2015: AIIA, New Delhi : Operation Theatre Assistant
15-07-2015: AIIA, New Delhi : Assistant Nursing Superintendant
13-07-2015: Indian Institute of Soil Science : Young Professional-I / Young Professional-II (Interview List)
08-07-2015: National Institute of Virology : Research Associate Advt No. 03/2015-16 (Interview List)
08-07-2015: Ordnance Factory Ambajhari : Durwan
08-07-2015: Ordnance Factory Ambajhari : Fireman
08-07-2015: Ordnance Factory Ambajhari : Ward Sahayak
08-07-2015: Ordnance Factory Ambajhari : BTA
08-07-2015: Ordnance Factory Ambajhari : Teacher (Primary)
08-07-2015: Ordnance Factory Ambajhari : Store Keeper
08-07-2015: ITBP : Constable (Animal Transport) 2014 -15
06-07-2015: Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) : Driver Advt No. 02/2014 (Interview List)
04-07-2015: ALIMCO : Officer (P&O)
03-07-2015: ISRO : Scientist Engineer ‘SC’ (Electrical)
01-07-2015: CDAC, Noida : Project Engineer – I (Post Code: NOIDA-PE-I-DC)
01-07-2015: CDAC, Noida : Project Engineer – I (Post Code: NOIDA-PE-I)
01-07-2015: CDAC, Noida : Project Associate (Post Code: NOIDA-PA-LA)
01-07-2015: CDAC, Noida : Project Associate (Post Code: NOIDA-PA-DC)
01-07-2015: CDAC, Noida : Project Associate (Post Code: NOIDA-PA)
29-06-2015: Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research : JRF Advt No. 01/2015
29-06-2015: Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research : Junior Research Fellows (Science Discipline) (Interview List)
29-06-2015: Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research : Junior Research Fellows (Engineering Discipline) (Interview List)
26-06-2015: Intelligence Bureau : Senior Mechanic examination
26-06-2015: THSTI : Finance & Accounts Officer Advt No.THS/RN/12/2015 (Interview List)
26-06-2015: THSTI : JRF, Research Assistant Advt No.THS/RN/01/2015 (Interview List)
25-06-2015: NIOH : Research Project “Prevalence of Disabilities among Tribes and their Rehabilitation in West Bengal” (Interview List)
22-06-2015: Institute of Life Sciences : SRF Advt No. 11/2015 (Interview List)
20-06-2015: BSF : Constable (Storeman)in BSF Air Wing 2014- 15
19-06-2015: NABARD - Officers Grade -A & B Main Exam Results (Exam was 11th & 12th April 2015)
19-06-2015: CRPF - Constable Final Results Out (Medical exam was 21st to 30th May 2015)
16-06-2015: CDAC, Noida - Interview of Project Manager-I/ Project Manager-I- DC against the Advt No. 02/April/2015
16-06-2015: CDAC, Noida : Interview of Project Engineer-III against the Advt. No. 02/April/2015
16-06-2015: CDAC, Noida : Interview of Project Engineer-III-DC against the Advt. No. 02/April/2015
16-06-2015: CDAC, Noida : Interview of Project Engineer-III against the Advt. No. 02/April/2015
13-06-2015: Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) : Stenographer Grade – II (Hindi) (Interview List)
13-06-2015: National Museum, New Delhi : Young Museum Professional (Interview List)
13-06-2015: Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy (IGNFA) : CRA
12-06-2015: Central Warehousing Corporation (CEWACOR) : Dy.General Manager (Interview List)
12-06-2015: Central Warehousing Corporation (CEWACOR) : DGM (G) (Interview List)
09-06-2015: Central Coal Fields Ltd : Junior Overman
09-06-2015: Central Coal Fields Ltd : Mining Sirdar
09-06-2015: Central Coal Fields Ltd : Deputy Surveyor (Mining)
09-06-2015: Central Coal Fields Ltd : Assistant Foreman (Electrical)
09-06-2015: Central Coal Fields Ltd : E.P Electrician (Excavation)
09-06-2015: Central Coal Fields Ltd : Electrician (Non-Excv.)
09-06-2015: Central Coal Fields Ltd : Assistant Revenue Inspector
06-06-2015: Indian Army - Merit list of Education Corpes
06-06-2015: Indian Army - Merit list of Technical Graduate Course (TGC) - 121
06-06-2015: Recruitment & Assessment Centre - Shortlisted Candidates for Interview
02-06-2015: CSIR - Result of JRF(P) & PA-III (Advt PS-05/2015)
01-06-2015: Ministry of Health & Family welfare (Govt of India) - Result of Combined ANM Entrance Exam 2015
29-05-2015: BSF - Result of written exam of the post of Assistant aircraft Mechanic (ASI) (Mechanical & Avionics Trades)
23-05-2015: BSF - Final Result of Constable (Tradesman) in BSF -2014 Ftr HQ BSF Guwahati Centre
22-05-2015: CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute - Result of Assistant(G) & Jr. Stenographer (Advt No. 01/2015)
21-05-2015: National Bank for Agriculture And Rural (NABARD) - Final Results of Assistant Manage [Bio-data cum Attestation Form]
21-05-2015: ICAR - Result of AIEEA-UG/PG/AICE-SRF (PGS)-2015 (Log-in to see result)
15-05-2015: BSF - List of selected candidates for written examination for the post of Constable (Storemen) in BSF Air Wing -2014
15-05-2015: BSF - List of Selected Male and Female Candidates for the Post of Constable (GD) in BSF and Individual report at Ftr HQ BSF Rajasthan on 03 June 2015
15-05-2015: National Judicial Academy India (NJA) - Interview shortlisted for Electrician
15-05-2015: NJA - Interview shortlisted for Assistant Maintenance Engineer/Estate officer
15-05-2015: NJA - Interview shortlisted for Maintenance Supervision cum Technical Assistant
14-05-2015: BSF - Final Result of Group C posts in Engineering (Civil) & NDRF BN's 2014-15
12-05-2015: 12-05-2015: Ordinance Factory Ambarnath - Result of Durwan, Fireman, Telephone operator, Teacher (Primary), LDC & other
10-05-2015: DRDO - INMAS Research Fellows interview Result
10-05-2015: Border Security Force (BSF) - List of Selected Male and Female Candidates for the Post of Constable (GD) in BSF -2011 -12 belong to Uttarpradesh state through SSC.
09-05-2015: BSF - Result of written examination of Assistant Commandant (Logistics) Post in BSF Air Wing -2014-15.
09-05-2015: DRDO - INMAS DRDO JRF (Dental) Interview Result
09-05-2015: DRDO - INMAS DRDO RA Interview Result
09-05-2015: Recruitment & Assessment Centre (DRDO) - Advertisement Number - 115 Interview Result
08-05-2015: Central Warehousing Corporation - Result - For the post of General Manager (F&A)
08-05-2015: Central Warehousing Corporation - Result - For the post of General Manager (G)
07-05-2015: Sport Authority of India (SAI) - Shortlisted candidates for Physiotherapist
07-05-2015: Central Institute of Mining & fuel Research (CIMFR) - Result of Hindi Officer
06-05-2015: National Judicial Academy India (NJA) - Shortlisted candidates for Interview for the post of Deputy Librarian
06-05-2015: Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) - Result of the post of Management trainee (Accounts)
02-05-2015: BVFC - List of Shortlisted Candidates for Screening (written test) for the post of Sr. Law Officer/ Law Officer
01-05-2015: Institute of Life Science - Shortlisted candidates for the position of RA
Andhra Pradesh State level Announced Result
19-06-2015: Andhra Pradesh Postal Circle : MTS
10-06-2015: Tobacco Board, Guntur - Field Assistant (Interview List)
10-06-2015: Tobacco Board, Guntur - Statistical Assistant (Interview List)
Arunachal Pradesh State level Announced Result
09-05-2015: The Gauhati High court - Result of Skill and Interview schedule for DRIVER for the subordinate courts of Arunachal Pradesh.
Assam State level Announced Result
09-07-2015: Assam PSC : Asstt. Eng (Mechanical) under Irrigation Deptt.
09-07-2015: Assam PSC : Asstt. Eng (Mechanical) under Irrigation Deptt.
09-07-2015: Assam PSC : Agricultural Development Officer
23-06-2015: NRHM Assam : Nutrition Counselors
22-05-2015: Assam PSC - Result of Assistant Professor of Urology under H&FW(B) Department
12-05-2015: Assam PSC - Result of Combined Competitive Examination 2013
06-05-2015: Assam PSC - Results-Assistant Professors in Cotton College
Bihar State level Announced Result
15-07-2015: State Health Society Bihar : DEO, LDC Typist, Engineer, Consultant, Manager and Technical Posts (Interview List)
02-06-2015: Bihar PSC - Result of Principal in Govt Polytechnics and Govt Women Polytechnics (Advt No: 02/2015)
28-05-2015: Bihar PSC - Final Result of 28th Bihar Judicial Service competitive exam (advt 01/2012)
Chhattisgarh State level Announced Results
23-05-2015: Chhattisgarh PSC - Selection list of the post of Assistant Director (Planing) Exam 2013
23-05-2015: Chhattisgarh PSC - Selection list of the post of Assistant Director (Research) Exam 2013
23-05-2015: Chhattisgarh PSC - Selection list of the post of Assistant Director (Survay) Exam 2013
23-05-2015: Chhattisgarh PSC - Selection list of the post of ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, INDUSTRIAL HEALTH & SAFETY
20-05-2015: Chhattisgarh PSC - Marks in final Selection,
20-05-2015: Chhattisgarh PSC - Marks in Written exam (Qualified)
20-05-2015: Chhattisgarh PSC - Marks in Written exam (Non - Qualified)
15-05-2015: Chhattisgarh PSC - Result of the post of Selection List Granthpal Exam 2013
12-05-2015: Chhattisgarh Postal Circle - Result of MTS examination held on 12-04-2015
Goa State level Announced Results
03-06-2015: GOA PSC - Result of the post of Assistant Lecturer in Bums Unit in Goa Medical College
22-05-2015: Goa PSC - Result of Assistant Professor of commerce Accounting
22-05-2015: Goa PSC - Candidates shortlisted to Mamlatdar Assistant Director
14-05-2015: NIT Goa - Shortlisted candidates for the faculty Interviews
10-05-2015: GOA PSC - Result for the post of Assistant Lecturer in Anesthesiology ICU in Goa Medical College
Gujarat State level Announced Result
23-06-2015: UGVCL : Electrical Assistant (V.S)
20-06-2015: UGVCL : Electrical Assistant (V.S)
06-06-2015: Gujarat PSC : Asst Public Prosecutor Advt No. 119/2013-14
06-06-2015: Gujarat PSC - Eligible for Personal interview for the post of Assistant public Prosecutor Class-2nd (Advt. No 119/2013-14)
04-06-2015: Gujarat PSC -Assistant Professor Commerce (Advt No: 130/2011-12)
21-05-2015: Gujarat PSC - Result of Assistant Inspector of Motor Vehicle, Class II, Advt No: 118/2013-14
01-05-2015: GPSC - Result of Interview for the Post of Assistant Charity Commissioner Class I Advt No: 111/2013-14
Haryana State lavel Announced Result
07-07-2015: High Court of Punjab and Haryana : Junior Scale Stenographer (Interview List)
20-05-2015: Haryana PSC - Re-revised result of HCS (Jud.Br.) Main Examination
09-06-2015: Haryana PSC - Re-revised result of HCS (Judge Branch) Main Examination - 2014 (Exam was 10-01-2015)
26-03-2015: District Court Gurgaon : Peon (Interview List)
Himachal Pradesh State level Announced Result
10-07-2015: Himachal Pradesh Postal Circle : MTS
08-07-2015: HPPSC : Naib Tehsildar Class-II (Main Exam) Advt. No 10/2013
03-07-2015: Himachal Pradesh High Court : Drivers
25-06-2015: HP High Court : Driver (Interview List)
25-06-2015: HPSSSB : TGT (Arts) (Post Code: 417)
25-06-2015: HPSSSB : Ski Inspector (Post Code: 450)
25-06-2015: HPSSSB : Computer Assistant (Post Code: 446)
19-06-2015: Himachal Pradesh PSC : SAS (OB) Part-II
18-06-2015: Himachal Pradesh High Court : District Judges / Additional District Judges by limited Competitive Exam
18-06-2015: Himachal Pradesh High Court : District Judges / Additional District Judges
15-06-2015: Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) : TSP 2014
13-06-2015: HPSSSB : Clerk (Post Code: 404)
13-04-2015: HPSSSB : Clerk (Post Code: 411)
13-06-2015: HPSSSB : J. E. Mechanical (Post Code: 402)
13-06-2015: HPSSSB : J. E. Civil (Post Code: 401)
13-06-2015: HPSSSB : Clerk (LDR)
13-06-2015: HPSSSB : Clerk (Post Code: 412)
08-06-2015: Himachal Pradesh SSSB : Clerk (Post Code: 404)
04-06-2015: HPPSC - Result for the Post of Clerk (Post Code: 412)
04-06-2015: HPPSC - Result for the Post of Clerk (LDR)
04-06-2015: HPPSC - Result for the Post of JE Civil (Post Code: 401)
04-06-2015: HPPSC - Result for the Post of JE Mechanical (Post Code: 402)
04-06-2015: HPPSC - Merit list of HP Judicial Service Exam 2015
04-06-2015: HPPSC - Interview Result of the post of Assistant Professor Hindi & History
04-05-2015: HP SSSB - Result of Clerk (Post Code: 411)
04-05-2015: HP SSSB - Result of JE Electrical (Post Code: 400)
04-05-2015: HP SSSB - Result of Lineman (Post code: 397)
04-05-2015: HP SSSB - Result ofSub Station Attendant (Post Code: 398)
04-05-2015: HP SSSB - Result of Electrician (Post Code: 396)
20-05-2015 : HPSSC - Interview result of Judicial Service Examination 2015
20-05-2015: HPSSSB - Result of SAS (OB) Entrance examination -2014
16-05-2015: HPPSC - Screening Test Result of the posts of Assistant Professor(College Cadre) Sociology & Assistant Engineer (Mechanical)
06-05-2015: HPSSSB - Final Result of the post of Ayurvedic Pharmacist (Post code: 405)
02-05-2015: HPSSSB - Result for the Post of Senior Draughtsman (Post Code: 410)
02-05-2015: HPSSSB - Result for the Post of Junior Draughtsman (Electrical) (Post Code: 399)
02-05-2015: HPSSSB - Result for the Post of Senior Assistant Accounts (Post Code: 414)
01-05-2015: HP SSSB - List of Rejected Candidates for the Post of LDR (Clerk)
28-04-2015: HP PSC - Result of Judicial Service Main Exam 2015
22-04-2015: HPSSSB - Result of Field Investigator
10-04-2015: HPPSC - Interview result of Deputy Director. Sainik Welfare
07-04-2015: NIT Hammirpur - Shortlisted for Personal Interview for the Post of Assistant Professor against Advertisement No. 02/2014
02-04-2015: HPSSSB - Result for the Post of Steno typist (Post Code: 403)
Jammu & Kashmir State level Announced Result
10-07-2015: Jammu & Kashmir SSB : Jr. Legal Assistant (Law Department) (Kashmir) Advt No. 10/2013 (Interview List)
Jharkhand State level Announced Result
16-07-2015: Jharkhand Police : Sweeper
16-07-2015: Jharkhand Police : Sweeper
16-07-2015: Jharkhand Police : Sweeper
16-07-2015: Jharkhand Police : Sweeper
13-05-2015: HEC LTD (Jharkhand) - Result of General Nursing & Midwifery Course-2015
Karnataka State level Announced Result
16-07-2015: Karnataka PSC : Receptionist cum Librarian (Interview List)
16-07-2015: Karnataka PSC : Female Staff Nurse (Interview List)
18-06-2015: Karnataka PSC : Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ Gazetted Probationers- 2014 (Prelims)
24-05-2015: Kanataka PSC - Departmental examination Written exam result of Kannada
01-05-2015: Karnatka PSC - Result of Sr.Asst.Dir of Information in the Dept. of Information
09-04-2015: Karnataka State Police Results 2015 – Constable (Civil) Final Results
Kerala State level Announced Result
09-06-2015: Kerala Medical Services Corporation (KMSCL) : Assistant Manager (Essential Drugs)
09-06-2015: Kerala Medical Services Corporation (KMSCL) : Assistant Manager (Electrical)
09-06-2015: Kerala Medical Services Corporation (KMSCL) : Assistant Manager (Equipment Procurement)
09-06-2015: Kerala Medical Services Corporation (KMSCL) : Assistant Manager (Finance)
09-06-2015: Kerala Medical Services Corporation (KMSCL) : Assistant Manager (Logistics & Supply chain Management)
06-06-2015: Kerala Medical Services Corporation (KMSCL) - Written exam Result of the post of Assistant Manager
04-06-2015: KMSCL - Interview Result of Driver AT DDWH IDUKKI (Interview was held on 07-05-2015)
24-05-2015: KMSCL - Interview result of the post of Driver on daily wage basis
21-05-2015: Kerala Medical Service Corporation Ltd (KMSCL) - Interview Result of Pharmacist Grade II
15-05-2015: Keltron - Result of Technical Assistant, Executive (Marketing) Sr. Engineer, Commercial Operator
14-05-2015: ICAR - CTCRI - Interview Shortlisted for the post of Technical Assistant
05-05-2015: Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (Kerala) - Result of Technical Assistant held on 19/04/2015
21-04-2015: High court of Kerala - Merit list District Judge Exam 2014 NCA Vacancies (Rec NO: 9/2014)
20-04-2015: KELTRON - Shortlisted Candidates for interview for Technical Assistant/Engineer/ Commercial operator/Technician
16-05-2015: Malabar Cancer Centre (MCC) - RANK LIST: Senior Residency Program
09-04-2015: Indian Post, Kerala Circle - Result of MTS (Exam dated 08.02.2015)
Mizoram state level Announced Result
03-06-2015: Mizoram PSC - Steno Grade 3rd (CB) Under DP&AR (SSW) 2015 Result
03-06-2015: Mizoram PSC - Final Result of the post of Fisheries Extension officer
22-05-2015: Mizoram PSC - Final Result of AE (Civil) Contract under DM&R 2015
15-05-2015: NIT Mizoram - Interview Result of Non - Faculty posts
06-05-2015: Mizoram PSC - Final Result of computer programmer (Contract) interview was 05-05-2015
29-04-2015: Mizoram PSC - Speed Test Result of Stenographer Grade II (Contract) Under DP&AR(SSW)
29-04-2015: Mizoram PSC - Final result of Assistant Engineer (Civil) (Contract) under Disaster management & Rehabliation Dept.
28-04-2015: Mizoram PSC - Final result of Inspector (M) LDE under home department (Police)
04-03-2015: Mizoram PSC : Computer Operator
04-03-2015: Mizoram PSC : Receptionist
Madhya Pradesh State level Announced Result
13-07-2015: Madhya Pradesh PSC : State Service Preliminary Exam 2014
23-06-2015: High Court of Madhya Pradesh : Civil Judge (Class – II) (Entry Level) Main Exams – 2014
08-06-2015: Madhya Pradesh PSC : Ayurved Medical Officer 2013
08-04-2015: Vehicle Factory Results 2015 – LDC, Durwan & Other Posts Written Test
Maharashtra State level Announced Result
08-07-2015: Maharashtra Postal Circle : LGO 2014
08-07-2015: Maharashtra Postal Circle : LGO Master 2014
08-07-2015: Maharashtra Postal Circle : LGS Master 2014
07-07-2015: PWD, Maharashtra : Junior Clerk Cum Typist (Amravati)
06-07-2015: Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC) : Driver(Jr) (Sindhudurg) (Interview List)
01-07-2015: MAHATRANSCO : 92nd Lower Accounts Exam
23-06-2015: MSRTC : Driver (Raigarh)(Interview List)
23-06-2015: MSRTC : Driver (Thane) (Interview List)
19-06-2015: MSRTC : Driver (Raigarh)(Interview List)
19-06-2015: MSRTC : Driver (Thane) (Interview List)
18-06-2015: Maharashtra PSC : Maharashtra Engineering Services (Civil) Gr.A Mian Exam 2013
15-06-2015: Dept of Fisheries, Maharsahtra : Driver (Interview List)
11-06-2015: Bombay High Court : Personal Assistant (Interview List)
06-06-2015: Tata Memorial Centre - Result of Scientist Assistant B (Pathology) Reserved for OBC)
06-06-2015: Tata Memorial Centre - Result of Scientist Assistant B (Helth Pathology) Reserved for SC)
06-06-2015: Tata Memorial Centre - Result of Scientist Assistant B (CYTO-Pathology)
03-06-2015: Department of Fisheries - Senior Clerk post: Selection & Waiting list and Time table of Document verification
03-06-2015: Department of Fisheries - Peon Post: Cut off list for interview and document verification
27-05-2015: Mahadiscom - Result of 119th Lower GAD Examination held on 08-02-2015
24-05-2015: Mahadiscom - Result of 86th Professional Examination held on 31-01-2015 to 01-02-2015
21-05-2015: Maharastra PSC - Final Result of Police sub Inspector main Examination 2014
11-05-2015: TaTa Memorial Hospital - Result of the post of Graduates diploma in Fusion Imaging Technology (PGDFIT)
10-05-2015: MAHADISCOM - Select list for the various posts under direct recruitment advertised vide (Advt No: 4/2014)
10-05-2015: MAHADISCOM - Zone Allocation for Wait-listed Candidates for post of Upkendra Sahayyak vide Advt No: 1/2014
07-05-2015: Maharashtra PSC - Announcement of Cut off Line for Preliminary Examinations
30-04-2015: Maharashtra PSC - Revised list of recommended candidates for State Service main Exam 2014
24-04-2015: MAHAGENCO - Select & wait list of the post of Executive Engineers (Advt NO: 06(Aug)2014
22-04-2015: Maharastra PSC - Merit List of Sale tax inspector (Main) exam 2013
22-04-2015: Maharashtra PSC - Merit List of Police Sub Inspector (Main) examination 2013
20-04-2015: MAHAGENCO - Selection list of chief General Manager (Security) Advt No: 05(Aug)2014
20-04-2015: Department fisheries (Govt of Maharashtra) - Selection list for Assistant fisheries Development officer (AFDO)
16-04-2015: MAHAGENCO- Result of Chief General Manager (Security) Ref. Advt No: 05(Aug)/2014
16-04-2015: Maharastra PSC - Assistant Limited Departmental Competitive Exam-2014 - Final Result
08-04-2015: Marastra PSC - Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Main Examination-2013
05-04-2015: Mahagenco - Chief Engineer Final Results (Advt 03/2014)
05-04-2015: Marastra PSC - Result of State service main exam 2014
04-04-2015: MPSC - Civil judges (Junior Division) Judicial magistrate (First Class) competitive main exam 2014.
Manipur State level Announced Result
11-06-2015: Board of Secondary Education, Manipur : Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)
Meghalaya State level Announced Result
04-05-2015: Meghalaya PSC - Interview Result of Enforcement Inspector
04-05-2015: Meghalaya PSC - Interview Result of LDC in Meghalay PSC
28-02-2015: Meghalaya PSC : Lower Division Assistant (Interview List) 2014 -15
Nagaland State level Announced Result
Odisha State level Announced Result
06-07-2015: Odisha SSC : Junior Assistant (Main) Exam
03-07-2015: Odisha PSC : Scientific Officer (Division of Biology) Advt No. 21/ 2013 – 14 (Interview List)
03-07-2015: Odisha PSC : Junior Assistant Advt No. 02/ 2014 – 15
06-06-2015: NHRM Odisha - Interview Result (Advt No/ 17-15) (Interview on 26-03-2015)
06-06-2015: NHRM Odisha - Interview Result (Advt No/ 18-15) (Interview on 26-03-2015)
23-05-2015: Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar - Shortlisted candidates for the position of RA
22-05-2015: Odisha PSC - Result of the Post of Junior Lecturer in History (Advt No. 09 of 2011-12)
15-05-2015: NHM (Odisha) - Result of Management Consultant M and E, Logistic Manager, Conusultant RMNCH Mgt, Advt No- 18-15
14-05-2015: NHM Odisha - Result of the post of Assistant Manager GKS (Advt No. 39-14)
14-05-2015: NHM Odisha - Result of the post of APN Urban Health (Advt No. 39-14)
13-05-2015: Institute of Life sciences - Shortlisted candidates for the position of RA
09-05-2015: National Health Mission (Odisha) - Shortlisted candidates for Interview and Tally Test - Accounts Officer Junior-PTC, Adv No- 39-14
06-05-2015: NHRM - Odisha - Result of the post of Programme Assistant, Advt No- 26-14 dt 12-07-2014
04-05-2015: Odisha PSC - Final Result of Post of Veterinary Asst. Surgeons(Advt No: 03 of 2013-14)
30-04-2015: Odisha PSC - Written exam result of Junior Lecturer in History (Advt No: 09 of 2011-12) Exam was 08 & 09-02-2013
25-03-2015: District Judge, Cuttack : Stenographer Gr.III (Interview List)
19-03-2015: Orissa High Court : District Judge Advt No.01/2014
19-03-2015: Orissa High Court : Judicial Indexer
14-03-2015: SSA Balasore : Part Time Teacher, Asst Cook, Peon, Watchman cum Sweeper
28-02-2015: Odisha PSC : Assistant Agriculture Officer Gr.B (Interview List)
Rajasthan State level Announced Result
14-06-2015: RPSC - PTI Preamble & Cutoff
14-06-2015: RPSC - List of Candidates PTI Grade II
14-06-2015: RPSC - List of Candidates PTI Grade III
10-06-2015: RPSC - Merit-wise lists (Reshuffled Result) of II Grade Teacher Exam 2013
10-06-2015: RPSC - Merit wise List (Reshuffled Result) of Programmer Exam 2013
25-05-2015: BSTC - Result 2015
03-04-2015: Rajasthan police - Final Result of Constable GD/Driver (Chittorgarh)
03-04-2015: Rajasthan Police - Final Result of constable GD/Driver (Hanumangarh)
02-04-2015: Rajasthan police - Final Result of Constable Operator/Police Telecommunications, Rajasthan,Jaipur
Punjab State level Announced Result
14-07-2015: Punjab PSC : District Welfare Officer (Interview List)
07-07-2015: High Court of Punjab and Haryana : Junior Scale Stenographer (Interview List)
07-05-2015: Indian Postal Circle Punjab - Final result of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant (PA/SA) 2013-14
Sikkim State level Announced Result
13-06-2015: Sikkim PSC : Gendrung
20-03-2015: Sikkim PSC : Post Graduate Teachers for HR Dept.
Tamil Nadu State level Announced Result
02-07-2015: Tamil Nadu PSC : Combined Civil Services Exam II (Group II) 2013 -14
01-07-2015: Tamil Nadu PSC : Executive Officer Gr.IV 2013 -14
18-06-2015: Tamil Nadu PSC : Junior Assistant, Typist, Steno Typist Gr III (Verification List)
15-06-2015: Tamil Nadu PSC : Statistical Inspector
15-06-2015: Tamil Nadu PSC : Executive Officer Gr.III
03-06-2015: TNPSC - Final Result of the post of Civil Judge in the Tamil Nadu State Judicial Service Exam 2013- 14
24-05-2015: TNPSC - Written exam marks of GROUP-IV Services 2013–14 & 2014–15
22-05-2015: Teacher Recruitment Board (TRB) - Provisional selection of Urdu Language and urdu medium subjects
14-05-2015: TNPSC - Disst. educational officer preliminary exam result (Exam was held on 08-06-2015)
25-04-2015: TNPSC - List of candidates eligible group-1 main written exam
22-04-2015: TRB - Senior Lecturers in DTERT/DIET 2010-11 Provisional List after Certificate varification
16-04-2015: TRB - Assistant Professor in Govt.Arts Science Colleges 2012 - Selection List of Candidates after Oral Interview
16-04-2015: TRB - Graduate Assistants for the year 2013 - 14 and 2014 - 15 - Marks and Eligibility
11-04-2015: Tamil Nadu Postal Circle - Results of Postman/Mail Guard (Exam held on 28/12/2014)
02-04-2015: TNPSC - Civil judge in tamil nadu state judicial service written exam result 2013/14.
25-03-2015: Teachers Recruitment Board Chennai : Computer Instructor 2014
Telangana State level Announced Result
06-06-2015: Dist and Sessions Court, Mahabubnagar, Telangana : Typist (Interview List)
06-06-2015: Dist and Sessions Court, Mahabubnagar, Telangana : Assistant (Interview List)
23-05-2015: Adilabad District court - List of Provisionally Selected for the post of office subordinates
08-04-2015 TRB - Final selection list of ASSISTANT PROFESSORS (No.04/2013)
Tripura State level Announced Result
20-05-2015: Tripura PSC - Result of Personal Assistant/ Grade-II under GA(P&T) Deptt/ and LDACT under TPSC Secretariat
26-04-2015: Tripura PSC - List of Eligible Candidates for Assistant Professor
14-04-2015: Tripura PSC - Result of Inspector, Motor Vehicles under Transport Department
01-04-2015: Tripura PSC -Assistant Professor, IASE/College of Teachers Education(CTE) (Interview result)
Uttarakhand State level Announced Result
02-07-2015: Uttarakhand PSC : Work Shop Superintendent and Lecturer Advt No. 02/ 2011-12
02-07-2015: Uttarakhand PSC : Assistant Director, Sr.Analyst Advt No. 02/ 2012 -13 (Interview List)
15-06-2015: Uttarakhand PSC : Lecturer 2014
20-05-2015: UKPSC - Result of Group 'B' Screening exam 2012 [Cut off Marks] [Marks of candidates]
15-05-2015: Govind Ballabh Pant University (Uttrakhand) - Roll No wise Marks Obtained by all Present Candidates in S.I. Exam-2014
30-04-2015: Uttarakhand PSC - Result/ Cut off Marks & Interview Marks of Assistant Prof (Physics) Govt Degree College
12-04-2015: UKPSC - Result & Cut off Marks and Total Marks of CJ-JD Pre Exam-2014
UTTAR PRADESH State level Announced Result
18-07-2015: High Court Allahabad : Final result of ARO-2014
18-07-2015: High Court Allahabad : Final Result for the post of Category C Clerical Cadre
18-07-2015: High Court Allahabad : Final Result for the post of Stenographer Grade III (Category C)
18-07-2015: UPSSSC : Junior Assistant Examination 2015
10-07-2015: UPSSSC : Supervisor and Accountant
02-07-2015: UPSSSC : Assistant Statistical Officer Interview Result
11-06-2015: UPPSC : Combined State/Upper Subordinate Service Examination (Main) 2014 (PCS)
06-06-2015: U.P. Public Service Commission (UPPSC) : Combined State/Upper Subordinate Service Examination 2015 (PCS)
10-06-2015: UPPCL : Technician Gr. 2 (Trainee) – Electrical Advt No. 04/ vsa/2014
08-06-2015: NIPER : Lecturer Advt No. 01/2015 (Interview List)
15-05-2015: Banaras Hindu University (BHU) - Shortlisted for Junior Engineer, Sanitary Inspector, Medical Record Keeper
07-05-2015: Banaras Hindu University - Result of Laboratory Attendant
01-05-2015: ESICMH D(M) Noida - Result of Walk-In-Interview held on 15.04.2015 for the post of Senior Resident.
25-04-2015: Banaras Hindu University - Result of various posts of trauma center & IMS BHU
20-03-2015: Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited – UPPCL : Managing Director (Interview List)
03-03-2015: High Court of Judicature at Allahabad : Personal Assistant 2014
27-02-2015: High Court of Judicature at Allahabad : U.P. Higher Judicial Service (Main Written) Exam, 2014
West Bengal State level Announced Result
10-07-2015: WBPSC : Asst Professor (Microbiology) Advt No.3(T)/ 2015 (Interview List)
10-07-2015: WBPSC : Asst Professor (History) Advt No.3(A)/ 2015 (Interview List)
10-07-2015: WBPSC : Superintending Architect Advt No.2(A)/ 2015 (Interview List)
10-07-2015: WBPSC : Architect Advt No.2(B)/ 2015 (Interview List)
04-07-2015: West Bengal PSC : Miscellaneous Services Recruitment Examination (Final), 2012 (Interview List)
29-06-2015: West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) : Office Executive
29-06-2015: West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) : Assistant Manager(Legal)
29-06-2015: West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) : Assistant Manager(PS)-(Mechanical)
29-06-2015: West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) : Assistant Manager(PS)-(Instrumentation)
29-06-2015: West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) : Assistant Manager(PS)-(Electrical)
22-06-2015: West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) : Training Operator / Technician (Electrical)
22-06-2015: West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) : Training Operator / Technician (Fitter)
11-06-2015: West Bengal PSC : Scientific Officer (Foot Print Section) Advt No. 10(4)/2014 (Interview List)
10-06-2015: West Bengal PSC - Asst Superintendent of Live Stock (Management) Advt No.10(2)/2014 (Interview List)
10-06-2015: West Bengal PSC - Veterinary Officer Advt. no. 11[3(D)]/2014 (Interview List)
08-06-2015: West Bengal PSC - Geological Asst/ Geo Hydrological Asst Advt No.12(2)/2014 (Interview List)
08-06-2015: West Bengal PSC - Kindergarden Mistress Advt No. 10(10)/2014 (Interview List)
08-06-2015: West Bengal PSC - Domestic Science Mistress Advt No. 10 (9)/2014 (Interview List)
06-06-2015: Kolkata Port Trust - Laboratory Assistant
06-06-2015: Kolkata Port Trust - Pharmacist
05-06-2015: Dist Court Dakshin Dinajpur, West Bengal - Group D
02-06-2015: Kolkata Port Trust - Result-General Duty Medical Officer
29-05-2015: Bose Institute - Candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of Research Associate
09-05-2015: WBPSC - Final Result of Judicial Service Examination 2014
24-04-2015: Bose Institute - List of the candidates selected for short term training
17-04-2015: WBPSC - Result of West Bengal Civil Service (Exe.) etc (Main) Exam. 2013 Group -C Services and Posts & Group-D
17-04-2015: Web Bengal PSC - Final result of WB Audit & Accounts Service (SR) Exam2013
08-04-2015: PSCWB - Result of WB Civil Service (Executive) etc Exam 2012 - Group D posts
Union Territory
Andaman & Nicobar Islands UT level Announced Result
04-05-2015: Andman & Nicobar - List of shortlisted candidates for interview for various posts under ANIMERS
20-04-2015: Andman & Nicobar: Merit list for interview for various post under ANIMERS
13-04-2015: Andman & Nicobar PSC - Assistant Store Keeper (reserved for OBC)
02-04-2015: Andman & Nicobar - List of shortlisted eligible candidates for the Sub-Editor(Hindi) & Sub-Editor
20-03-2015: Eligible & Non-Eligible Candidate for the Post of Gram Rozgar Sevak under MGNREGA, SA
Chandigarh UT level Announced Result
13-07-2015: High Court of Punjab and Haryana : Senior Scale Stenographer (Interview List)
07-07-2015: High Court of Punjab and Haryana : Junior Scale Stenographer (Interview List)
19-06-2015: PGIMER, Chandigarh : Pharmacist Grade II, Occupational Therapist, Clinical Psychologist and Dental Mechanic Grade II
26-05-2015: Educational department Chandigarh - Revised Result of Nursery Teacher (NTT) (Exam 31-01-2015)
07-05-2015: GMCH - Result for the post of Staff Nurse (Interview was held on 15 to 17-04-2015)
01-05-2015: High court of Chandigarh - Final Merit wise result of the tests held for the posts of Judgment Writers on the establishment of Punjab & Haryana High Court
24-04-2015: Education department Chandigarh - Result for the post of TGT
11-04-2015: The High court of Chandigarh - Final Result of of Clerk in the Subordinate Courts (Advt. No. 11C/CRA/CHD/2014)
09-04-2015: NIELIT CHANDIGARH - Data Entry Operators on contract basis
09-04-2015: NIELIT CHANDIGARH - Accountants on contract basis
07-04-2015: CDAC Chandigarh - Result for the post of Junior Basic Teachers (JBT)
07-04-2015: CDAC Chandigarh - Result for the post of Nursery Teachers (NTT)20-03-2015: PGIMER : Physiotherapist, Asstt Administration Officer, StoreKeeper and Medical Record Officer
12-03-2015: Punjab and Haryana High Court : Clerks 2014 (Interview List)
02-03-2015: NIELIT, Chandigarh : Junior/Senior faculty (Interview List) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DELHI STATE & UT level Announced Result
15-07-2015: DSSSB : Head Constable (Post Code – 43/13)
15-07-2015: Delhi Police : Constable (Executive) Male 2013 Additional List
15-07-2015: Delhi Police : Constable (Executive) Male 2013
09-07-2015: DSSSB : Assistant Teacher (Primary) (Post Code – 57/2006)
09-06-2015: Safdarjang Hospital : Physiotherapist (Interview List)
05-06-2015: DSSSB : PGT – English (Post Code – 132/12, 133/12, 167/14 & 168/14)
04-06-2015: DSSSB - Result of the post of PGT (Hindi)
04-06-2015: DSSSB - Result of the post of History
04-06-2015: DSSSB - Result of the post of Lecturer- 2nd
04-06-2015: ESIC New Delhi - Interview Result of Senior Resident (Interview was held on 28-05-2015)
04-06-2015: ESIC New Delhi - Interview Result of the post of Tutor (Interview was held on 22-05-2015)
28-05-2015: DSSSB - Result of PGT Home Science (Post code 140/12 & 188/14)
28-05-2015: DSSSB - Result of PGT Sanskrit Post code (151/12, 152/12, 177/14 & 178/14)
27-05-2015: DSSSB - Result of the post of PGT Math Post code (141/12, 142/12, 181/14 and 182/14) Exm was held on 30-11-2014
23-05-2015: Kalindi College - Screening test Result of the post of Assistant Professor in Political Science
23-05-2015: DSSSB - Result of Junior engineer (Civil) (Post code 18/80)
23-05-2015: DSSSB - Shortlisted candidates for skill test for the post of LDC
21-05-2015: DSSSB - Marks list of Motor Vehicle Inspector of TIER-II EXAM (POST CODE 21/12 & 42/13)
21-05-2015: Delhi police - Written exam result of the post of Constable(Bandsman) and Constable (Bugler) Exam 2013
20-05-2015: Kalindi college - Screened List of Candidates for the Post of Assistant Professor in Political Sci. Department
20-05-2015: Postal Circle Delhi: PA/SA Exam Results
14-05-2015: Kalindi College - Result of the post of Assistant Professor in Commerce Department
14-05-2015: ESICH, Rohini, New Delhi - Interview shortlisted for the post fo Tutor
14-05-2015: DSSSB - Result of LDC, MCD FOR THE POST CODE 23/08
13-05-2015: Kalindi College - Candidate List for Non-Teaching Recruitment-2015
10-05-2015: DSSSB - Result of TGT (Maths) Post code 55/10 & 56/10
09-05-2015: DSSSB - Admit card for Skill test/Interview of LDC
06-05-2015: Delhi police - Written exam result of Sub Inspector (Computer) in Delhi police exam 2013
01-05-2015: DSSSB - Written exam result of the post of LDC (48/12, 52/12 & 6812)
30-04-2015: Delhi police - Written exam result of the post of Inspector (Computer) in Delhi police exam 2013
22-04-2015:DSSSB - Result of Photographer of posts code 77/14 D.T 16/04/2015
22-04-2015:DSSSB - Result of Radio Technician of post code 66/07 D.T 16/04/2015
22-04-2015:DSSSB - Result of Teacher Primary MCD 70/09 D.t 16-04-2015
13-04-2015: ESICH, Okhla, New Delhi - Interview result of Senior resident
10-04-2015: DELHI POLICE - Head Constable (Store Clerk) in Delhi Police Exam 2013
07-04-2015: Delhi police - Written exam Result of Constable (Mounted) in Delhi Police Exam 2013
01-04-2015: Delhi police - Asstt. Sub-Inspector(Radio-Technician)
Dadra & Nagar Haveli Announced Result
Daman & Diu level Announced Result
27-03-2015: Administration of Daman & Diu : Junior Stenographer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lakshdweep UT level Announced ResultAnnounced Result
Pudecherry UT level Announced Result
01-06-2015" Government of Puducherry Director of school education: Selection for the post of Direct Recruitment in Maha region
27-03-2015: Directorate of School Education - Selected candidates for posts of TGT under Direct Recruitment
Note - Hi, Dear you can check your result till 30 day after published date. we published all india level competition exams result at this page.
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Above given dates are published/Announced date of result Click on above given any link and get directly result on official website result page without loss your important time. team update all jobs result as soon as update on official website.